Meeting mary

chapter 12

Mary wasn't enjoying being bed-ridden. She hasn't been able to get up and take care of herself. All she does now is eat, eat, eat, eat and you guessed it... eat.
Ryan makes sure his fat piggy is being taken care of and most importantly, very well fed. Even to the point of forcing her to eat. "Ryan-- I'm not hungry. Please!"
Ryan taunts the fat piglet by holding a plate of cheeseburgers in front of her. With a devilish smile on his face, "Oh, stop it you pig. You must eat."
Mary glancing at the plate of cheeseburgers then back to Ryan. You can look in her eyes and see sadness. What's now her lifestyle that has rapidly creeped up on her is now a lifestyle Mary regrets one-hundred and ten perfect.
"You must eat to grow bigger." Mary looks at Ryan with a look that says are you serious? "You... are joking, right?" "Well, if you must know, you have to eat in order to grow for me."
"Ryan. If you're not aware already, I'M FUCKING HUGE! LOOK AT ME! I CAN'T GET UP! I AM IMMOBILE!" Ryan just looks at the fat Mary. "Well. In a way, this is your fault." Mary glances at Ryan as if she was offended. "Excuse me? My fault?"
"Yes! You said so yourself fat ass! You told me at McDonalds that day you wanted to get immobile! And, now your fat wide ass is acting like she's forgetting." "If I would've known... you know what?" Mary tries to get up out of the bed. She tries to swing her legs off the bed, but is struggling. She struggles getting up. "Oooh! As... soon... as..." Mary goes for the handle bar and puts all her weight into it. She struggles standing up.
Ryan just stands there watching the Big Fat Pig trying to get up out of the bed, but can't. "Ugh! I didn't want to be this damn fat!" Sweat breaks out onto her forehead. Mary wipes the sweat away from her forehead and tries to roll off the bed. Ryan quickly runs off to her and stops her from rolling off. "What are you doing?" "So, what's the plan Mary? You gonna leave me and go back to your healthy ex-boyfriend? Is that what you're gonna do?" "At least he didn't turn me into a fucking Wild West show and make me a laughing stock and slam me for being massive!" Ryan grabs the plate of cheeseburgers intently. He sits at the edge of the bed and brings a cheeseburger to Mary's lips.
"Come on. Eat." She doesn't give in. She stares hard into his eyes.
Shooting daggers. Ryan keeps the cheeseburger to her lips.
"You know you won't last long. You know how good these cheeseburgers smell and most of all, how good they taste. Don't you just want to eat?" The wiff of the cheeseburger tempts Mary. Her fat nose sniffs the burger. Her eyes stare at the delicious looking cheeseburger.
The urge of diving into this plate of yummy deliciously looking cheeseburgers is strong for Mary. All she wants to do right now is do nothing but eat, but she's caught on to what Ryan's done to her, so she doesn't cave in. "Come on, my fat piglet. Eat!" Ryan keeps the cheeseburger placed at her lips. The second she opens her mouth, is going to be the opportunity Ryan will take to shove this cheeseburger down her damn throat. His objective at this point is keeping Mary fat. So, with that, that is what he's going to do. "Please. Eat. I'm begging you too." Mary just stares into Ryan's eyes. "I thought you loved me, Mary?" Her look slightly changes. "Of course I do, Ryan. You know I love you will all my heart. But, you have took the one thing I loved which is food and make me this huge fat woman." "Yes. What I've done is wrong. I realize the horrible actions that I've committed and I am sorry. I really am. Mary, I love you so much. You are the prettiest woman I've ever laid my eyes on. When I first met you, I had so many thoughts racing across my mind. One of them being how badly I wanted to do nothing but make love to you and feed you constantly. Now, I see the errors of what I have done and for that, I'm truly sorry. But, Mary. I don't want you to leave me. I don't want to leave you." He sits the cheeseburger back into the plate of cheeseburgers. Ryan looks down, ashamed. Mary sees this.
"I'm sorry. I... I just can't look at you."
"Because.&q uot;
"Because why?" Mary said.
"Because of the pain and misery I've caused you."
Mary sees the true regret and pain Ryan's sorry for causing upon her. Mary tries to fight back tears. She was not expecting to see this side of Ryan.
"Ryan? Can you look at me? Please?"
Ryan looks up at her.
Tears streaming down his face.
"I'm so sorry, Mary."
"Ryan. Come here a second."
Mary places her fat hands on his face.
Comforting him.
"You don't have to apologize."
"No. But, I do."
"But you don't."
"No. I do. Y'see, you don't understand."
"Understand what?"
"My fetish. You remember when I said to you that I was into big girls?"
Mary shakes her head, yes.
"Well, I have a fetish. A feederism fetish. When you mentioned about looking for a feeder, I took advantage of that and I had only one thing on my mind and that one thing was feeding you non-stop. I wanted to see how much prettier you would love if you were even bigger. Y'know?"
"I totally understand. You have nothing to be sorry about."
Mary and Ryan kiss. She grabs the plate of cheeseburgers and digs into the cheeseburgers.
As Mary eats, she glances at Ryan and starts oinking and eating like the big fat pig she truly is.
She eats sloppily, messy, with resdue of the gooey cheese that drips off the cheeseburger.
12 cheeseburgers later, she licks the plate clean. Ryan can't help but smile from ear to ear. Ryan gets up off the bed. "I'll be right back."
He leaves the bedroom and a second later reenters and Mary's eyes are as big as saucers.
Ryan enters the bedroom, carrying multiple bags of junk food.
"Who's ready to eat?

13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Chrysophase2003 6 years
Well done with chapter 12. Mary is emotionally manipulated into giving in to her gluttonous urges, feeling loved now. I expected the use of force, drugs, and feeding pumps, but this is more insidious.
Chrysophase2003 6 years
I like the latest chapter, in which Mary is flat-out forces to eat. She's been manipulated all along, but now it's obvious. Hope to see more.