Meeting mary

chapter 10

"I've never felt so hungry in my life!" Mack would begin shoving different items of food in Mary's fat mouth. She looks like the image you see before you click on the story. She's so fat, sloppy, but beautiful at the same time. Mack loved staring at her rolls of fat. He would even begin playing with her belly and rub her nice big fat ass. Mary didn't mind it. She was too busy stuffing her fat face. "How much do you think you weigh now?" While chewing, "Mmph. I don't know. Probably over 600lbs." "Over 600lbs? I think you are getting close towards 800lbs. Then, you'll be at 1,000 before you know it." Mary was eating non-stop. Ryan comes home, carrying so much food. As if a Zombie apocalypse has taken over and all Ryan did was by so much food. "How's my fat piggy doing?" He walks into the bedroom. Taken aback by the beautiful site of how massive Mary looks since he left work. "She's been stuffing her fat face since I came by today." Mack and Ryan glance at Mary and sure enough, Mary's stuffing her fat face with various items of food. Ryan pushes in a huge dispenser type. On the side is labeled donuts. "Hey fat piggy, I got a surprise for you!" Mary looks up while she eats. Cheese sauce from her plate of nachos. "Huh? What is that?" She sees the dispenser Ryan pushes in the bedroom. "It says donuts? I'm starving for donuts." "Well, fattie, you got so much eating to do tonight. Hey, Mack, I'll need your help." "Okay, Ryan." Ryan and Mack walk over toward Mary's side of the bed. They remove the food off her large belly. Mary tries to stop them but they beat her to it. "Sorry, fattie. You need to save up all your energy for your next job. I entered you into an eating contest for this Friday and you need to work on eating faster and eating to get even bigger." "Well, I think we've already accomplished that, babe." "Well, not so fast. I don't think you're big enough? What do you think, Mack?" Mary looks at Ryan as if he's lost his mind. "With all due respect, baby, I'm bigger than a whale!" Mack looks at her. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to see her get bigger." "See? Point proven. Help me out here, Mack." Ryan and Mack start to lift Mary up out of the bed. "Uh oh! This might..." she pulls herself up on the handlebar, and they get her up off the bed. "Damn, Ryan. She's so fucking fat! Damn, pig, you are fat, ain't ya?" Mary, looking insulted, "Hey? Enough of the name calling will ya? I'm a human you know that has feelings." "Oh, Mary, it's fine. He didn't mean anything by it." "Yeah. No harm feelings Mary. I wish I had a girl like you." "Did you say ham?" Ryan and Mack look at each other. "Ham? Baby, you are really and truly, and no hard feelings, are a fat pig." Ryan and Mack laugh and Mary tries to brush off that insult. They have her placed belly side down on a mattress at the end of the dispenser. "Okay. Now, are you ready?" "Uh! As long as it requires me eating, then you already know the answer to that question!" Ryan switches on the dispenser and on the tray incomes donuts. As the donuts reach Mary she takes her fat arm but Ryan smacks her fat arm away. "Hey? What are you doing?" "Uh huh. You gotta open your mouth and they'll enter." Mary lays her head down and opens her mouth and sure enough, the donuts enter her mouth. Ryan places his hand on the back of Mary's fat head and keeps it there. "Yep! Just say nothing and eat these donuts. The objective here is to get you so fat and large that everyone won't be able to take your eyes off you. Man, did I get so lucky. This fat pig will eat anything. You just keep your mouth busy by stuffing your face and you'll be at 1,000 lbs in no time. My fat piggy is looking so beautiful I want her to get even bigger. Look at how she just demolishes the donuts. Well, don't you worry fatty, there's more. See, this is what you're gonna be doing all night and possibly tomorrow. Then, Friday, you'll be stuffing your face even more. Man, look at my piggy growing. I wonder if she can even grow more once she reaches 1,000 lbs?" "I don't even know. You think we should try?" Ryan looks at him. Then back down at his Big Fat Pig getting fatter by the minute as she does nothing but lay there eating the donuts. "I want to. I get these urges to do nothing but feed her and see how much she grows. See, she's already beautifully fat but I want her to grow even bigger so there's much more to love about her you know?" "I know exactly what you mean." Mack passionately rubs her rolls of fat on her back. Mack wants this relationship so bad. "Ryan, you gotta help me find someone to do this too. I want a Mary. Look at her." When they do, Mary just lies there eating the donuts and doing nothing more but that. "She looks beautiful while she stuffs her face. I want a fat bitch like her." "Hey, man. You don't have to worry. Mary knows some friends who might be interested in search of a feedee. Isn't that right, Mary?" She doesn't move her head, except, "Mmhmm." "Y'see? I will find you a woman. Then, in a blink of an eye, I'll help you get her fat like Mary." They laugh devilishly as they look at their subject which is Mary.
The next morning, Mary still lies at the end of the dispenser, dozed off. Ryan and Mack fell asleep too. They wake up after Mack's cellphone rings. Mary still sleeps. Mack answers it and leaves the room. Ryan rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He sees his fat piggy still asleep. He rubs the back of her hair and starts shaking her violently. She comes to. "Huh? What's wrong?" "Nothing, baby. You need to eat." He turns on the dispenser and Mary doesn't look like she wants to eat more donuts. "Ryan, I love you and all, but I don't want to eat anymore donuts." He cuts her off by shoving a donut in her mouth. "You'll eat when I say we're done." Mary lays her head back down and starts eating again. Over the course of the next few days leading up to the big eating contest on Friday, they repeat this by forcing Mary to eat donuts. Her belly begins growing even more. Her legs are getting fatter. Her face looks so swollen of fat. Once the dispenser runs out of donuts. Mary sighs. "Thank god! I'm ready for some real food!" Ryan and Mack help the fat Mary up on her feet. "Damn, she's so massive." They help her on her feet. She starts panting as she stands without making any steps. "I... want... to... eat... and... sit... down..." "It's okay, my piggy. We gonna take care of you. My oh my are you fat?" They start teasing her as they help her back to the bed. Mary has to stop after she takes 3 steps. "Ugh! I hate walking!" Ryan holds a box of twinkies in front of her. "You want some food? Here?" He holds the box out in front of her. Happy, Mary goes to reach for it but he tosses it over her head and Mack catches it. "Hey, Mary. You hungry?" "You know I am. Give me some-- what?" Mack tosses the box over her head. She grows agitated. One thing about Mary you mustn't do is tease her with food. That'll get you on her bad side. She tries to play along with their game. "Very funny, guys. Oh, it's so funny. It's so funny." Ryan backs up towards the bed. "Come here my fat piggy. Who's my fat piggy?" "I am." "I'm sorry? I can't hear you. What was it you said?" She says it louder. "I am!" He helps her back into the bed and hands her the box of twinkies. The second Ryan hands her the box of twinkies, she literally removes them out of the wrappers and swallows them hole. "You got a big day tomorrow, Mary. So get eating!"
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Chrysophase2003 6 years
Well done with chapter 12. Mary is emotionally manipulated into giving in to her gluttonous urges, feeling loved now. I expected the use of force, drugs, and feeding pumps, but this is more insidious.
Chrysophase2003 6 years
I like the latest chapter, in which Mary is flat-out forces to eat. She's been manipulated all along, but now it's obvious. Hope to see more.