Meeting mary

chapter 13

Months later, Mary has become a humongous woman. Ten times bigger than she size she is. Ryan has stuffed and stuffed this fat woman's mouth till she's given in. Ryan stands on one side of the bed, shoving fatty foods down her throat, with her mouth wide open, her eyes closed. Moaning to how much she's loving the food.

"Mmpfh! It's... so... good..." Ryan takes a plate that's full of donuts and shoves the entire plate of donuts in her mouth. He puts the plate down and closes her mouth shut, forcing her to chew it. "Come on, piggy. Eat it up!" While with a mouth full, Mary replies, "I'm... trying..."

It takes her not too long to chew up her food. I mean, after all, Mary's become The Big Fat Pig. She's been insulted, humiliated and forced fed she's gotten use to this lifestyle. She spends 24/7 eating, eating and eating.

"I... can't... eat... anymore... or else... I'll... explode!" Mary tries to sit up, but breaks a sweat. Ryan helps her by placing a second pillow behind her head. "Boy, look at your you fat bitch. You keep getting fat till you can't even sit up straight. It's so funny." Mary shoots an agitated look at Ryan.

"Yep. I'm a fattie. Nothing I haven't heard before." "Well, it's also something you'll never hear the end of." Ryan said. It's almost as if he doesn't love her. After all he's made Mary become a poor sad victim of obesity. Mary was fat before she met Ryan but she never imagined seeing her love for food get to this point in her life. She knows she'll die in this bed due to her fatness.

"Hey. Guess what?" This makes Mary's fat head jiggle as she raises her head. Her eyes widen. "What?" Ryan sits on the side of the bed. Leaning in. "You know what's coming up, right?" She says nothing. Ryan waits for Mary to answer but she says nothing. "Do you really not know?" "I give up. Tell me." Sounded a bit excited in her voice. "I can sense how excited you are by your voice. You ready?" She shakes her fat head. He loves seeing her fat chubby cheeks jiggle.

"I love it when you shake your fat head. Alright, I'll tell you. It's our 8 month anniversary." She turns her head in one direction. 8 month anniversary she thought to herself. "8 month anniversary? I didn't realize it was already 8 months since we've been together." "What can I say? Time goes by so quick." "Where are we going?"

He smiles. "That will be a surprise but all I can tell you is you're going to be taken care of." Hinting something. Which leads to the next question that lingers in Mary's head.

"But, Ryan? How will we be able to do anything if I'm... well, I'll let you fill in the blanks." "It's already taken care of. I'll have my friends come by and help me load you in the car." That last comment made Mary feel ashamed. Just another painful reminder of how fat she's gotten.

"Load me in the car? Boy don't sugarcoat it for me." "Ah, come on, piggy. You can be so greedy you know that? You fat piggy." He squeezes her fat cheek so hard she yells, "OW!" He laughs it off and finishes it off with hitting her in the fat belly. Causing her to wince. Ryan laughs. She looks up at the man she knows doesn't love her anymore. What was the point of being with him if this is all he's gonna do now.

Two weeks later. Ryan and Mary's 8 month anniversary was rapidly approaching. Ryan helped Mary put on a big pair of jean shorts, a red tank top. Highlighting her fat chubby legs that have been swollen of fat. Her three rolls of fat hanging out of her shirt. She felt winded by getting dressed.

When she finished getting ready, Ryan was feeding her snacks. Mary refused. "I'm not hungry Ryan. I don't want to spoil my dinner." "That didn't stop you before." Poking her hard in her fat belly. Mary smacks his hand away. "Stop doing that. I'm starting to get tired-- oomph!" Ryan shoves twinkie after twinkie in her mouth.

"Thank God. I never thought you would shut up." Ryan continues shoving Twinkie after twinkie in her
mouth. He empties the box of twinkies out. He shows her the empty box. "Looks like you emptied it out huh you fattie." He whips out a large pack of double stuffed Oreos and takes four at a time and forces Mary to eat them. She does nothing but comply.

Ryan's phone rings. He answers. "Hello? Hey, man. Okay, good. I'll get the doors open." He hangs up. "That was my friend Tim. Him and his buddies are here to help me. He opens the doors and they enter. They are taken aback by her sight. Mary sees this and gets embarrassed. "Boy she's big ain't she?" One of Tim's friends says under his breath. "Okay, boys. Let's load the back of the truck and load her in there."

They all manage to get Mary out of the bed and onto a large wagon. They start pushing the Big Fat Pig outside to the large Uhaul type truck. They push her inside the dark interior of the truck and once they do, they switch on the light and shut the door. Ryan is with her. "Is this safe Ryan? I don't have a seatbelt on." Ryan gently reassured her. "It's okay. I'm right here with you." Being that Ryan she fell in love with from the start. He gave her a kiss.

"I love you Mary." Looking her deep in the eyes with love. "I love you too, Ryan." Hours pass and the truck comes to a stop. Mary is sound asleep. She's awaken to the truck doors open and a group of men that aren't Tim's friends wearing nothing but white helping Mary out of the truck. "Hello, Mary. How are you doing today?" Yawning, Mary replies, "I'm okay. Why am I so tired?" Following that with a yawn. She strangely falls back asleep...

When she wakes up again. She's sitting on a mattress inside a strange room. She comes to and looks around. "Ryan? Baby where are you?" "Ryan won't be joining us today." A strange, creepy voice says across the room. We can't make out the face of this man but he's in the room somewhere. Mary tries to look around, she sadly makes an attempt to get up but she is strapped down. Her fat chubby legs are strapped to the bed. She goes to raise her fat arms but they're strapped down. She makes a second attempt to break the straps.

"You'll give out before you're able to break through those straps. I wouldn't waste your energy if I were you. You have a big day ahead of you." "Who are you? What's going on here?! Where's Ryan?!" Then, we see a odd looking man step out of the darkness saying, "You have nothing to worry darling. You are in good hands." The odd man sees Mary's bottom lip tremble, a tear running down her face. Scared. "I know you are scared out of your wits right now. But rest assured, you are in a safe place." "Where am I? Today's my 8 month anniversary."

"You are at Fatworld. Have you heard of us?" She shakes her fat head no. "Really? You haven't? That's surprising. Ryan, your boyfriend, contacted us. Told us how much he's taken care of you." As in a code word for fattening you up. She knew instantly what that meant. "He told us you would make a great candidate for this program. So, we took you on as our next project." She sadly says, "Which is?" Having an idea of what he's going to say next.

He pulls down a projection screen and rolls the projecter. A man appears on the screen. "Hello, Mary. Welcome to Fatworld. You are right at home. Let me tell you. Fatworld is going to change your life. As it did me. Then we see a fuller image of the heavyset man on the projection screen. He's huge! Bigger than Mary. He fills out the entire bed he's laying in. His fat hanging off the edges of the bed.

She looks disgusted as she puts two and two together. "Ryan has signed all your rights to the man standing in the room with you. Which means you will have no choice and must obey at every command. Our mission to make you nice and fat. And Ryan has accomplished that by making you the Big Fat Pig. So, we'll be taking it from here. You are going to be so damn big."

Then once the man on the projection screen disappears. The odd man pulls out his whistle from his pocket and whistles. A group of orderlies run inside the room towards Mary's bed. They remove tubes, packs of fattening cream and multiple bottles of fatty liquids. They pry open her mouth. She refuses so they began hurting her by twisting her nipples to get her to yell OW. They shove two big tubes down her mouth hard for her to start choking. They're not easy with her at all.

They start hurting her, being aggressive, and laughing at her. "Come on you fat porky! Be nice!" She gives them a hard time that's when they punch her hard in the stomach. Making her yell in pain. They pour the fattening cream through both large tubes. Mary's eyes watch the fattening cream slowly going down the tubes and entering her mouth. She tries to spit out the tubes but they pry her mouth open, unable for her to shut her mouth. She doesn't stop either. She puts up a fight until her belly slowly expands way over her knees. Her fat chubby legs grow bigger.

The sounds of clothes slowly ripping. Her jean shorts are beginning to rip on the sides. Her red tank top begins to rip, exposing some of her rolls of fat on the back. She starts screaming at the Fear that's about to happen. The chance of becoming so fat you would never thought it could happen is setting in. She starts crying as they begin poking her, groping her fatty breasts, playing with her fat. "She's such a big fat whale." Pinching her fatty cheeks hard. She continues crying as they play with her arm fat jiggling and expanding. Playing this little piggy with her fat chubby toes. She can't fight them no longer since she's growing in front of their eyes.

"She's getting bigger! It's working!" Her jean shorts are ripping. It's like Bruce Banner becomes The Incredible Hulk. Except she's not getting green and muscular. Her cries are loud as she loses her body to these strange people. Ryan stands in the doorway watching The Big Fat Pig grow massive. Becoming a huge blob of fat. I'm happy to say she looks exactly like the pic you see before you click on this story

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Chrysophase2003 6 years
Well done with chapter 12. Mary is emotionally manipulated into giving in to her gluttonous urges, feeling loved now. I expected the use of force, drugs, and feeding pumps, but this is more insidious.
Chrysophase2003 6 years
I like the latest chapter, in which Mary is flat-out forces to eat. She's been manipulated all along, but now it's obvious. Hope to see more.