Help wanted

Chapter 20 - loving linda 6

Turning and seeing my rapture,she leaned into the counter, a little to the side from me so I could see her belly hang, and began rotating her ass in a slow and sexy way...rotating in such a way that her entire body began to wiggle...belly flopping ever so lightly against her fattened thighs. AS she did her little dance, eyes upon me, hands fingering her fattened belly and hips...until she remembered the eclairs and then while one rubbed and fondled, the other opened the tray and satisfied her least those that an eclair could. I stood there jealous of that eclair for a moment, but as Linda saw my hesitation she gave her rump a quick firm slap with her chocolate covered hand, and turned it toward me spreading her legs...legs that even spread met a third of the way down from her ass that swayed with a life of it's own, until I covered it, and lost myself in sweet oblivion.

This finishes the 2nd part of Help Wanted.

Here is part 3, Gifts and Curses...

Well she finally went to see Kate a few weeks after our trip to see my parents. She had received another letter and had appeared a bit shaken up by it, but put on that attitude of hers and refused to share. "This involves a long story Jack, and it's not the time for it. You know I love you, and am committed to you...and I now that I am a bit over 300 pounds, and it's your fat...fat you put on me, I feel all right with seeing Kate and Ted." I knew there was alot more to what she was between the lines. Sometimes when she had told me about her time with her old employers, and this hadn't been often, she had gotten dreamy and distant. I assumed that they had been very close, and that their had maybe even have been some sort of unwanted advance by Ted: I mean Linda was gorgeous, and sexy as hell at any couldn't he. I also knew that Linda had put on serious weight with the couple, and that Kate herself was, as Linda put it, "Simply HUGE!" and that she had been partially responsible for Linda's weight gain. WIth a final roll on the matress and a kiss on the cheek, Linda had waddled out to her car and left, telling me she would call soon. The sight of her fattened ass shimmying and wobbling it's way down the sidewalk to the car, and the way the car heaved toward her as she flopped that ass onto the seat made my balls ache, but I knew she would be O.K.. I trusted her, and in the end, I was right.

I heard from her that night. Ted and Kate lived in a large compound on the Vermont shores of Lake Champlain, where Ted had made plenty of money as a developer. Linda loved the house, and told me she had some great ideas for us when she got home. She also told me that Ted was sick, and that she needed to stay for some time....and of course not to worry about her, she certainly wouldn't be starving to death up there. I gave her a little encouragement, telling her I wanted her to strap on the "feed bag" and show me her love by piling on a few "miss you" pounds to share with me when she got back! I just didn't have any idea of what I was saying, or what I was getting into. Life can bring you strange gifts as well as curses.

She called me dailey, and nightly, and I soon found out that Ted had cancer and was getting the best treatment that money could buy, but it didn't look good for him long- term. His illness meant that he was constantly going back and forth to the hospital, and that even when he was home, there was no one to take care of Kate the way she needed to be, and that was where Linda came in. "What's the matter with Kate" I asked curiously for while I knew she was very large, I didn't know that she was handicapped.

"She weighs over 1000 pounds now Ted, and she is nearly immoblie. She has to be fed and cared for almost like a newborn, and she doesn't trust anyone else to do it...or at least to supervise it. She has a cooking and cleaning staff, and they have hired a full time caregiver too, but with Ted so sick, she just needs me to be here, for support. I hope you understand honey...I love you soooo much and wish I could be here but please don't worry. I will be back as soon as I can!" These phone calls often resulted in sexy talk, and sometimes to one or both of us having to hold the phone with only one hand...we had developed a real physical connection, and it was hard to be away....

Days turned into weeks and as we crossed the month threshold, I became a little frustrated. How long could this go on? When I let Lina know my feelings, she comforted me with the knowledge that her stay was making quite an impression on her figure, and that I would like what I found when she came back. The more patient I was, the more I might find to like! I agreed to hold on, and continued going to work and spending my teaching day thinking about my beautiful girlfriend expanding for me as she cared for a woman who had somehow managed to fatten herself into immobility. It was making me crazy that I found myself staring at the big cans of a few of the female staff at my High School, and while they weren't much to look at compared to Linda, I began to crave them just for because of the need my body had for a *** and a roll in the hay. I had to do something! Luckilly both April vacation and an emergency call from Linda got me to make the drive North on 87 to see the love of my life!
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Deth 9 years
That would be great
Xandercroft 9 years
***ing kinky...I'm into a continuation!
RFBurton 9 years
Should there be a continuation?? Are you curious as to what the future may hold for these fattening folks?
Mdy73 9 years
Oh my, this is perfect reading!
RFBurton 13 years
What is going to happen to Linda?
Jazzman 13 years
How about if Linda seeks employment with another friend of Ted. A similarly inclined and also wealthy man with a wife who is slender. And maybe this wife has some feedee tendencies waiting to be set free. Linda could become her cooking and baking teacher and eventually with sampling the goods-her eating buddy. That way Linda's own gain would continue but slow down some. And just maybe the new man had an equally inclined brother for Linda.
Daj462 13 years
Have Linda become bigger than Kate smiley
Daj462 13 years
Nice looking for the next one smiley
RFBurton 13 years
more to come soon!
Daj462 13 years
Jazzman 13 years
JUst as good as ever. I look every day to see if you've added another chapter.
RFBurton 13 years
Well Linda is gaining, and Kate is out of control, but what about Ted, and the two new Italian helpers....any predictions?
Daj462 13 years
Please, I'd like to see more, soon
Tarquin 13 years
Excellent, NEVER read anything better! Can't wait to see Linda get too fat to walk.
Daj462 13 years
Very nice looking forward to more smiley
Jazzman 13 years
Each chapter better than the last-seems impossible! It is the pacing and the artistic use of language that I like-and imagery. And the reality is possible too. Too fat for conventional sex is on its way-and she has a firm grasp on it. Amazing story! Will you do any further delving into the beginnings of Ted and Kate's relationship? Was she a 250 lb BBW when they first met? etc. Just Sayin.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shammyboy 13 years
awesome work. Not what I expected
Jazzman 13 years
Masterful pacing makes each chapter even better than the last!
RFBurton 13 years
Thanks...and I plan on keeping it going toward the tangent I have in mind!
Jazzman 13 years
I thought this was going to be yet another bakery or doughnut shop story-and I Still like those! BUT this is something completly new and Wonderful!
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