A very personal assistant

chapter 7

She smiled as she crouched in front of him careful to balance with a certain poise that made the maneuver, which may have had the potential to look somewhat clumsy, look as delicate as her tiny form.

She ran her hands across his belly once more feeling that, even in her short time away from him, his had considerably more give to it. It still retained its obviously round shape but the complete over fullness from all of the food was beginning to settle a little. She smiled moving to undo his buttons, "You still have a lot of hard work to do this evening. See, You just needed to relax for a little while. Lets get you into something a little more appropriate for a meeting."

He didn't protest as she undid the remaining buttons on his shirt, but she did her best to ease his self consciousness by caressing his exposed belly inch by inch as more and more of his skin was made available to her touch. He groaned a little, occasionally belching if she pressed a particularly sensitive pressure point, but he didn't complain. She had to fight the temptation to sit on his lap, and fully adore it.

She slid the new shirt over his shoulders, whispering into his ear as she pressed against him briefly, "You'll need to breath in a little for me to get these buttons over this little belly. Don't worry I'm sure they will fit perfectly well tomorrow again, your tummy is just a little bloated." He was able to suck much more of it in now that his stomach muscles had been rested, and his poor belly had received a little time to begin to digest the afternoon's grand feeding. The buttons fastened with a relative ease across his girth and strained only slightly as she whispered for him to breath out once more... Well, perhaps their strain was quite noticeable. The material seemed to gape a little - particularly over the two which had popped on the previous shirt - and the material clung to the curve of his stomach but it covered it.

She ushered him to stand up, inwardly feeling a pulse of excitement at his little grunt of effort at the movement, and fussed over him once more: making sure that his shirt was fully tucked into his trousers before pulling the button closed underneath his belly. It took her a few attempts to get it buttoned, and it only closed when she had him cradle his belly - holding it up as he had before - meaning that it now sagged noticeably over his waist band. It had, what she found, quite a desirable effect drawing all the attention to his swollen belly. He kept a protective hand on his abdomen rubbing it a little almost, she thought, in an absent minded fashion. But, the fact that he was standing at all - and no longer panting so desperately - indicated that his tummy had passed from a painful over fullness to a snug satisfaction - she was certain that he would eat more.

She met his eye again, sure that she was now unable to hide the dancing glint of the excitement, which burned within her. They still had some time together in the office, she realized, but it was nearing the point which they would have to leave soon.

"There we go, that's better," she smiled as she stepped back from him giving his belly a final pat, "You're all ready for round three. I'll call for the company car, shall I?"

His head swam, feeling out of control and way over his depth, but numbly following her orders, sighing in pleasure as she somehow eased the throbbing ache in his over-stretched abdomen.

Her touch was magic, her fingers cool and soothing on his hot skin as she babied him, coaxing him, murmuring not disgust nor ridicule but encouragement...almost as if his gluttony pleased her...aroused her even.

This was impossible, this was not happening but somehow it was all ok and he found could stand vertically in relative comfort...his aches gone and somehow he was clothed.

He fought the idea that he needed to lay down in that big soft bed in the adjoining suite because he knew he would never be able to get up again until the next day and even then not without help.

He had done this before, lost all control and now he had done it again, in front of a very desirable female...but now miraculously he knew he continue the evening ... however he realized, not without her help. Somehow she made him able to cope with his condition.

"God you're good...they didn't teach you all that in economics, did they?" He felt himself over, smoothing his impossibly closed jacket over his equally impossibly buttoned shirt, seeing her eyes half-lidded, following his hands as he stroked his still rounded abdomen through the tight fabric.

Not waiting for her to answer his possibly rhetorical comment he continued. "Yes, good suggestion...order the company car around in front for us...yes, us. You're coming with me for more reasons than one. I have a feeling I'm going to need some personal assisting when we get back here tonight...there's no way I'm driving clear back across town after what I know will happen."

He watched her move to the phone, his heart surging at her pertly swaying rear end and achingly slender waist and legs. As she phoned downstairs he ducked into the suite's huge bathroom to give his hair a lick and run the shaver over his late afternoon stubble. Washing his face he gave himself a once over in the full-length mirror.

Sighing at the bulge of his front, he decided he didn't mind it...not much anyway, he wasn't grossly obese just...well...comfortably upholstered. One thing he did not care for was the increasing softness of his under chin, now getting quite full. And his breasts too were definitely larger though secretly he enjoyed feeling them, touching them...even so he wore his shirts loose enough to hide them, although they too would need to be a much larger size if he continued growing at this pace.

Still not bad overall, full head of sandy brown hair and a whitening goatee to hide his hateful chin, nice suit but definitely too tight...and on top of it all he had a incredibly gorgeous and smart as a whip lady on his arm for the evening. He gave himself a wink and moved into the office area humming tunelessly.

Seeing her standing by the elevator he saw she was ready...drop dead stunning in fact. Incredible body that he hungered for... so long it's been since he felt the touch of a woman, his belly still tingling where she touched him. He immediately stifled that thought. Ludicrous, what chance does he have, really, but what a pair they would make he thought with a regretful half smile as he held out his elbow for her to take.

An elephant and its small, lithe trainer...not a chance in hell.

"Shall we Ms. Orla?" he said taking her arm in his "I imagine our carriage doth await...even with your magic fingers at hand to soothe my probable indiscretions this evening, I hope to make it a quick one and back early enough to recover before tomorrow."
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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TCC 12 months
Love a steamy office. Glad I found this again.
Built4com4t 12 months
I’m very pleased you enjoyed it :-)
Ghirardelli 4 years
Very sexy! I really enjoyed that!
FrecherTyp 4 years
my this office scene is hot
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Whoah! This is quite erotically charged. You do a great job with all of it.
Td0057 6 years
Very nice. Great detail in the descriptions. Hope you continue.
Built4com4t 6 years
thanks for the positive vibes...that was fun.

and as far as ending the story, who says it's ended? several of my stories are in multiple postings.
WayTooThin 6 years
Very well done, but I don’t see why you ended it when you did. There are so many places you could go with this story. You have masterfully written the first act.
FrecherTyp 6 years
really a lovely story and i like the long ones ^^
Zachi 6 years
very good, please continue
Boomer 6 years
Good start and very interesting. I can't to read more, because you can go in so many directions.