Second chances

Chapter 7


Wednesday and Thursday went by in a blur. The only thing that came through the door was several liters of bottled water during the day. Apparently, Vince intended on keeping her well hydrated. So, Jenna chugged the water…every single bottle he sent in to keep her belly full and try to forget about her hunger pains.

Bottle after bottle, the water quenched her thirst, ballooning her belly as she filled herself to the brim. She burped raucously sitting for hours holding her rumbling, gassy belly…terrible hunger pains…trying to forget her discomfort. Then more bottled water would arrive to replace what she had drunk. She defiantly tore off the plastic cap, brought it to her parched lips, and emptied the water into herself. The spring water surged into her mouth, fattening her cheeks. Then it was empty, and she would repeat with another bottle. Her belly began to expand again…so full and round…bloated with water. She could hear sloshing sounds emanating from her bloated belly. She drank down another bottle and then another…drowned the damn hungry cries…her belly continued to expand…pressure inside…belly forming an overinflated beach ball. Then Jenna let out a tremendous belch…stood and rubbed her belly. She was glad she wasn’t wearing any clothing other than her bathrobe for her buttons were sure to have burst under the strain.

Then blessed sleep…forgets about food…if only for a short while…


Friday morning came and Vince opened the door, leaving it unlocked. He went in. She was sleeping fitfully, looking strained. He left her a note on the bed that he was flying to Vancouver on business and wouldn’t be returning until the following week. He told her to make the most of their time apart by hitting the treadmill. He was sure that this would push her over the edge. He was looking forward to seeing his extremely fattened piggy wife upon his return from Canada.

Jenna came awake very groggy and light headed. She saw the note, cursing him out loud. The house was empty. Vince must have already dropped the children off at school. Her demanding hunger forced her up and into the kitchen. She opened up the refrigerator, peering unsteadily inside. She was famished. She pulled out chicken, leftover mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits, plump sausages, Yorkshire pudding, creamed spinach, quiche – and then her feasting began in earnest. She ripped into the food, shoving it into her gaping mouth…so hungry…becoming wickedly bloated…more food then leftover pie…wedges of cheese disappeared…belly straining…agonizingly bloated…more…more..more…

Jenna was in food frenzy. She began to breathe heavily. Her swollen belly stuck straight out, swelling to more than twice its size. Jenna couldn’t stop until everything edible was jammed into her belly. A pitcher of lemonade she sucked down…belly blowing out further now…She stretched her belly more eating pop tarts, brownies…her skin stretching beyond its limit.

Suddenly, she was on her hands and knees in front of the refrigerator crying in pain. Her belly severely distended. Her binge at an end, brought her back to reality…the painful reality that she had blown herself up so fat that she couldn’t stand. Her sides cramped…her belly jutting outward, a colossal sphere. She was nearly sick. She crawled on her hands and knees to her room. She called Sloane, said she had taken ill and wouldn’t be able to meet him until possibly tomorrow. Then she called the babysitter and arranged for her kids to be picked up from school at 6:00. She knew she was in no condition and she knew she had a few things to do. After only the slightest exertion of picking up the phone and making her calls, she was exhausted… puffed up…drowsy. She dragged herself up the stairs, crawled into bed…cradling her sphere of bloated flesh…She would sleep for a few hours and then dress and go out and do what she should have done long ago…

14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 16 years , updated 2 years
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Lizzyny 16 years
Ok, Disco Timelord. Ask and you shall receive. smiley

The next installment "Chances Are" is being written now.
16 years
That was awesome. In fact, I love all of your work. Wonderful job as usual. I can't wait for the next installment.
Lizzyny 16 years
Glad I tickled your fancy...or perhaps it's more of a good old-fashioned belly rub?
Built4com4t 16 years
wild and wonderful...i have a feeling where this winds up will be mind blowing