Bred and fed

chapter 6

The next day, Deirdre got up, her belly still a bit swollen from the night before. As she got up, her pajama bottoms ripped, glorious lard spilling out. She shifted around until they were ripped halfway down her thighs. Satisfied, she tore them off with her hands and threw them into the laundry chute. Quickly putting on a dressing gown, she headed over to the common room.
Her two roommates, Chloe and Charlotte were already down there. Chloe was a curvy, but by no means fat, girl who Deirdre knew since they were babies. Charlotte was a tall, slim girl who quickly grew on Deirdre and Chloe since they moved into the apartment together.
Charlotte was the first to greet Deirdre as she came down.
"Hey there, chubster," she said, "We got counselling sessions today, and tomorrow we get to go into town."
Chloe looked up from her phone and said, "Oh, and you can just stay up here for meals. All girls gaining weight can just get their food via dumb waiter. Gee, I don't know why they don't just strap you to a chair and force feed you."
Deirdre chuckled. Ever since she started gaining, her roommates had taken to teasing her, jokingly of course, although Deirdre had thought of it as encouragement to get bigger.


While Deirdre waited with her group outside the counselling offices, Strawberry approached her.
"Did you hear? Those who are gaining weight don't have to go to the dining hall anymore! I've contacted the Nutrition Department to tell them to send me up food constantly, 24/7. Wanna come over?"
Deirdre smiled. "Definitely! When should I be there?"
"After the counselling. We'll have all day to eat." Strawberry replied, patting her belly.
Soon after, Deirdre was called in. The counselling office was a sharp contrast to the inspection rooms, with everything in there putting Deirdre at ease. Instead of the cold, lab coat clad inspector, a friendly looking elderly woman sat at the desk, offering Deirdre a seat.
As Deirdre sat her large posterior into the chair, the counsellor put on some reading glasses.
"So," she said, "Deirdre, yes? Tell me, how are you adjusting to your new regime?"
Deirdre tried shifting in her chair. A month ago, she would have only taken up a fraction of the seat, but now, she was starting to think she might get stuck. "I'm adjusting well." she said, abandoning any attempt to adjust her position in the seat.
"And would you say your okay with the change?"
Deirdre was pinching her ass, lavishing its new girth. "I guess, yeah."
The counsellor made some notes.
"Would you say your happy?"
Deirdre was now feeling her cellulite ridden thighs, enjoying the fluffiness of them. "I think so yeah."
"And would you say you would not mind continuing on with this path?"
By now Deirdre stopped groping herself, for fear of orgasming. "Definitely."
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Nok 6 years
cool story and interesting directions
Nok 6 years
interesting start. the beginning represents an interesting potential for shame related to her growing difference between her self and her roommates
Juicy 6 years
Looking forward to more. smiley