Help wanted

Chapter 14

When I woke up I was on my side,on the floor, with a ringing in my ears. I must have passed out and rolled off the bed but then of course, so must Kate and Ted. Ted had Kate on her hands and knees on the rug in front of what looked like the last of the Boston Cream Pie. Well, hands and knees and belly...and more belly. She was so fat now that there was absolutely no room to spare when she was down on her knees, nothing but a solid slab of fat whose rolls jutted to the side, compressed between her thighs, arms and torso. These rolls were waving and wiggling back and forth like seaweed does in an ocean tide, rythmatic...enticing. They were moving because she was literally attacking the cake in front of her with her chocolate covered face...gasping and struggling for air while Ted fucked her from behind. He had ahold of a fold of ass-fat and one of her immense love handles and he was working. Everything about Kate was in spectacular motion...the motion that only a woman covered with nearly 800 pounds of flab can have. Ted's thighs and belly were slapping against the back of Kates thighs, which were creased and dimpled and as I got up to walk toward the kitchen, and saw the two of them from behind, it was amazing. Usually in this type of sex my place would have been locating one of Kate's nipples and giving her a good suckling, so now I could see what I had been missing. Ted appeared to be a dwarf against Kate's massive ass, which projected almost two feet to both sides of Ted, who was huddled over her enourmous crack. Again...everything was moving...flowing and jiggling...and neither of the two had even looked up from their trance to see me move away.

My own belly jiggled arousingly against my thighs, which slid by each other with a woosh-woosh as I walked. My dimpling arms were forced out and away from my torso by the wattles of fat that were appearing between my tits, sides and fatbloated biceps and as I passed a mirror I was amazed at the fact that everything about me was in motion too, just on a far smaller scale than with Kate.

My head was splitting, my loins were throbbing! Everything about me wanted to go back into that bedroom and pleasure...and be pleasured...and grow into...a human wonder....a giant sack of fat...womanly and willing to fuck and be mind reeled...but not with them. I couldn't stay with the two of them...the thing just wasn't right...I would love to be huge someday....immobile even...but with a man who was willing to marry me, and care for me, and who I could care for. I had to leave.

As I passed Maria, I saw her gloating...I never had a poker face...and I knew she knew my decision. I also knew what hers would be and imagined seeing her in a few years stuffed like a bean bag chair, and taking it from Ted in the mouth! That's what he would do, the kind of guy he was...a user. I thought about Jack (my last boyfriend) and how he had wanted me to lose weight because he himself was a health nut and thought it would be good for me. I had thought I had loved him until he had become so insistant, so obnoxiously superior with his "Thin" arguments. Now I was heading home, at nearly 300 pounds, in love with my fat body and wanting to get fatter...I guess I could count him out. I left a note for Ted, took my things and headed for the car with my bags...stopping for breath on the way three times. As I moved through the kitchen, I looked across into the bedroom and saw Kate, now on her back, on the rug. Her face was swaddled by her breasts and her belly soared above her, almost pyramidical. Ted was spooning frosting, crums and filling into her mouth....I had to leave, and would probably never see them again!

The End?....No way...Linda will be back soon...but in her own story! Any ideas or requests?
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Giantjay 13 years
Very interesting! I hope you continue it, I can't wait to see what happens with the helper!
RFBurton 13 years
and this will be the first, and the last...unless we get some input people!
Daj462 13 years
Wow nice start
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