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Chapter 18 - loving linda 4

I want you all to know that the physical attraction was there, beyond the weight gain and the FA and feeder tendencies that she developed in me, there was an unbelievable emotional, soul to soul connection. I mean seriously gang, why else would she have done the things she did, gained and then lost, and then gained again, if not for that, and why would I have challenged all conventions?

Saturday was spent in her apartment. We never went for her car, and we didn't leave each other much, ordering pizza's and Chinese...which of course Linda threw down a bit of criticizm of...the wok that the Lo Mein had been cooked in was not at a high enough heat to give that smokey taste good Chinese stir fry is supposed to convey, and that sort of thing. She ate, and ate, with my help and without, and we talked, and lost ourselves in each others eyes. Oblivion...which most of you know is what good sex is supposed to bring, but in this case it wasn't even necessary, just the eyes...and the world melted away. I would have done anything for her then, and beyond, and I think she would have for me, but ultimately, we decided without words, to just be there for each other, to make each other that much better.Spiritual. Lecture over.

Sunday morning Linda struggled to get into her Friday night jeans, and I helped her button them, with a squeeze to a developing muffin, and a fondle of a burgeoning upper belly, and the lift of a lower...supported by the jeans, contained, confined, it was intense. She just melted into my touch, and grabbed at my crotch, and the jeans came off again, and her ecstasy and mine probably woke up a few neighbors.

When we could get out the door, not the next time we tried, or even the time after, but when we finally got out the door, we went to my parents house, a 45 minute drive North. I needed them to meet her again, I needed them to know we were together again. She gave me glorious glowing looks in silence on the ride, her hand resting on her belly, bulging as it did above her tightened jeans, asking me to stop at Dunkin Donuts for some of their breakfast sandwiches, and some latte, which of course we did. My Mom and Dad were both excited to see her, having really liked her before and Mom back then, after hearing about our break-up, had given me a firm ripping for my foolishness in losing such a great catch. When they got a look at the new larger Linda, they both appeared fine with it, having known of my recent tendencies in that area, but also both knew Linda well enough to see it coming.

"She's a cook godammit!" my Dad told me a few weeks later. "What did you think she was going to look like? Of course she's getting fat, with the kind of passion she has for cooking good food, she's gotta eat it! And you gotta love it, or you wouldn't be back with her, so just enjoy her for who she is, and shut the *** up about her weight. I already told your Ma this so don't worry about her...she's obsessed just shut up though! She's the best thing ever happened to you and you better remember that!" My Dad was always like that, and I had a sneaky suspiscion watching him, that he was a closet FA himself. He was always getting Linda a beer, not a lite beer, or some cake, not a little piece, or adding some more spaghetti to her plate, or pushing the buns and butter closer. She loved him!

"I hope you watch the way you Dad keeps his eye on me!" Linda joked with me later in the day.

"If you don't be careful, he'll fatten me up...and you'll end up telling me to join a gym or something!"

"I will not Lin, you don't have to worry about me...but maybe my Mom though..."

"Mom's are like that Jack....I imagine she looks at me an knows that you come at me like a rabid dog in bed. As a figure fills out, it just seems to create that feeling of sexxiness....You know that!"

I honestly thought Linda was wrong about my Mom, who was just totally against fat...for health reasons and also I found out later, because my Dad had dated several larger girls before he and Mom dated their way to marriage just after High School. My Mom was just naturally anti-fat, though she loved Linda. As I got to be more of an FA though, I agreed with Linda's take on a fattened female form....fat girls just exude a piece of ripe fruit exudes flavor to you eye....and the more time we spent at my parents, and the more food and beer my Dad pushed her way, the more I knew we had to get her home so I could have her.

As we left Mom and Dads house, we walked arm and arm down the driveway toward the car, and my arms were treated to the oppulence of her bulging love handles and muffin top, as well as the growing girth of her jean-wrapped ass which got a nice slap as I opened her door, which drew an approving nod from my Dad. Waving happily, we drove back to her appartment and got out all of our pent up desires....the hard way....and the soft!

When I think back, those first months with Linda were amazing. We reveled in each other, getting to know each other again and explore the years that had gone by when we were apart. While I learned some things about her "Job" as Kate's live in cook, much of the rest of what went on there were left "off the table". Linda talked and talked about the dinners she had cooked, the trip to Thailand, Indian cuisine...we strolled down memories of repasts gone by but didn't get into any of the other areas of her time there. That would happen later.

Linda didn't just talk about her artistry in Kate's kitchen: she began to relive it, preparing meals for the two of us whenever she had a chance. Meals that were opulent beyond any I had ever seen in or experienced in person, and while I partook, Linda gorged! I remember her preparation of a Thali Dinner, with it's multiple courses and rich sauces one Saturday three months into our renewed love affair. She spent the night before with getting prepped and starting certain dishes in crock-pots and the following morning danced around the kitchen in the buf, with her fattening form swaying and jiggling, and me chasing her around for a squeeze until I got in the way of a critical step in the process and was consigned to watch from the dinning room.

Her ass had definately taken alot of the 30 or so pounds she had put on in the three months we had been together and developed an interesting crease above it, while her belly not far behind was impressive with it's deepening navel and a delightful dimple below it. Her thighs jiggled and swished as she went from counter to stove and then back again. My balls actually ached for her! Skin like milk, soft and softening, arms filling out, calves rounding. It was simply amazing how beautiful this woman was becoming as she fattened herself...for personal desire...before my eyes.

Noticing the bulge in my pajamas she swayed over to my chair, got down on her knees and sucked me playfully for a minute before running back to the burners, buns bouncing and shimmying all the way. Taking care of the dishes, she returned and finished the job leaving me speechless with passion but wanting more. As she began plating up our feast she maneuvered herself along the island counter between the dinning room and the stove, plating all the time, and bending forward ladel in hand shook her big behind and demanded that I do her then and there.

While Linda ladeled various Indian sauces and sprinkled cilantro, I came in behind her and began pounding away as she spread out her legs, taking hold of her hanging belly and pulling it hard enough to slap it a bit on her thighs. Now Linda was still small then, but I was still pleasantly satisfied that she had enough belly to get to make that liquidy fat slapping plip, plop, blop that a belly makes during sex. She moaned and continued with the plating, though soon she was taking handfuls of heavily creamed sauces, korma and roganjosh, on rice and slurping it almost in rythym to my plunges.
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Giantjay 13 years
Very interesting! I hope you continue it, I can't wait to see what happens with the helper!
RFBurton 13 years
and this will be the first, and the last...unless we get some input people!
Daj462 13 years
Wow nice start
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