Soccer superstar

Chapter 2 - The Change

Another week passed and Kate finally noticed the next change in her body. One night, when getting ready for sleep, Kate pulled up her underwear above her ass and noticed something new. The strap on her panties dug slightly into sides, barely noticeable, but to a girl that has watched her body for years, life changing. Quickly she hobbled, still have a brace on her knee, to the closet to find the full length mirror that was stored there. What stared back at Kate looked just like the former soccer star, but slightly different. Completely naked, other then her panties, she got a good look at what two weeks of a wheelchair had done to her physique. Her breasts, once 30B’s, have inflated slightly to 32C’s, but remain extremely perky, just with a little more padding. Below the lovely boobs, Kate rock hard abs had disappeared, although her stomach remained almost completely flat. However, along her sides, love hands had started to form, but only under close scrutinization were they actually noticeable. Still, there was enough meat for the young girl to pinch and grab at. Years of soccer had produced lots of muscle tissue on her thighs, but after just a fortnight of an active-less lifestyle, much of the tone had broken down into fat. As a result, Kate’s legs, which hadn’t expanded much, now jiggled with any sudden turn, or whenever she walked, and was very soft. Poking her leg, Kate’s finger indented up to the first knuckle, and caused her entire thigh to jiggle. Yet, the greatest change occurred to Kate’s rear end, which was no longer as tight as it once was, but was not quite a bobble butt. There was now a crease under both checks when she stood straight up, and she could now grab a hand full of flesh in both hands.

Kate was revolted by her body, but before the full girth of her body's change could set in, her roommate Lianna entered the dorm room. The team had been out on an after dark run, so she had come back exhausted and starving with a large pizza in hand. 

"I managed to get to the caf just as it was closing, so they gave me the leftover pizza, hope your hungry," Lianna said panting, having clear just run up the stairs and into their room. Put her body to the back of her mind, Kate released she was quite hunger and threw on her pajamas, a boyfriend-fit-T, which was baggy, but still pressed against her breasts slightly, and a pair of shamrock green boxers, which were much tighter then they had ever been.

Emerging from the bathroom, Lianna got a good look at Kate, defiantly noticing how the shirt clung a little bit around her roommates boobs and the boxers, which soon enough she could wear as spandex, but did not worry and offered her a slice. 

"It's kinda cold, but I sorta like it that way," Kate said taking a couple more ravenous bites from the slice of green pepper and sausage, which was already half way gone. After eating the three slices of pizza Lianna had given her, which for some reason where the largest, and watching a couple episode of MTV's exposed, the girls when to bed.  Kate plopped down on her mattress, and with the lights out she had time to think. 

She had eaten to much food, once again, and her stomach was actually sticking out, less then an inch, but still. The image of her growing body in front of the mirror returned to her mind, and she ponder why this was happening to her, and how she was letting it happen. But, when she could find no answer, she fell asleep and forgot all about it.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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FrecherTyp 13 years
heeh another very sexy story and very nicely written thanks for sharing :-)
Jazzman 13 years
I meant to say "Weightwatcher". The classic story was "My Athletic Friend". Your style of language is very similar. This story is fabulous! Keep going and stay realistic.
Tjpbeatles 13 years
a good start. more please
Jazzman 13 years
A very nice story. Reminds me of the classic "Weightwather" author from Germany. Please Continue.