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Chapter 13

Ted was sampling Maria's sauce...and I was fattening up like a Thanksgiving turkey, as had Kate, for a man who was obvioulsy capable of adding to his growing stable! I had vacation days coming...hell, I hadn't taken a vacation since I had been here, and I needed time to think! Did I want this for be another Kate, propped up on pillows and fattened to the point that I needed help eating...But could I even ask? I felt that like Ted and Kate had some kind of crazy control..I had been flattered by Kate's love for my cooking but lately it appeared that all she was concerned with was quantity and couldn't care less if what she was eating was Panang Beef or a T.V.Dinner, as long as there was alot of it...I had to take some time...I needed time...

That night Maria prepared Zuppa de Mare and Ted and I sat at the table while Kate fed from her service board as much as she could, knowing when we were done ourselves we would be there to help. Just yesterday she had remarked between bites of Chicken Marengo, that it would get awkward when I had reached her size, as the two of us would need help eating then. SHe had added that Ted would certainly take care of it, but I wasn't so sure...anyway, Maria had prepared a massive Boston Cream pie for dessert...really Kate and my dessert.

When Ted and I had finished dinner we put the Boston Cream Pie on a wheeled cart along with some trays. This cake-like creation should have served 12 and Ted, with a gleam in his eye asked Kate if she would like to have dessert "The Old Fashioned Way".

"When I'm done with dinner dear, I would love to, just please lets start in bed this time." Ted gave me a wink as I spooned Kate her Zuppa. An hour later we were ready to start.

I cut a piece of cake that would have served as dessert for a family of five and placing it on a tray I climbed up on the bed by Kate's bicep...if you can call a rolled and dimpled mass of fat that shakes and jiggles, dimpled with cellulite and bigger than my rapidly expanding waist a bicep. It was now almost impossible to see where Kate's arms connected with her torso, so unbelievably fat had she become. Her now good sized tits rested on these upper arms with aureoles the size of cookies. They were lined with stretchmarks and thrust out as they did because of her massive guts. Each of her three belly rolls was magnificent, stretchmarked and striated, pocked and dimpled. Her lower belly actually covered most of her fat-roll-segmented thighs and hung off onto the bed where not supported by corpulent hips. This lower belly had become nearly liquid, and oozed and jiggled with every move she, I or Ted made on the bed...she was sexy as hell! I took pieces of cake from my tray and began plopping them into Kate's waiting maw with one hand, while with the other I kneeded her arm-fat. Looking down on Kate's face, I saw that her cheeks had definately plumpened and her formerly elf-like chin was now sporting a partner that wiggled and jiggled in response to her chewing. Her sultry blue eyes however, were still unchanged and beckoned to me as ever...

As I fed Kate, Ted had begun by licking and kissing her calves and having worked his way up to her thighs, was now sporting a glowing hard-on. Looking down at him put me right off the edge of passion and I began to lick and caress Kates huge left tit and and arm. My tounge revelled in the feel of her supple fat and the textural change between breast, aureola and nipple...I was in ecstasy and ready to cum when I was brought back to reality by an explosion of frustration from Ted. He had reached her massive hanging paunch and had been trying, unsuccessfully to lift it's semi-liquid mass so as to gain access to her sweet spot, and been unable to. Normally Kate had always grabbed at her gut with both hands to help but tonight she was just laying back and apparently fondling her middle bellies fat rolls sofly with both hands..."Come on Kate...are you gonna help here or not!! I can't get this fat gut of yours up high enough to get at your cunt without you- you fat much have you been eating you fucking pig!! You must have gained 50 pounds if you've gained an ounce this week alone!!"

"Of course I have honey....I have been doing nothing but eat to make you happy,and now you have to deal with the consequence!! I'm getting too fat to fuck!!"

"Well help then,..grab a slab of this fucking fat and lift!"

"I can't honey...I hurt my arm last time...sorry I should have told you, and it still hurts....Linda, more cake please baby..."

""Get her the cake and then grab ahold of this gut for me will you Lin...please...."

"My please..."

I felt like I was being torn in half by these two. Scrurrying as fast as my fattened thighs could swoosh and jiggle by each other, I got another tray of cake which I set down on top of Kate's second belly, while I grabbed the lower with my right hand and heaved it upward for Ted. It was a wobbling liquidy mass of fat, but my help was good enough and Ted was able to get under and at the target. When I saw all was o.k. on that front, I took a large handful of cake and tried to feed Kate, but she was just too far away, and thinking of nothing else but what she needed, I tossed the Boston Cream Pie, laden with its vanilla pudding stuffing toward her gaping mouth, catching her in the chin and neck, with about a third of the piece hitting the target...and Kate began licking. Soon another piece had been plopped upon her with a thwack.. her feast continued to my left while Ted's fight for satisfaction continued to my right. I began to eat the cake myself to satisfy my own dripping pussy, and the smells...of Boston Cream Pie, Perfume, Cologne, and sex filled my head began to spin, my heart pounded and my pussy was actually sore.

Throwing Kate another piece of Kate,I found myself releasing the tray, which led the whole thing to fall back toward Kates face, covering her with pie. I slid to the right, and with both hands, I lifted Kate's billowing dimpled and sweaty paunch up, not for Ted who was approaching climax, but for me. I slid my head under Kates' mass of sweaty belly fat toward her throbbing cunt, and his throbbing cock. THe slapping sound of Ted and Kates bellies meeting, the sweat from Kates masses of belly and thigh fat, the smell of both of my lovers, and finally, I was there and took Ted's shaft into my mouth from the side. As he thrust forward, my waiting tounge responded and slid with the thrust into Kate...back and senses reeled! I was suffocating but with pleausure unmatched...Kate was the cake....and Ted who was able to see us both as being in trouble, could do nothing in his passion...soft, soft, fat....fat, sex, big fat kates belly....belly....Ted's gorgeous dick...fat everywhere..cum..cumming..and then everything went black!
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Deth 9 years
That would be great
Xandercroft 9 years
***ing kinky...I'm into a continuation!
RFBurton 9 years
Should there be a continuation?? Are you curious as to what the future may hold for these fattening folks?
Mdy73 9 years
Oh my, this is perfect reading!
RFBurton 13 years
What is going to happen to Linda?
Jazzman 13 years
How about if Linda seeks employment with another friend of Ted. A similarly inclined and also wealthy man with a wife who is slender. And maybe this wife has some feedee tendencies waiting to be set free. Linda could become her cooking and baking teacher and eventually with sampling the goods-her eating buddy. That way Linda's own gain would continue but slow down some. And just maybe the new man had an equally inclined brother for Linda.
Daj462 13 years
Have Linda become bigger than Kate smiley
Daj462 13 years
Nice looking for the next one smiley
RFBurton 13 years
more to come soon!
Daj462 13 years
Jazzman 13 years
JUst as good as ever. I look every day to see if you've added another chapter.
RFBurton 13 years
Well Linda is gaining, and Kate is out of control, but what about Ted, and the two new Italian helpers....any predictions?
Daj462 13 years
Please, I'd like to see more, soon
Tarquin 13 years
Excellent, NEVER read anything better! Can't wait to see Linda get too fat to walk.
Daj462 13 years
Very nice looking forward to more smiley
Jazzman 13 years
Each chapter better than the last-seems impossible! It is the pacing and the artistic use of language that I like-and imagery. And the reality is possible too. Too fat for conventional sex is on its way-and she has a firm grasp on it. Amazing story! Will you do any further delving into the beginnings of Ted and Kate's relationship? Was she a 250 lb BBW when they first met? etc. Just Sayin.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shammyboy 13 years
awesome work. Not what I expected
Jazzman 13 years
Masterful pacing makes each chapter even better than the last!
RFBurton 13 years
Thanks...and I plan on keeping it going toward the tangent I have in mind!
Jazzman 13 years
I thought this was going to be yet another bakery or doughnut shop story-and I Still like those! BUT this is something completly new and Wonderful!
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