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Chapter 8

The next morning I was up early in spite of the hangover that haunted me, a hangover resulting from me sampling the cooking wine, and then deciding on trying some of the Kingfisher Beer I served with our dinners, and then masturbating myself to sleep. I had to prepare breakfast and then begin making tofu. Kate had hinted that she would like to try my own personal favorite ethnic food, Thai, and I had decided after watching what I had the night before, today was the day.

Ted appeared tired, but was very pleasant and I again caught his eye following my newly acquired bubble-butt across the kitchen and into the dinning room twice, while Kate was simply sated. She puffed her morning cigarette with dreamy eyes, and when her food arrived, she leaned over her plate and just inhaled! Ted watched, trying to hide his hard on, and as he was leaving told me that the Kulchi was wonderful, and that I would soon have my very own girl would help in the kitchen, and a second to work as a maid.

"Kate and I feel that you deserve the chance to continue, without interuption, on the path to cullianry excellence you have us on! With help, this should be far simpler for you, and we also felt that you deserved a raise. Linda, I am proud to tell you that you are now making almost as much as my top formen make with overtime! I am going to increase your salary to $75,000.00 a year, and add a third week of vacation time to the package!"

"I don't know what to say Ted! Except.."

"And, Kate suggested we also give you a clothing allowance. She seems to think that sampling all the high calorie faire you have been sending our way has begun to take it's toll on your figure...I find that statement preposterous, but I like the idea of keeping you happy! Buy what you would like at the outlets with this credit card this weekend. Whatever you'd like!"

"I can't thank you enough Ted, for all you and Kate have done, and...."

"No Linda, that isn't neccessary! Just you being here, sharing our home and preparing the wonderful,worldly feasts you have....your like a part of the family...Kate said it last night, and I want you to know, I feel the same way!"

As Ted said those words, that made me feel like such a heel, he stepped forward and gave me a kiss....on the forehead yes, but a kiss none the less!

As he left for work, I couldn't get his smell, and the feel of my now softer body in his embrace, out of my mind, nor could I get Kate's kind words and thoughtful actions to disappear either. I just settled down to the business of making tofu, and keeping Kate fed...but it must have been the new cuisine that distracted my mind, because I was in the middle of preparing a Panang Curry paste, when turning I saw Kate waddle into the kitchen. She was naked.
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Deth 9 years
That would be great
Xandercroft 9 years
***ing kinky...I'm into a continuation!
RFBurton 9 years
Should there be a continuation?? Are you curious as to what the future may hold for these fattening folks?
Mdy73 9 years
Oh my, this is perfect reading!
RFBurton 13 years
What is going to happen to Linda?
Jazzman 13 years
How about if Linda seeks employment with another friend of Ted. A similarly inclined and also wealthy man with a wife who is slender. And maybe this wife has some feedee tendencies waiting to be set free. Linda could become her cooking and baking teacher and eventually with sampling the goods-her eating buddy. That way Linda's own gain would continue but slow down some. And just maybe the new man had an equally inclined brother for Linda.
Daj462 13 years
Have Linda become bigger than Kate smiley
Daj462 13 years
Nice looking for the next one smiley
RFBurton 13 years
more to come soon!
Daj462 13 years
Jazzman 13 years
JUst as good as ever. I look every day to see if you've added another chapter.
RFBurton 13 years
Well Linda is gaining, and Kate is out of control, but what about Ted, and the two new Italian helpers....any predictions?
Daj462 13 years
Please, I'd like to see more, soon
Tarquin 13 years
Excellent, NEVER read anything better! Can't wait to see Linda get too fat to walk.
Daj462 13 years
Very nice looking forward to more smiley
Jazzman 13 years
Each chapter better than the last-seems impossible! It is the pacing and the artistic use of language that I like-and imagery. And the reality is possible too. Too fat for conventional sex is on its way-and she has a firm grasp on it. Amazing story! Will you do any further delving into the beginnings of Ted and Kate's relationship? Was she a 250 lb BBW when they first met? etc. Just Sayin.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shammyboy 13 years
awesome work. Not what I expected
Jazzman 13 years
Masterful pacing makes each chapter even better than the last!
RFBurton 13 years
Thanks...and I plan on keeping it going toward the tangent I have in mind!
Jazzman 13 years
I thought this was going to be yet another bakery or doughnut shop story-and I Still like those! BUT this is something completly new and Wonderful!
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