Meeting mary

chapter 11

There are at least over 300 people that showed up at Mary's house. They stood in a line that was going up her driveway up to her front door outside her house. Tons of people whipped out their phones and was ready to snap photos of the fat Mary. "Boy, I can't wait to see her stuff her face. Aren't you?" The woman beside the anxious man says, "Uh! I wouldn't be taking Friday off from work just to stand in this line waiting for hours. No, we're gonna see this woman." Ryan and Mack helped the fat Mary in the bed. She wasn't prepared for how many people are outside waiting to see her. SHE. LOOKS. MASSIVE. She looked way bigger than she apparently appeared in Chapter 10. She looked like she was unable to move. In her eyes, you can see she didn't look all this happy. It's almost as if she's regretted taking her food addiction to this limit. She didn't mind being fat before she met Ryan, but Mary never had any intentions on becoming this huge woman she officially looks like in the image I used from deviantArt to represent how beautifully large Mary has become. "Boy, I can't wait to eat. I'm literally so hungry I can eat a chicken whole!" Ryan was rubbing his fat piggy while Mack was pushing in a huge tray with a blanket covering the table. "Hey? What's under there? It better be food." "Don't worry my fat piggy. You'll be taken care of. Like I said. My piggy will never be left unfed." "Are you ready?" "Yeah. You can open the door." "Open the door?" Mack opens the front door, and the line of people walk inside the home. Mary sees this line of people entering the bedroom. They stop dead in their tracks. "My, oh my? Is she fat?" The line of people start taking pictures of the fat Mary. Mary is so confused. "Ryan? Who are these people? Why are they taking pictures of me?" "Mary, they're here to watch you." "Watch me? Watch me do what?" Ryan carefully removes the cover off the table and reveals endless amount of food. Mary's mouth drops. Her eyes widen. She's taken aback by so much food she's never seen this much food. "Oh, my. Ryan, this looks amazing! But-- I don't understand-- why are they watching me..?" Suddenly, Mary puts two and two together and realizes these people are here to watch her stuff her face. It wasn't a contest. It's to humiliate her and watch her get fatter. Ryan rubs her head. "I'm sorry, fatty. But, in order for us to make all the money, and without me working, I would be getting paid vast sums of money just by... well, you know.." "getting paid by watching me stuff my face?" Ryan devilishly shakes his head yes. "Plus, I want my fat piggy get bigger." "But, Ryan, if you haven't noticed, I'm already fat! Aren't I too fat?" He pulls the tray closer to her. "I guess you don't love me." She sees he's upset and she doesn't want to disappoint her man. She tries to fight back tears and says, "I'll do this for you! Because I love you!" Mary starts off by eating the large double filling chocolate cake and shoves large slices in her mouth. The group of people watch her continuously gorge out. "Don't forget to make pig noises and eat like a pig!" Mary looks at him and she complies by making pig noises and eating sloppy like a pig. The group of people record her. "Oh my God. She truly is The Big Fat Pig! Look at her ***! She can put away the food!" "Hey, Porky Pig? Ya gonna eat yourself to your coffin?" "It'll have to be a bigass coffin for her fat ass! She would fit 5 big coffins." The group of people laugh at her while this doesn't slow her down one bit. She fights back tears but eats to replace her feelings. She devoures the large double filling chocolate cake and moves on to a large plate of egg rolls. She eats four at a time. She's messy, sloppy, and snorts and pinks like a big fat pig she is. The group of people are taken aback. "Come on fattie! Stuff your ***ing face!" A woman among the crowd looks disgusted. "Ugh! This woman is truly the definition of a pig. I'm surprised she isn't dead by now." Another woman says, "It won't be too long till she has a heart attack if she keeps going at this route." "Be careful you fat piggy!" The women start laughing at her. A man steps out and says something. "Hey! Show this woman some respect. It's not this easy being this fat and looking ugly as fuck. You ***!" Tears begin rolling down the big fat Mary's face but this doesn't stop her, she demolishes the plate of egg rolls and moves on to hot dogs. There's at least 20 hot dogs. She grabs 2 hot dogs and shoves them in her mouth. The man notices the tears on her face. "Ow! Is The Big Fat Pig gonna cry? I think she's gonna cry." Another person steps out from among the crowd and says, "It would be funny as hell if she cries pancakes or donuts!" They laugh at her as she powers through the plate of hot dogs. She moves on to a plate of Big Macs. She doesn't slow down either. She shoves a whole Big Mac in her mouth and shoves the second Big Mac in her mouth. "Hey fattie! Want some fries with your fat ass?!" She looks at the men who are teasing her. "Oh! Look at The Big Fat Pig! She's looking at me!" "She must be wanting some human flesh." "Well, she ain't eating my ass. Her fat ass has so much fat she'll be screwed if there's an Zombie apocalypse." They laugh at her as she moves on to a plate of donuts and twinkies. She shoves as many donuts in her mouth. She starts crying as she can't keep fighting back the tears anymore. Ryan stands back watching his big fat piggy get even bigger. "Ow! We hurt her feelings. Did we hurt your feelings?" All of a sudden, we hear a large crack. Mary stops eating long enough hearing the cracking noise coming from the bedframe that starts cracking. She shoves the last bit of donut into her mouth and then the bedframe collapses. This is the last thing Mary wanted to happen. She looks embarrassed. The group of people look around then back at her. "Oh, shit! She's so fat she just broke the damn bed!" They busted out laughing. The fat Mary cries and yells, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" They don't leave. They just stand there laughing at Mary. Mary looks at Ryan with a look of betrayal on her face. "Ryan! Get these people out of my ho--" Ryan takes the mechanical arms and begins shoving twinkies in her mouth. Mary tries to spit out the twinkies but it's impossible for her to do because Ryan keeps her mouth busy by shoving food in her mouth. "Ryan--! Stop--!" "Keep your damn fat mouth shut!" Mary tries to get up from the bed but can't due to how massive she is. She's officially a prisoner. She literally can't get up. Bed-ridden. She's screwed.

13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Chrysophase2003 6 years
Well done with chapter 12. Mary is emotionally manipulated into giving in to her gluttonous urges, feeling loved now. I expected the use of force, drugs, and feeding pumps, but this is more insidious.
Chrysophase2003 6 years
I like the latest chapter, in which Mary is flat-out forces to eat. She's been manipulated all along, but now it's obvious. Hope to see more.