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Chapter 21 - gifts and curses 1

The drive up 87 like always, was scenic, and historic, and over almost before I knew it, after which it was watch out for wildlife and Candadian tourists. After crossing the bridge at Crown Point I headed South down the lake toward the address Linda had left me with. When I pulled up at the lakefront mansion that proved to be the residence I was seeking, I was amazed! Opulence and extravegence beyond anything I had seen down on Lake George, set against the Adirondack panorama visible across the lake on the New York shore...mountain after mountain, ridge after ridge loping into the West where the sun would soon set. As I pulled into the driveway Linda emerged from the door and waddled out to meet me....a 400 pound Linda, wearing a pair of jeans that struggled to contain her wobbling belly...bouncing, bumping (off much fattened thighs) and wobbling...straining fabric. I instantly found myself springing to attention as I saw that her gorgeous belly was supporting a wopping pair of boobs that jiggled enticingly beneath a v-necked t shirt. When she reached me she embraced me, eyes blazing, and her hanging belly and boobs heaving from the exhertion of the 50 foot walk. Her now much fatter arms smothered me in their grasp, cool to the touch, fragerant with the smell of her own enticing scent and favorite perfume. Her bountiful hanging belly pressed softly but firmly into my little soldier who was already at attention and immediately and involuntarily began twitching and throbbing at the stimulation her perfect paunch provided. Feeling the movement of her friend, Linda, horny herself, reached down and pulled me closer, hands on my ass, while my own hands were busy with that same body part on her, as yet unseen, but from the feel beneath my calipering claws, much meatier than before. I found myself leaning forward and into her hearty bosoms, cupping her corpulent body in my own as I reached in to kiss her lips, framed by gorgeous and chubbying cheeks. She tasted like pizza!

"I missed you so much much!" I said in between drinking her....."And you know I missed you, just feel the fat I have added, all for your fat-adoring pleasure! I have been busy Jack, but not even being busy around here can keep the food out of a willing mouth. You have to meet Kate baby, just try not to stare..."

"Stare.....Why would I stare when the only thing I want to stare at is right in front of me." I said, giving her love handle and long, slow grab, twist, squeeze, jiggle.....She jumped a little and laughed...

"Because you....anyone like who likes what we like...will find themselves caught ...captured, Kate. She is like the Queen of some kind of long-lost fat cult....she is immense, and irresistable at the same time...just..."

"Come on Lin.....You can't think I'm that shallow..."

"You aren''ll just collapse for her......she's amazing"

This was getting a little strange....Linda was almost raving and as she spoke, her chest and belly had begun to heave....her face, neck and the exposed portion of her verdant breasts to redden...I tried to calm her....

"Honey don't worry....I will behave....I.."

"I don't want that Jack....I want you to see her....and react as you will, I love you and support you, and need you in my life" Linda exhaled.....

"Now come on chubby.....You know.....You know I love you, not because...."

"I am you know, just a little chubby next to her....and I weigh 406 pounds.....I just got off the scale...........I know you want me bigger, and I'm trying..."

This was really starting to worry me. Linda acted as if she really believed what she was saying. She actually was worried I would drop her for Kate......

"Linda, Lets get serious, have the services been performed for Ted I need to do..."

"Ted had quite a Will, and everything, including his cremation has already been taken care of. All we need to do now is to scatter his ashes in the lake, which we can do tommorow or Friday, as you see fit Jack. Lets go inside now.....and you can meet.."

"The Queen of Fat?"

"Sure....You'll see......she is ...Oh Jack, this is Therese and here is Marie, they are on our staff here!" Interesting I thought.....Our?

What I saw in front of me were two very fat young women, Mediterrenean in appearance, each at least as big as Linda with the one I later found out to be Marie really much larger, which you didn't really see when she was approaching, as she was now. Marie has one of the biggest bulging bell shaped asses I had ever seen and a nice hanging belly to match up front. Therese was heavy in the hips and ass as well, with bulging cellulite covered arms and thighs. I said hello to the ladies who greeted me with more deference than I could understand on the landing out in front of the main foyer. With a quick hello and just one or two over the shoulder glances, that drew flirtatious joking from Lina...."Oh, so you like them with big-asses do you lover boy, well you won't have to wait too long before my hind-quarters eclipse the pair of those girls..."

"Linda," giving her a push-slap to her own fat behind, "I don't need you to be in any kind of a hurry. There's enough here to savour, and in a few minutes I hope we can get started renewing old a....a........

We had rounded the corner between the foyer and the formal living room where laying upon a massive bed with nothing on but a sheet atop her birthday suit was the fattest woman I had ever seen, or imagined....

A thick and sultry voice greeted my hang-jawed reaction..."oh yes Linda....he is perfect.....wonderful....he will do....and do fine!!"

It was obviously Kate who lay in front of me, though at first I could barely see her least I couldn't concentrate on it! A massive newly risen muffin-like mass of belly fat rose between immense pillows of flesh, out of which two sets of toes wiggled. This mass of flesh glowed with a pinkly golden hue, which was the only thing that kept all of that immensity from appearing to be a massive blob of cool-whip. As my eyes took it in soon made out roll after flattened roll, or should I call it slab of belly fat, on top of roll after segmented roll of leg or was was it hip fat, all flattened out by gravity and pushing outward toward the edge of the bed. Kate's cavervous navel faced me, and as I recovered a little I saw that her tits were barely covered with a sheet and fell languidly toward the sides of her slabs of belly which were framed by massive cloudlike fluffy arms beneath shoulders that appeared to both hunch and sag at the same time. On top of those shoulders, beneath a tussled mane of red hair was her face which seemed almost to float on a pillow of neck and jowl fat. The cheeks were dimpled, the sensuous lips puffed and pouty, the little pug nose lost amid the pale fat surrounding it, while blue...intense blue eyes, glowed bewitchingly, squinting a little because of those more than chubby cheeks. Kate was immediately attractive, in her all of her bloated extravagence, attractive in a visceral, primative way. I felt myself harden....time appeared to stop. As our eyes searched each others, I noticed the sadness of the recent loss, and the questioning look...."Would I abandon her?" beseeching me to assure her. Linda appeared to shrink and fade away beside me as I lost myself in Kate's gaze, beneath that wild red was like I was gripped with a madness!
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Giantjay 13 years
Very interesting! I hope you continue it, I can't wait to see what happens with the helper!
RFBurton 13 years
and this will be the first, and the last...unless we get some input people!
Daj462 13 years
Wow nice start
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