Hazard of the job

Chapter 3

Each night Lewis would finish up at Casa, polish off any leftovers and walk Jess to her car. Then it was straight to the locker room to see who had eaten the most that day. This had become a daily routine.

Sam would normally be lying on the bench, delirious stroking his full belly. His girlfriend seemed to like his changing physique. He was quite muscular in his arms and his new belly really suited him. She couldn't keep her hands off him when he got home. What an incentive to pig out. Seriously, this was the best job that Sam had ever had. Basically he got to walk around flirting with the store holders, eat whatever he wanted free of charge, and then he go home to a girlfriend who literally could not wait to see him. No wonder his stomach was always crammed full.

Ryan would usually be posing in the mirror. He wasn't as good looking as Sam or Lewis, and so he couldn't rely on his good looks or charm with the women to win. What he lacked in looks he made up for in pure greed. He was addicted to the feeling of being stuffed and had a competitive nature. Although he was at a disadvantage, he wasn't going to go down without a fight. He had found out by chance that the burger restaurant would have 5 or 6 burgers every day that they would just throw away. As long as no-one caught you eating them you could have a daily burger fest just before weigh in. It was working well - Ryan's expanding belly was testament to that.

One Friday Lewis had forty minutes of his shift remaining. Everyone had been particularly generous that day. He had eaten like a king and his stomach was showing the signs of his over indulgence. As Lewis made his way to Casa he thought that he would have a look in the burger bar to see what was left. Normally Ryan would have gotten there first - meaning that all that was remaining of the burgers were a few crumbs.

However this day he was in luck - he was the first to arrive. Ryan must have got held up. He knew he shouldn't as Jess would have something waiting for him and he was already full, but the smell of the burgers was too much to resist.

In the back room behind the main eating area there were 15 assorted burgers left. Lewis smiled, no wonder Ryan was getting so fat. He carefully selected five and then started eating. The first 5 went down relatively easily. He had always loved burgers and these were particularly delicious. Once he finished those he picked up two more of his favourites. He really shouldn't but two more wouldn't hurt … would they?

He decided he would leave the other 8 for Sam and Ryan to finish off - he was sure that they would be here any minute. Ryan would be furious that Lewis had got there first. The final two burgers were more of a struggle. His shirt was very tight after the day’s feasting and his belly was big and round. He couldn't wait to show the others the results of his day’s work he thought, as he absent-mindedly rubbed his big stuffed belly and finished off the two burgers in front of him. He was so lost in his own little world that he didn't hear the door opening behind him.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Littleextra 11 years
Thanks! smiley
FrecherTyp 13 years
hehe that was brilliant i lked the naughty burger girl very much ^^
Ffancy 13 years
Nice! I like the contrast of the loving, nurturing feeder and the slightly kinky forced stuffing.

Although- and please don't take this on the nose - is there a reason you always use the same character names? Is it like alternate universes?