Family curse

chapter 13 - lunch date

The sound of creaking wheels accompanied me wherever I went. My bosom spread in front of me on top of a wheeled platform that allowed me to move around. Without it I would be helpless, immobilized by the sheer size of my breasts. Last month at my parents was quite possibly the best month of my life. It took a heavy toll on my body however. Standing still, my boobs not only reached all the way to the ground, but they were rising up too, currently reaching the height of my chin. Obviously they were too heavy for me to lift on my own, even single one of them that is. Going through normal doors was finally thing of a past for me. The platform that allowed me to move around had a one problem though… it was only 5 feet wide and my tits, uhm, kinda exceeded that width. As a result they were squished together, rising even higher than they would normally, blocking most of my view.

Red with anger, I was stomping down the hallway towards the dean’s office, nine hundred and eighty-seven pounds of quivering flesh. I walked at a very impressive pace for someone my size and everybody scattered at the sight of me, mostly because there wasn’t enough space between me and the walls to avoid a collision and let’s face it, most people didn’t want to be flatten by someone five times their size.

Standing sideways next to the dean’s office, I pounded on the door all the while I dug through my extensive cleavage, searching for the source of my outrage. My hand emerged victorious with the piece of paper, just as the door opened, revealing a tall and slender, yet surprisingly busty figure of the secretary of dean Roberts. Miss Miller was a thing of stunning beauty, with her straight blonde hair falling past her shoulders, protruding chest and toned stomach, both of which she apparently liked to show off in a less than professional looking attire. “Hello, how can I help you?” she said, her full lips opening in a wide smile, revealing her perfect, white teeth.

“I need to speak with the dean Roberts.” I growled at the poor, innocent assistant.

“I see.” she said smiling, oblivious to my rudeness. “I’ll ask if he can attend to you.” Miss Miller scuttled out of my sight.

“Come on in, the dean will see you know.” she said when she returned.

I stared at her in disbelief. “Yeah, like that’s going to happen.”

“What? I thought you wanted to see the dean.” The blonde bimbo said utterly confused.

I rolled my eyes. “Guess you weren’t hired for your brilliant intellect…” I said bitterly pointing at my body and the narrow doorframe. I wasn’t a rude person usually, but I was irritated, hungry and late. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast and I should have meet with Brian for a lunch date half an hour ago! As if that wasn’t enough my left boob itched just outside my reach and it was driving me crazy.

I swear she stared at me for whole 5 seconds before her face glowed up in delight. “Thank you!”

I let out a frustrated sigh. “Just bring the dean here, can you? Tell him that Courtney Sullivan is waiting at the door. Please.”

“Miss Sullivan, lovely to see you again.” Dean Roberts said, not bothering to look away from my bosom. The dean was a balding man in his fifties, about a head shorter than his gorgeous but ***istant. “What seems to be the problem? I hope you don’t have any issues due to your… condition. After all we did more than we had to, to enable your staying here.” I couldn’t argue with him on that. The reconstruction at the campus during the summer ensured that every place was accessible even for someone my size.

“Dean Roberts, hello. It is actually.” I said flapping with my arm holding the letter. “I got this letter saying that-“

“Saying that every student needs to earn a credit in physical education during the study at our university in order to successfully complete it, yes, I’m aware.”

“I don’t mean to be disrespectful, sir, but…”

“…you can hardly expect me to do a cartwheel or something.” I said before taking a big bite out of my third huge 20-pound burger. Brian certainly had great taste when it came to a restaurant choice. “You know what he told me?” I asked him with my mouth full. “He told me that ‘obesity is not a disability’ and that I ‘should have rethought my life choices back when I still could fit through doors.’ Can you believe it?! What an asshole!”

“Yeah…” Brian muttered absent-mindedly, awed, watching me make way through my oversized meal.

“You know, it’s quite flattering to see you gaping at me with your jaw nearly hitting the table, but I’d really appreciate if you were actually listening to me.”

“Yeah…” He mumbled again before shaking his head. “I… What?!”

“Oh, nothing…” I lifted my mostly eaten burger. “Could you bring me another one of these?”

“So what are you going to do?” Brian asked, able to perceive reality once more.

“Desserts… How many cakes do you think they have?” I wasn’t hungry and I didn’t even feel like eating more than I already did, but I just needed something else to occupy my mind.

“I mean…”

“I know what you meant. I just…” I sighed. “I honestly have no idea. This just fucks up everything!”

“Maybe you could take swimming.” Brian offered.

“I thought about it. After all I did float without even trying to, last time I was in a pool, but when I looked at it, they require some crazy fast times. And can you imagine me getting out of the pool? No thanks.”

“Ok, no swimming.” Brian was scratching his head, thinking. “There must be something you could take!” I just shrugged.

We talked and ate… and ate and ate. We - meaning mostly me when it came to eating. I won't deny I was delighted when Brian asked me out. Whole summer I worried he would change his mind and that he wouldn’t want to socialize with me anymore. That he would be embarrassed to be seen with me in public.

Generally speaking I had a great time with him and it seemed he was enjoyingthe date as well. To be honest I didn’t even notice when the lunch became dinner. Not until my midsection started to push into my breasts so much, that I was afraid to eat more, in order to be still able to leave on my own.

The door of the elevator opened revealing slightly out of breath Brian, who ran up the stairs. For some reason he refused to share the elevator with me, despite it being fully renovated. He walked me to my reworked dorm room. During the summer they tore down the wall splitting my room and the one next to it, significantly enlarging my living space. It still felt pretty crowded even with just the two of us in it. I hooked my boobs to an elaborate series of pulleys that allowed me to manipulate with them without much effort, setting them down from the platform and pushing it aside, so I could get into my studded bed. The frame of the bed cried out when sat down on it.

“Can I bring you something? Help you with anything?” Brian asked me.

“Uhm… do you think you could help me take off my shirt?”

“What?!” Blood was rushing to his cheeks. “I- Are you sure?”

“Yeah… You’d be surprised how much trouble it gives me at my size…”

Brian was pulling at the fabric of my top, nervously maneuvering afraid to touch me as if I was a delicate flower that could shatter underneath his touch. He stepped with one foot on my vacated platform to pull the top over my head, but just as he pulled it off, the platform slipped under him sending him plummeting face first onto my now bared bosom. I cried out in surprise and then moaned in pleasure and relief when squirming Brian accidentally massaged my itchy flesh that was bothering me whole day. “Well someone’s taking it quickly.” I chuckled. “Bold move, mister!”

“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” He cried out still face down, his voice muffled by my tits. It was quite funny watching him trying to get up without using his hands, afraid to touch my exposed skin.

“Brian, you’re basically motorboating me, I think there’ll be no harm if you move to second base…”

At last he rose back to his feet, his face redder than tomato and trying unsuccessfully to hide his erection. “I’m so sorry!” He apologized again, but I wasn’t mad at him in the least.

“Come here, silly.” I said patting the little space on my bed that wasn’t occupied by my body. Reluctantly he did as I said. Reluctantly, because he still felt embarrassed to touch me and there was no way to sit so close next to me without touching my breasts. “I think we skipped one base.” I said grinning, pulling his face to mine, kissing his lips. A kiss he gladly returned.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 3 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
Wonder how big she'll get when the curse hits
Bruinsean 6 years
This was a great story.
Viewerr 6 years
Well done! Tbh I don't usually go for obesity this extreme, but the way you write it, I can see the appeal. I really enjoyed reading this smiley