Meeting mary

chapter 7

The next morning, Mary starts waking up. She yawns and discovers the tube in her mouth. "Huh? What is..." the tube falls out of her mouth as she gasps at how massive she's gotten. You remember that picture you saw before you clicked on the title? Well, that's basically Mary at this point in the story. She's alerted by three men who are in the process of installing what looks to be mechanical arms in the ceiling. Mary looks around for Ryan. "Ryan?!" Ryan walks into the room, rushes over to his big beautiful fat pig. "Oh, goodie! You woke up! How are you feeling, my fat piggy? You hungry?" "Ryan? I'm so massive! The tube was in my mouth and I don't remember putting that tube in my mouth before I fell asleep." Ryan gently rubs her hair.

"Well, that I did." "Why? I'm... massive!" "You don't like?" Mary isn't sure what to do now. She sees Mack and the three guys at work. "Why are they here? What are they doing?" "Oh. Well, as bad as I want to stay home from work and watch you get fatter and fatter, I have to go back to work to make us more money to keep you nice and plump. So, I had Mack and his crew install mechanical arms." "Mechanical arms?" "Yeah. What this does is simply when I'm not here, it'll feed you non-stop. I'll have food displayed for you and it'll do the work for you." "So... it's going to be feeding me? Why not use the tube?" Mary looks over to see the machine is unplugged. "What's wrong with the tube?" "I'm sorry to say the machine is no longer working. The damn thing tripped so I had to unplug it and that's when I had another great idea." He jumps up out of the bed and leaves the bedroom.

Mary sits there, she sees the men except Mack stare at her. They've never seen a woman this massive before. She's rapidly approaching over 600lbs. She smiles and waves at them, tries to make conversation. "Hiya boys! How's it going?" Ryan reenters the room, carrying something. "Are you ready, piggy?" "Ready? For what?" "Shopping. You gotta shop for new clothes. The clothes you have are too small. Plus, while it's going to take all day for them to install the arms, we can spend a romantic day together." Mary looks at Ryan as if he's lost his mind. "Um... I hope you are kidding, right? Look at me." "Don't worry about that. Boys!" The men stop with what they're doing, and they pull down two handles, for Mary to pull up on. "All you gotta do now is pull up on these two handles and I got you. I promise."
Mary isn't quite sure how this'll work. "Uh. Okay. We can try." Mary pulls up on the handles and the men help her up to her feet. She's on her feet. "Thanks guys." "No problem." Mack replies with a wink. They go back to work. "Are you ready for a day of shopping?" "You know it! Will there be food?" Ryan laughs and pokes The Big Fat Pig's stomach. She replies, "That tickles." "Of course there's gonna be food. I already told ya. I'm gonna keep you nice and fed." Ryan helps Mary with her shoes. It takes her 10 minutes to get herself together. Once she does that, Ryan helps Mary waddle to the car. A few minutes passes by and Ryan has Mary situated in the minivan he just bought. "Comfortable?" "Oh, yes! I hate you bought a new car because of me." Ryan gets in the car. "Don't be silly. I want to make sure my big fat piggy can go with me anywhere I go." "Big fat piggy? That's a bit harsh." Ryan laughs and assured her, "I'm not trying to be harsh. I'm just teasing you. But you're the most beautiful big fat piggy in the whole wide world!" They kiss and leave. They stop at Wal-Mart and Ryan helps Mary out of the car. As they walk up to the Wal-Mart entrance, she has to stop in between to catch her breath. "Ugh! This... is... a lot... of... walking!" Ryan holds onto her tight. "I promise you I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere." They enter Wal-Mart. The cool breeze smacking Mary right in the face. "That feels so good." Ryan helps her to a motorized cart. "So this way you don't burn too many calories. I want you to stay fat." He helps push her as they walk into a smack dab of thousands of customers. Mary is taken aback by the sight of customers. "Oh, god! There's a lot of people here. Are you sure this is smart?" "Oh, yeah. Baby, don't worry. Nothing is going to happen to you." They walk past the customers. The customers stop with what they're doing and stare at Mary. Some are taken aback. Majority of them whip out their phones and start taking photos and videos. Mary sees this and is fully aware this will happen due to how she looks. She enjoys the sightseers. "They've never seen a woman like me. I don't mind the looks!" They get into the women's clothing area and look at big dresses. Mary finds a few clothing items that are XXL. As they're about to leave, a kid about 10 years old walks up to them. "Wow! You are really fat! How did you get like this?" Mary smiles as she says, "I am a food lover! Plain and simple! You're just adorable." As they leave, Mary is situated into the minivan and they hit a McDonalds. "Wasn't that boy adorable?" Ryan replies, "Yeah he was. Why?" "It makes me want to have a kid someday." "You want to have a child? You never told me that?" "I didn't know what you'd think if I said that." "Do you want to try?" Mary thinks and says, "Not at the moment. Maybe when I'll lose some of this weight then we can try." This makes Ryan frustrated. Hearing Mary wanting to lose some weight to have a kid infuriates him. Which makes him think this won't happen for a long time.
He orders 20 Big Macs, 20 double quarter pounders, large orders of fries and 6 McFlurries. On the way home, Mary shoves back 6 McFlurries, 14 Big Macs and 2 large orders of fries. She lays back rubbing her fat tummy.
"My fat piggy can't be full now?" "Yes she is!" "Well, when we get home that's all going to change."
When they get home, Ryan helps Mary out of the car and into the house. He helps her get comfortable in bed. He sees the mechanical arms are installed. "Perfect!" He takes a remote for the mechanical arms. Mary yawns. "Had a big day, didn't you babe?" "Mmhmm." "Did you have fun?" "You know it!" Ryan removes the food out of the McDonalds bag in the kitchen. He places the reminding 6 Big Macs and the 20 double quarter pounders and a box of doughnuts on the tray. He brings it to the bedroom. "You ready?" "Ready for what?" Ryan puts the mechanical arms to use and grabs 2 Big Macs and shoves them in Mary's mouth. "Chew it up my fat piggy. I told you, I'm gonna keep you nice and plump." She chews, then two more Big Macs are shoved in her mouth by the mechanical arms. "Hell, I love this baby."
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Chrysophase2003 6 years
Well done with chapter 12. Mary is emotionally manipulated into giving in to her gluttonous urges, feeling loved now. I expected the use of force, drugs, and feeding pumps, but this is more insidious.
Chrysophase2003 6 years
I like the latest chapter, in which Mary is flat-out forces to eat. She's been manipulated all along, but now it's obvious. Hope to see more.