Bred and fed

chapter 4

The month went on with continuous eating and doing nothing. While all the others were taking vitamins to stop themselves fainting, Deirdre was taking appetite enhancing drugs and cholesterol reducing supplements.
On the last day of the month, everyone was sent to the grading rooms. The Samwell institute inspected each commissioned subject to make sure that they were meeting up with their standards.
Deirdre felt nervous as she was called into a grading room. Her palms felt sweaty as she turned the door handle to the office.
The inspector was a woman in her mid fifties with her auburn hair done in a bun. Like all non-security Samwell personnel, she wore a white lab coat and always carried a clipboard with her.
"Now, let's see here..." she said, "Deirdre, designation D327. Now, for your physical, could you please strip down to your underwear? I'm going to take some measurements. And stand on the weighing scales over there when your done."
Deirdre sighed as she took off her clothes. The only privacy she got was from her inspector looking down at her papers and not her near naked body. Of course, she was literary going to inspect her, but she still felt mistreated.
She walked over to the scales, her bare thighs rubbing together. The lack of thigh gap felt pleasant, yet slightly off-putting, her not being used to all her extra assets. Stepping on the scales, she saw the red needle point to the 189 mark. She had to stifle her gasp as it truly took her by surprise. She had gained 39 pounds over the week. Although, looking back, the literal hours of gorging herself, and taking bodybuilding protein powder by the tub. Before she could fully appreciate her new curves, she found the inspector wrapping a tape measure around her hips.
"Arms out, please." the inspector ordered.
Deirdre noticed her arms were chubbier, and her fingers looked less slim and more sausage-y.
The inspector stopped taking measurements and began scribbling things into her clipboard. After a while, she stopped and shook her head.
"This won't do Deirdre." she said gloomily, "Your below your group's average weight gain for your group. The average is around 45 pounds. The heaviest in your group is Strawberry, designation D541, at 194 pounds. I think I'll have to raise your appetite enhancer dose to 2 pills per 4 hours, and if you don't make some drastic progress, we're going to have to take severe measures."
Deirdre walked away defeated. Not only was she already taking twice her normal dosage, but she thought she had made some good progress. She stormed off to the dining hall, ready to pig out.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Nok 6 years
cool story and interesting directions
Nok 6 years
interesting start. the beginning represents an interesting potential for shame related to her growing difference between her self and her roommates
Juicy 6 years
Looking forward to more. smiley