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Chapter 19 - loving linda 5

We both ate like Maharajahs and jahani's that night: ate and ate and rolled and coupled. She spoke of her desires and how fat she was starting to feel, though she knew she was small compared to what she would become. She told me then that she wouldn't feel right until she was over 300 pounds which would make her mine completely, as below that weight, she had shared herself with another man. She felt the fat was allowing her to reinvent herself for me: to make herself absolutely mine. I didn't care about that then, all I wanted was for more of her sweetness, more of her sweet, sweet fat.

When Linda was away at the restaraunt the and I was home alone I would sneak on line to my favorit websites and dream. Which of the Internet fatties would Linda end up resembling on her journey to morbid obesity? Large and Lovely, Gaining Goddess, Tamara, Plump Princess, didnt's matter for they were all super-model hot to my rapidly developing FA sensibilities, but thinking about her body porking up like Juicy Jackalyn or Kelly was just so hot! I couldn't wait then, to see my beauty fatten, but soon I would have another image beside the Internet beauties, when I thought about our future together. Just about 4 months into our relationship you see, Linda got a letter from Kate!

The letter from Kate had hit her hard. She cried for a time, and then got quiet, and for Linda, that wasn't normal. I tried to ask her about it and was rebuffed with more silence and so I ignored the letter for a while, meaning a few weeks, hoping she would open up...and she did...she opened up her mouth even wider and ate like there was no tommorow. Not junk junk for was all quality stuff, prepared lovingly by her over many fit for my growing queen, and she even took the time to show me how to make some of it.

This went on for more than a month before she opened up one night, glutted on a dinner of an entire Chicken floating in an ocean of Mole Poblano with all the fixings Mexico had to offer. She lay back on the couch, with the T.V. tray heaped with dishes panting, burgeoning belly showing stretchmarks that literally glowed lightining-like off of both sides of her deep and sexy naval toward love handles that were so full they almost had a sag to them even though they were supported by an ass that was becomming a thing of bulging beauty.

"Can you bring me the sponge cake honey, and the extra quart of icing I prepared?" Linda literally panted.

"Linda honey, you know I love your fat and want you fatter but your going to make yourself..."

"Get it Jack...Get it FEED me will you! How many times do you need me to tell you how hot it makes me to....Oh Jack....Please get me the cake...I'm sorry."

A moment later I had her cake and extra icing in hand and was spooning globs of icing into her supple lips as fast as she pounded down the sponge cake!

"Oh Jack...I'm getting so hot for you...Oh Honey, can't you wait until I get fat.....I mean REALLY FAT!"

"Really baby, I can't wait, but I hope it won't go on like this much longer, I mean it's great and hot and all, but don't you want to go out and do something...I mean it's been more than a month since we've seen any friends or even my parents! Don't you want to go out?"

"Listen Jack, I need to tell you about the letter from Linda...and I have been so sad and afraid. She needs to see me, and wants to meet you. She says she misses me more than she even misses my Thai cooking, which if you know what I know about her is saying alot. Her husband Ted is sick, nothing major she thinks, but sick...not himself at all, and she needs me to sit with her once in a while...just to talk. I haven't told you alot about our relationship Jack, or Ted her husband, and I want you to know that I am devoted to you, and really always have been. Half of what happened when I was with them was because I missed you and wanted to forget you...and I need to prove to you I'm serious. That's why I'm gaining so fast, trying to bury my old body under new fat, fat that is the product of your care and love, and my love and devotion to you!"

"Linda, please....You can go meet Kate, you don't have to.."

"I need to weigh more than 300 pounds when I go Jack, so she will realize that I have moved on in my life, and I will too...please help me!"

"Lin, you know that's not a problem...not with this to show for it!!" I said grabbing a roll on her belly in one hand and her bulging love handle in the other, and laying a loving lick into her inviting navel.

"I'm done with the cake now monkey..." Linda purred with a saucy smile..

Another month passed in a blur of gorging and gasping, feeding and fondling. Linda had grown alot adding weight across her beautiful body at a breakneck pace, and it was my neck that would break if I kept her waiting for dinner or snacks, or when she performed her sexual gymnastics on me at her rapidly increasing weight. Linda has never gotten into squashing but everything else was on the table for her sexually with one of her favorite maneuvers being to rouse me to attention with her flabby lower belly, brushing and plowing my cock while she straddled me, eating eclairs or donuts...and as I straightened performing her food sex on my member by lancing a pastry to it and then eating around until it was cleaned up, and I was bursting. Then she would pound down on me and I could barely contain myself watching the flopping, jiggling mass of love dough roll and flow. It was ecstatic and ongoing.

We visited my parents and my Mom was shocked at Linda's expansion, but her personality as usual won over Mom eventually to the point where at Sunday dinner after a long weekend at their home my Mom filled Linda's plate three times with her Velveta American Chop Sui...Linda raving about it's rich and wonderful flavor, and in the car on the way home about it's high caloric value.

"I mean it's a comfort food Jack, and your Mom and that Velveta....even though it's a best hit of the 1970's ...It's good! That's what we need to do Jack, open up a restaraunt....and serve that sort of thing...Good old comfort food. I mean we can throw a twist or two at it, but lets be honest, its good and it sells! What do you think Monkey? You like??"

"I think if that's what you want, lets' do it, but think about how we want to set it up, with a good business model and all. I think I know the perfect woman to be the executive chef and chief taste tester!"

"A good Chef always tastes their food!!" Linda laughed

"Which your Dad must have said fifty times by Friday Night, and we had only been there a few hours. Wasn't it sweet the way he stopped your Mom from picking on me...and rubbed my big old pooch of a belly!"

"I thought he was gonna grab your ass you vixen. Stop turning on my Dad, but keep him on our side! We will need all the help we can get as you gain with Mom offering her two-cents!"

"Jack...What can it hurt if he does grab my ass...I mean there's enough of it for both of you!! Ha...Jack I'm not really serious...You should look at your face in the rear-view....take that puss off before it freezes that way!"

We stopped for icecream at an A&W along the way home and pulled into Bolton as the sun went down casting Lake George in it's shadows. Linda jumped out of the car as fast as her legs could carry her size 20 jeans and ran inside my rented house. What a wiggle her ass made, that swoosh above plump and rubbing thighs with the noise of tight denim rubbing...those jeans were already way small containing a gorgeously rounded rump! I followed as fast as I could.

Linda stripped off her jeans with a grunt showing sad lines of constraint marring her snowy skin, grabbed a tray of eclairs and after placing them on the counter asked me to get her the scale. It had been two weeks since her last weigh-in which had put her at 274...which was a substantial gain in a short time, more than both of us had imagined possible. Linda thought that since she had been big before, she was gaining easier now that her metabolism had ratcheted into place after months of gorging. As Linda moved her jiggly big behind and drooping belly toward the scale, I couldn't wait to see the results. I had found it increasingly erotic to see her weigh herself with that gleam in her eyes and the moans of pleasure as she realized her efforts were paying dividends.

In the light of one of our Hurricane Lamps and a gas fire over faux-logs in the fireplace, Linda, like a figure out of some primitive fertility rite stood posing before the scale. Her slim and pretty feet and ankles supported increasingly bulbous calves in turn supporting heavy and dimpled knees beneath thighs that lept outward toward hips that exploded to support their burden: a simply stupendous round and dimpled ass and hanging gothic belly. Her weight soared upward from those ankles with the flair of a mushroom cloud moments after the detonation of a test bomb...a sick analogy I know, but fitting. Supported on the second bulge of that belly and hips were a pair of stunning and striated tits, sitting upright on nests of healthy fat. All this framed by gorgeously formed arms, round and dimpled at the elbows, shoulders rounding too, her radiant face and a mane of blond hair! She as magnificent...

"306...Jack...Holy Shit...306....I gained 9 pounds at your 11 I did the math wrong....Holy Shit!!" She stood there gloatingly rubbing that belly, grabbing at those a trance of satisfaction at the fat that had formed, and her new from the constraints of the past and all for me. I stood like a kid that has seen his first nipple....thunderstruck.
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Giantjay 13 years
Very interesting! I hope you continue it, I can't wait to see what happens with the helper!
RFBurton 13 years
and this will be the first, and the last...unless we get some input people!
Daj462 13 years
Wow nice start
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