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Chapter 11

Two months had passed since the night when Kate had shown her temper to Ted,and sent him scurrying in search of me, while I hunkered down in the video room in fear for my job and future. Ted hadn't checked for me in there,and why would he as he had told me it was the access to the generator. Life had returned to normal after the Thai vacation, as far as I was concerned. It revolved around cooking Thai food, which is very caloricly rich including alot of very fattening coconut milk (which I usually replaced with coconut cream), watching Kate eat, and pleasuring her, and after Ted got home, myself. I had also begun to put on weight at a faster pace.

I found the weight gain I was experiencing to be extremely erotic and each change I noticed in my body or the way I fit or didn't fit somewhere I always had, often put me into an immediate state of arousal. Initially my clothes got tight...which is what most people would imagine getting fat is all about, but there were other things I noticed, which I note here for your edification. As my pant size was a solid 16 going on 18, I noticed that my thickening thighs would jiggle enticingly beneath the cover of my jeans, my ass as well, when I did any brisk walking. In my capacity as Kate's cook, that meant that when I had to jet from drawer to drawer, stove to stove, pantry to pantry, I was often distracted by that new and sexxy feeling...the feeling of pressure and release from the jiggle, as the thighs moved by one another side to side, up and down, and the ass cheeks went along for the ride. I found that older pairs of pants inside thigh areas were wearing through because of the rubbing this area of th pant got. I felt bouncy, and sensual like a rippening piece of fruit, and I constantly found myself compelled to masterbate or take my pleasure seeking to Kate's greedy mouth. I also found that as my ass cheeks grew thicker, the cleaning process in the shower became more complicated....I now had to dig in to the crack in order to be sure it was nice and clean, and reach under my belly bulge to get at my muff for the same reason. Stepping on Kate's scale after a pleasant afternoon of lovemaking revealed a weight of 214 pounds making a gain of nearly 60 pounds since I started the job. When Kate got on the scale though, the number was a bit more substantial.

Two months after returning from Thailand found Kate at a phenomenal 563 pounds of growing fat. Her thighs now needed to be kept spread when she stood. They were more than 40 inches around and dimpled and rolled like unbaked cinnamon buns. Her ass extended almost a foot behind her and had a crease and shelf above it that was used by Ted to support his forearms when he took her from behind, and myself for simple adoration. Her tits were now mottled with stretchmarks and cris-crossed with veins, nipples pointing toward each elbow, which were now buried in upper arm flab. Her arms were really, almost works of art in their immensity...they spoke volumes about her hedonistic gluttony and desire, jiggling, flattening, swelling and hanging with almost minds of their own. Even her fingers and toes were getting fat, and I found the dimples on her hands to be as good as female viagara where I was concerned. One look at those dimples got me in the mood, and Ted too, as I saw from the Video-room window.

I had just finished feeding Kate her lunch of Panang Chicken with bean pods, complimented with about two pounds of sticky rice and giving her nipples a good suckling, when Ted, arriving home a little early, nearly catching the two of us in a compromising position. Kate now rarely wore clothes at all, preferring to lie on her bed, heaps of pillows at her back and her still too small and thin face perched atop what appeared to be a great pyramid of blubber. I had been suckling one breast and rubbling the other, all while Kate enjoyed handful after handful of Panang soaked sticky rice when I heard Ted's car. As I was close to orgasm, tearing myself away was hard, but I found my way into the kitchen and began working on my dinner presentation of Pri-King Seafood while Ted literally busted through the dinning room and in to see Kate. I could hear the argument from where I was while I prepared dinner and it involved both sex and food. Ted was telling Kate that he needed sex more than she was willing to give it to him and Kate was telling Ted that food was her first priority, as they had themselves agreed, and that she couldn't get adequately fat if he was interrupting her eating all the time! She only had two hands, I remember her saying...

As Ted came into the kitchen to get that evenings dessert he asked me how my hired help was doing (we had hired a maid and a prep-chef) to which I replied that things were good. He then suggested that I come and joing them in the dinning room now...and eat with them, as a result of my great work in the kitchen and both of their respect, admiration and love for what I had brought their relationship. When I remarked that I had already found keeping my weight under control nearly impossible in this situation, and that should I take him up on his offer, he might have to hire some more help to aid me in "my immobility" which was sure to follow, Ted gave a strange grunt, like he was in pain.....

"Linda...the thought of two beautiful women, in such a condition, is something that I can't dare to comprehend. We, Kate and I, have talked about you and your position in this family on several levels, and what you have just said as a joke, is really something that both of us find totally erotic and serious. As you have gained weight Linda, you have not only turned my head your way, but the head of my wife as well. Think about what I have offered at least, it might be everything you've dreamed, as it is for Kate."

"Ted!" I replied, with more force than I had been able to muster since the employer-employee relationship had started between us nearly a year ago. "WHat your saying is cruel, and irresponsible!" ..."You are already married, and your wife loves you with all of her 570 pounds, and she is fattening herself into immobility for you! How could you consider..."

"Linda, This is not my decision alone. Kate has indicated that she is on the verge of spinning out of control. She has begun shopping on the net for a personal "Drum-Feeder" and will have one made if she has to. She only gets sexual satisfaction now from what most would consider to be massive, unrestrained over-eating. She doesn't even want sex anymore, at least from me...Without her help and desire, sex between us, as you can imagine is nearly impossible. We...I...need you!!" "So Kate needs a feeding machine and you Ted, need another woman to fatten until she can barely move! Is this your idea of..."

"Love!! Yes, you know it is! THe notion of feeding and caring for a lover. A love who is willing to surrender her every earthly care and desire into my hands!! To surrender herself utterly to me and my love...that is what I want....I want to takea woman to the heights of self-gratification and gluttony, for sex, for food and for fat...I want that plump little ass of yours to grow every broaden, to widen, to fatten, to"
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Deth 9 years
That would be great
Xandercroft 9 years
***ing kinky...I'm into a continuation!
RFBurton 9 years
Should there be a continuation?? Are you curious as to what the future may hold for these fattening folks?
Mdy73 9 years
Oh my, this is perfect reading!
RFBurton 13 years
What is going to happen to Linda?
Jazzman 13 years
How about if Linda seeks employment with another friend of Ted. A similarly inclined and also wealthy man with a wife who is slender. And maybe this wife has some feedee tendencies waiting to be set free. Linda could become her cooking and baking teacher and eventually with sampling the goods-her eating buddy. That way Linda's own gain would continue but slow down some. And just maybe the new man had an equally inclined brother for Linda.
Daj462 13 years
Have Linda become bigger than Kate smiley
Daj462 13 years
Nice looking for the next one smiley
RFBurton 13 years
more to come soon!
Daj462 13 years
Jazzman 13 years
JUst as good as ever. I look every day to see if you've added another chapter.
RFBurton 13 years
Well Linda is gaining, and Kate is out of control, but what about Ted, and the two new Italian helpers....any predictions?
Daj462 13 years
Please, I'd like to see more, soon
Tarquin 13 years
Excellent, NEVER read anything better! Can't wait to see Linda get too fat to walk.
Daj462 13 years
Very nice looking forward to more smiley
Jazzman 13 years
Each chapter better than the last-seems impossible! It is the pacing and the artistic use of language that I like-and imagery. And the reality is possible too. Too fat for conventional sex is on its way-and she has a firm grasp on it. Amazing story! Will you do any further delving into the beginnings of Ted and Kate's relationship? Was she a 250 lb BBW when they first met? etc. Just Sayin.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shammyboy 13 years
awesome work. Not what I expected
Jazzman 13 years
Masterful pacing makes each chapter even better than the last!
RFBurton 13 years
Thanks...and I plan on keeping it going toward the tangent I have in mind!
Jazzman 13 years
I thought this was going to be yet another bakery or doughnut shop story-and I Still like those! BUT this is something completly new and Wonderful!
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