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Chapter 9

Having just seen Kate naked the night before...naked and giving Ted a Banana-Split-Blow-Job....I was surprised at how beautiful she looked bouncing and jiggling across the tiles toward me. Her belly swayed slapping first one thigh and then the other as she waddled toward me on thighs that appeared to be melting beneath her flowing hips. Her red hair was sleep tussled yet framed her still thin but plumpening face and sultry blue eyes and set off the ruddy tone of her flesh. She stopped belly distance from me, meaning both our bellies were actually in contact and then threw her immense arms around me in a weighty hug that pulled me in to her still perky bosom resting atop her upper belly.

While still in the hug she looked me face to face and said in the most savagely sexual voice I have ever heard..."He loves you...and so do I!"

I didn't understand the meaning of this...and considering myself worldly, was wondering if they were considering a threesome, when Kate began to wax poetic about my food, and in particular, the kulchi last night. She informed me how aroused she was at the moment, just thinking about what had happened the night before because I had inspired it...of how Ted had told her in the throws of passion that after the experience of last night, he could happily die knowing what sex was, and then finally, unable to control herself, she gave me a full throated, deep kiss...which reduced my knees to mush. I literally fell on the floor below her, on my knees and looking up toward her face, saw her massive quivering belly mounted atop her bloated pussy. She reached out and cupped my face in her hands, leading my mouth toward her sweet spot...

The softness....the mind and soul tingled as I tried to reach her juices, licking and nuzzling, while she gently but firmly pushed the back of my head. All my mind could think was I had to sense what Ted had, to experience his passion for this woman...and it was easy. Without even thinking why I grasped her huge ass and began kneeding, noticing that the fat there was of a different consitancy from that of her flabby belly and inner thighs. It was compressed and far more thickly rubbery, while her love handles...where my hands unconciously moved, were smooth, silky and soft. I noticed somewhere in the midst of this experience that I was cumming, over and over again, and so was Kate. How it happened I'll never know, but I apparently blacked out in ecstasy and awoke to find myself above Kate who lay on the floor,violently rubbing between Kate's swollent thighs with one had, and pouring cherries and cream into her gaping maw with the other, with her massive and engorged belly lying between, right below my mouth which I satisfied by licking more cherries and cream out of her cavernous, cellulite surrounded navel. Her face was red, she was nearly spent with passion and covered with sweat, but still eating, and still fingering my own pussy, which was wetter than it had ever been.

"You are so beautiful Kate, no wonder Ted loves you so much. So beautiful and bloated...and so willing to..."

"To bloat until I need another to bloat me. I will get so fat that these arms will be useless, and the arms that will feed me most of the time will be yours. THe food that I will eat will be yours Linda...and while Ted is gone, the tounge that will touch me, the fingers that will take me, will be yours...and when I am so fat that he can't have me, and will need has to be have to win his love...more cream please!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing...hear was Kate, stuffed to the gills and proclaiming the desire to stuff into immobility as my part time lover, and then in turn, turning me over as the full time lover of her husband when she was too fat to fuck! It was crazy, but I was turned on to such an extent my mind buzzed.

"And have to start to get have to soften, and see how your body will form....they all form differently...yours will be beautifu..not like skinny bodies which are very similar....every fat body is so different. We need to start seriously fattening you because...."

She was so spent that she was about to drift off into a mid-morning nap with my hand in her snatch...she was as sexxed as I could ever imagine a woman being, and I wanted to be her.

"Because why Kate...Why do I need to get.."

"Because to a man like Ted, fat is what matters...think about it like this..most men like tits, or asses, yes? These are round, and covered with a layer of soft fat. SOme men like the layer to be thin, but most want those body parts to be thicker. Ted looks at my whole body, from my toes, to my chin, as most men look at a set of tits. He is turned on by my entire body as if it were a giant tit to most men, and he wants to make it bigger....You have to get fat to draw his must be ready to satisfy him when I am too fat for it, because I feel myself losing control...I just want to eat..Oh God, all the time...and I want to eat even when Ted is fucking me, more, more...oh please Linda, more cream and then.... eat me!"
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Deth 9 years
That would be great
Xandercroft 9 years
***ing kinky...I'm into a continuation!
RFBurton 9 years
Should there be a continuation?? Are you curious as to what the future may hold for these fattening folks?
Mdy73 9 years
Oh my, this is perfect reading!
RFBurton 13 years
What is going to happen to Linda?
Jazzman 13 years
How about if Linda seeks employment with another friend of Ted. A similarly inclined and also wealthy man with a wife who is slender. And maybe this wife has some feedee tendencies waiting to be set free. Linda could become her cooking and baking teacher and eventually with sampling the goods-her eating buddy. That way Linda's own gain would continue but slow down some. And just maybe the new man had an equally inclined brother for Linda.
Daj462 13 years
Have Linda become bigger than Kate smiley
Daj462 13 years
Nice looking for the next one smiley
RFBurton 13 years
more to come soon!
Daj462 13 years
Jazzman 13 years
JUst as good as ever. I look every day to see if you've added another chapter.
RFBurton 13 years
Well Linda is gaining, and Kate is out of control, but what about Ted, and the two new Italian helpers....any predictions?
Daj462 13 years
Please, I'd like to see more, soon
Tarquin 13 years
Excellent, NEVER read anything better! Can't wait to see Linda get too fat to walk.
Daj462 13 years
Very nice looking forward to more smiley
Jazzman 13 years
Each chapter better than the last-seems impossible! It is the pacing and the artistic use of language that I like-and imagery. And the reality is possible too. Too fat for conventional sex is on its way-and she has a firm grasp on it. Amazing story! Will you do any further delving into the beginnings of Ted and Kate's relationship? Was she a 250 lb BBW when they first met? etc. Just Sayin.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shammyboy 13 years
awesome work. Not what I expected
Jazzman 13 years
Masterful pacing makes each chapter even better than the last!
RFBurton 13 years
Thanks...and I plan on keeping it going toward the tangent I have in mind!
Jazzman 13 years
I thought this was going to be yet another bakery or doughnut shop story-and I Still like those! BUT this is something completly new and Wonderful!
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