Ashly stuffs peter

Chapter 2 - ashly funnels ice cream

She bounced more aggressively atop him, thinking he would make an excellent trampoline once he got big enough. The movement made him moan in pain, "I'm full. No more."

Ashly ground her silky wet crotch into the softness of his gluttonous gut, her legs spread wide around his waistline as she reached over and grabbed something from the nightstand. She felt Peter tighten in fear beneath her. He gasped in horror when she spoke.

"I tell you when you have had enough, fat boy," she whispered in an evil tone as she lifted her legs from him and slid out of her panties before mounting him again. He looked frightened as he saw a funnel and a giant tub of fudge swirl ice cream in her hands. She smiled at him a bit and her lips curled up wickedly, but her smile soon softened just a bit. After all, she only meant to have fun and scare him a little. She certainly didn't want him to run like so many of her lovers had over the years. Run? She though to herself, more like waddled.

Beneath her, Peter moaned a moan of pleasure now. And this made her moan deeply as well, feeling the grumbling of his moan vibrate through her inner thighs as they squeezed against his softness.

"Don't worry, my sweet piggy. I'm only doing what I know you so desperately want in the back of your kinky little mind." Peter gulped, and she continued. "I am your slave, and I know what my piggy master needs and wants more than he does." She reached beneath Peter's gargantuan gut and grabbed his hardened manhood.

"Well, well, there is at least one part of you that isn't soft and flabby." She cackled like a witch now, and he felt his cock throbbing in her tight strong hand. "Last words before I insert the funnel?" she purred into his ear.

"Funnel?!" he exclaimed with surprise.

"Yes, my fat growing piggy. I'm not going to get you to the desired size without pushing you beyond your already-astounding capacity?"

His eyes grew wide, and he started to protest. "N-N-N-no!" When he opened up his mouth, she slid the funnel in, then started to pour the half-melted ice cream into it.

"I've made sure the ice cream is nice and soft, so it will pour into you easily," she said, tipping the tub of fattening cool creamy stuff into the wide plastic funnel.

As his mouth and throat filled with cool ice cream, Peter felt Ashly's sweet juices flowing from between her legs, soaking her panties, filling his deep belly button, then dripping down between his rolls of fat and and into the creases of his love handles.

The heat of her body and juices, the cold of the ice cream filling his belly. The pleasure of her touch, the pain of her forcefeeding. He was thinking in poetic terms of the contrasting feelings he was having - of horror and joy, of repulsion and attraction, of arousal and disgust.

Disgust at himself mostly. "How did I allow this to happen to me?" he thought even while feeling her hand upon his hardened cock, squeezing it and relaxing in the same rhythm she was bouncing gently upon him.

Ashly felt evil, and it felt good, very good to be so so wicked. She saw the look in his eyes, like a scared wild animal in a trap. She felt herself squirt again between her thighs where his flab was so soft it almost filled her up, and she laughed with joy.

"I'm covering your fat body with my love juices," she said. "I'm like a sexual predator, marking you as mine." She stuck her finger into his belly button, causing the juices there to overflow. "Not deep enough," she said, looking at her finger like a mechanic might look at the dipstick in a car engine to check the oil.

"But soon, it will be," she added, laughing as she started to convulse with pleasure, now lowering herself onto his thick love-pole. "Soon, it will be."

Peter felt himself give in to the pleasure of the moment. What chance did he have to do otherwise?

What chance did he have at all now? His future was sealed by a former stripper now dancing on a different pole and pushing her warm body against Peter's bulging belly as it filled with all that fattening sweet coolness.

Thinking what the future would bring, they both exploded in enough pleasure to last a lifetime.

Which indeed it would.

The End (perhaps or just the beginning?)
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Littleextra 6 years
Great read, very well done. Love the dynamic between these two! Thanks for posting. Two thumbs up.