Bred and fed

chapter 8

Strawberry led everyone out of the apartment, quietly as possible. While everyone else had put on their bathrobes, Cho had to put on a bed sheet to cover herself up, as her bathrobe no longer wrapped around her front. The dining hall was vacant as usual. Strawberry led them over to the door where the chair was, but when she entered the passcode, it didn't let them in.
"Gee that's odd..." she said, entering the code again. Cho rolled her eyes.
"Move aside." she said, using a flabby hand to push Strawberry out of the way, "I know how to bypass it."
"You know how to get past the door? How, by leaning on it?" Kylie asked.
Cho smirked, entering in a few numbers, and then opening the door. "I've been reading up on the Samwell institute's defences and security. Their locked doors all have steel plating, so not even a 200 something pound blubber beauty like myself couldn't break it down, and also that all models have a universal unlock code. What's even inside anyway?"
When she squeezed inside, she gasped at the chair.
"Gee, I've heard of these setups! Used by hardcore fetishists and professionals, they utilise a high calorie fat-based supplement to directly add fat to someone...but this is an industrial model for cattle fitted out with a human chair. This must be for the girls who're lagging behind on their weight gain..."
"...Or those trying to get ahead." Strawberry said, taking off her bathrobe, sitting her ass in the chair. The large reclining chair was obviously designed for a large person, but even then, it looked too small for Strawberry. Pushing the lever, she moaned in pleasure as the liquid started pumping. Soon afterwards, she stopped putting a hand on her almost comically out of proportion belly.
"Outta the way, pipsqueak, let the real girls on this thing." Cho said mock-menacingly, helping Strawberry out. Cho held the lever down a little longer, her belly now hanging over the top half of her thighs. She gripped it with both hands, panting as she moved away. Kylie went In the seat next, her ass almost immediately getting stuck. When she finished, she needed the help of Strawberry and Deirdre to get out.
After Deirdre had her turn, they all put their bathrobes and for Cho, her bed sheet, they all heard a voice in the dinning hall.
"Damn it. Another supervisor out sick. And before we let everyone on a field trip, too..."
The girls froze. They heard the voice carry away before Strawberry gave the signal to leave. As Kylie exited the room, Cho got stuck in the doorframe behind her.
"Dammit you pig." Strawberry muttered. She and Deidre tried to pull Cho out, but her hips were to wide.
Just as Strawberry was to try something else, a senior supervisor, flanked by two more supervisors approached.
"Caught out of bed and inside restricted areas. Your coming with me."
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Nok 6 years
cool story and interesting directions
Nok 6 years
interesting start. the beginning represents an interesting potential for shame related to her growing difference between her self and her roommates
Juicy 6 years
Looking forward to more. smiley