On the train

Chapter 2

Friday night came round again and John sat on the train daydreaming. They had all gone out for a buffet lunch at work to celebrate a retirement, and he’d made numerous trips to refill his plate until he felt he was going to burst. On top of that he had quite a bit of food going out of date that day, so had eaten four large deep pan pizzas and a family sized lasagne with mounds of chips and peas for tea. His stomach pressed against the back of the seat in front and he squeezed his hand over his gut and rubbed it gently, wishing he could undo a button on his trousers, or even better a couple as they cut into him painfully.

As the train rolled into the next stop John glanced out the window as usual, wistfully hoping to catch sight of the blonde. Not that he really expected to, as the weeks had passed his hopes faded, and once again it looked as though he was going to be disappointed. The conductor whistled, when he saw the three girls hurrying for the train. His heart skipped as they boarded, panting hard, then he suddenly felt self conscious sitting there with his immense girth in his lap. He’d weighed himself that morning, and been shocked to see the scale go round to stop at the maximum weight – 30 stone – so he’d put on at least three stone if not more, and that was before he’d pigged out so much that day. He stole a glance towards the girls and the blonde girl noticed him and smiled coyly. He smiled back, then flushed bright red again and quickly looked out the window. She seemed even more beautiful than he remembered, and John wasn’t sure but her face looked a little chubbier too. As the train rolled in to the town centre, he sensed her eyes on him and he felt as though he was going to burn up with embarrassment.

The girls walked off into town and John slipped into the McDonalds in the station to grab a large milkshake, feeling a little unsteady. Then he summoned up his courage and walked into the Lloyds bar to see if the girls were in there again. He saw them standing towards the back of the bar, near the DJ booth, so he ordered himself a Guinness and lent against the bar for a few minutes trying to get his breath back after the short walk from the station. He looked back across and saw his suspicions were correct. He hadn’t been the only one eating well; the blonde girl had definitely put on weight. She was wearing the same top as last time but had obviously given up the futile task of trying to cover her gain as her stomach bulged well out over her jeans and her top left a beautiful expanse of pale skin almost up to her belly button. He could see the material clinging tightly to her rolls of fat and stretched tautly around her breast and stomach. In fact, he thought, it was a wonder the stitching hadn’t given way. She started moving, and he drunk in the sight of her fat bouncing as she walked. As she got closer he was sure he could make out stretch marks marbled on her belly, when he realised she’d left her friends and was heading straight towards him. He dragged his eyes up and cringed as he saw her looking at him, then noticed she didn’t look upset but in fact had an amused grin on her face.

“Hi, I’m Gemma” she announced in a gentle voice. “Uh, I’m J-John” he stuttered back. He felt his face flush which made him even more nervous and he went redder still. She slid a plump hand around his belly and leaned close to him. “I noticed you looking at me a few weeks ago, and was hoping I’d see you out tonight” she continued. “I don’t usually approach guys, but you do like me, don’t you?” She laughed lightly, then it occurred to John she was nervous as well. “I think you’re beautiful” he replied, then redden again. She stroked his stomach gently. “It’s warm in here, why don’t we go somewhere else and get something to eat?”

Despite all John had eaten that day, it was over an hour since his last meal and he was beginning to feel a little peckish. Also, despite the waist band of his jeans cutting into him there was no way he could pass up on the offer. “Why not?” he responded. “I know a nice little Chinese down the road that does an all-you-can-eat.” Gemma slipped her arm around his back, and they headed out the door.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 16 years , updated 54 years
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FrecherTyp 10 years
oh very nice written and such a lovely plot hehe i wonder how many times it happens someone looking away cause he/she is shy and the other one thinks on he/she doesn´t like me ???
Ssaylleb 16 years
I like this!