Help wanted

Chapter 23 - gifts and curses 3

"Baby!" I said to her, and she stopped for a moment, now on all fours, her belly pooled out on the kitchen floor compressing three large rolls. "I just want you to know that I'm staying, and it's mostly because of you, and that what we just did is just the begining! You are one hot little sister!"

"You just wait until you do the mistress'll forget all about me!"

"Honey....You just keep eating and you'll put the mistress to shame. Now I gotta get Linda her pie!"

That night was beyond anything I could have imagined, and it was lucky for me that I had wrestled with the team more this year than I had in the past few because I was in pretty good shape, though not as good as I needed to be. When are you. Returning to Linda's supple side I proceeded to stuff another pie into her waiting lips, heaping piece by heaping piece. When it was gone, she rolled onto her side, head off the pillow and asked if I could take her gently so it wouldn't interupt her digestion. She was stuffed and her belly was blown out and rested a good foot and a half out in front of her on the matress. Her growing hips and fattened ass now greeted me and I was amazed at the dimples that had worked there way onto her figure, espescially on the back of her thighs. Reaching in slowly I guided myself into position and snuggling in as close as I could I began gently rocking back and forth into her fattened flesh while cuddling what I could reach of her belly with my right hand, arm resting in the crease created between her jutting hips and waist. I never even needed to increase the pace for she was quivering through an orgasm in no time flat, while I just held on feeling her hightened pulse and quickening breaths ripple through her folds of fat. I soon was enjoying a moment myself and soon drifted into a bit of what I though was well deserved rest and sleep took me....for about five minutes it seemed.

The next thing I knew, Linda was shaking me gently awake and as I sat up in a daze, I found myself following me into Kates room where the lights had been dimmed, candles had been set, and what appeared to be a Thanksgiving smorg set up on tables around the mamoth beauty. I stood spellbound and watched as Linda approached and after a low and husky conversation, began gathering trays of food from the tables. Trays containing dressing and potatos heaped and swimming in gravey, candied yams and all the other fixings of America's great celebration of gluttony. She approached Kate's face, where it lay nested in the fat that rose up from her hulking shoulders and bulbous arms and began spooning gobs of delight into the waiting maw. Soon Kate was nearly raving in food inspired pleasure, remarking in near orgasmic bliss( I found out later that that was exactly what it was) as each new treat passed her lips. The more she ate the hotter she got and her face, really the most mobile part of her body was soon a collection of wiggling cheek and quivering chin fat, flushed with excitement and passion. I from my position of feeder-voyeur soon found that in spite of the gymnastics I had already been through that night, that I was rock hard.

I was startled from my reverie by the waddle of Marie as she came from behind me carrying a large tray containing a lemon-merengue pie that must have weighed ten pounds. Setting it on the massive bed well to Kate's left, she puffed and panted for a minute, gave me a soulful look and then moved the several pillows by the headboard out of the way, replacing them with the tray and pie. She then waddled toward me and with brown eyes pleading, motioned me to follow her wobbling ass toward Linda on the right side of the bed. Linda, who had been in almost as much of a reverie as Kate, turned toward me and in a tone of calm command said, " Now we have to turn her over, the three of us, and it has to be done right. Be careful of her skin and don't bruise her by grabbing the wattle. Just reach under her with open hands and what ever you do, lift with your back Jack. Don't worry about Marie, she knows what to do....yes, here by her hips, reach under...good, now one, two....three!"

We heaved together, and Kate made a sidleing motion...almost a wiggle, and her slabs of belly fat, breasts, wattled arms, bean-bag chair wide thighs and all cascaded toward the left. As we got her on her side I was astonished at the way the fat on her right hip flattened out making a nest to support her...from the back it was striking, while on the other side her belly spilled and flattened against the bed, her right tit slopping down the belly, thank you Sir Isaac, to rest in a bulbous pile atop it's friend to the left. Kate immediately found the pie and plunged her face into the merengue, though her cheeks flopping with gravity made this very inefficient, messy and uncannily sexy! Linda saw my reaction and immediately huffed herself up on the bed, leaning her own big belly into Kate's fattened back and blubbery bicep and reaching over all that fat, grabbed Kate's left nipple to get her attention.

"Jack's here you still..."

"Oh yes.....this pie is......tell him to hurry...and wherever he wants too...though not my mouth...not .....with this pie to eat......though later I must have a taste.....tell him if he can reach....he can have ....whatever....oh Linda the pie is......."

With those words she buried her face in the pie, and I began to contemplate the situation. If I could reach? This would be a least the thought crossed my mind for a minute anyway...until Marie saw my dilema.

Linda had remained atop Kates bouyant side and was apparently kissing her breast and nipple, a sight that almost caused me to go comatose. Linda and her newly fattened ass, belly compressed back toward her rounded thighs and ass, exhibiting gloriously recent stretchmarks, jiggling and undulating as she worked Kate into a passion. Kate..the fattest woman I could possibly imagine, and probably the sexiest, grunting and gulping in gustatory glee...ass...probably five feet wide though sagging and bulging to gravities call, dimpled and wattled, above cloudlike liquid thighs, white as snow with red-lighting stretchmarks......the memory of it.....

Again, it was Marie that came to my rescue. Grabbing Kates watermelon wide ankle, she lifted it slowly and got her head and shoulder in and under Kates calf. With her own bulging belly slowing and constricting her movements, rolls all in motion, and chest heaving, she lifted the calf and with a pant, told me that the thighs were too fat to part, but that now I would be able to snake my body between them and get my chest up onto her lower belly, giving me access to my target. Without waiting for a second invitation I pushed my head (lucky I had a crew cut) between those awesome thighs and out into the air with my shoulders following. It was almost like swimming in fat, and the only experience I remember that is anything like it is when as a child I jumped into deep heavey snow in a snowmobile suite and found myself comfortably trapped. In this case all I can say is lucky that Marie liked me, and kept that leg up, or I would have been in trouble. Soon I found myself in the most amazing sexual positon I had ever exxperienced, buried in Kate's treasure, legs buried in her blubber...piles and piles of delicious fat, torso resting on a lower belly that pooled out like a waterbed, but softer, and sweeter and my face in a perfect position for my tougue to tickle a roll. I was able to watch Kate's beautiful fat face gulp away, and Linda's equally beautiful face and much of her belly, breast and arm fat jiggling away as she licked the massive blubber bag in front of her, drooling in her passion. I was in, and I knew it, and simply got my weight shifting back and forth in all that blubber...back and forth while I licked....occaisionally burying my face in that immense fat, fattened, fattening belly.....I stayed there all night....we all did.
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Giantjay 13 years
Very interesting! I hope you continue it, I can't wait to see what happens with the helper!
RFBurton 13 years
and this will be the first, and the last...unless we get some input people!
Daj462 13 years
Wow nice start
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