Hazard of the job

Chapter 4

'What the hell do you think that you are doing?’ a voice boomed from behind him.

Lewis froze.

'I have been waiting to catch the greedy pig that has been eating half of my profits. Who gave you permission to eat those?' she said sternly, looking at the empty wrappers and boxes

Lewis flushed with embarrassment. He tired to speak but nothing came out.

Laura the burger bar owner was a petite attractive brunette with a shockingly pretty face. She was dressed smartly in a suit, which clung to her figure in all the right places. She hated gluttony and this guy clearly had been over indulging on a regular basis.

'Looks like this isn't the first time' she said looking at Lewis's bulging belly and skin tight uniform.

I'm sorry, he said. He stood up with some difficulty, his hefty gut getting in the way.

’Sit down’ she ordered. He wasn't getting away that easily. She wanted to teach him a lesson.

She looked at him. 'Seeing that you like burgers so much, you can eat the rest of those.

Then you can go'.

Lewis laughed nervously - there was no way he could eat anything else today. He had had to force the last two down. 'Thanks but I am stuffed' he said patting his ample gut.

'When has that ever stopped you?' she said in a menacing tone. 'I don't think you quite understand what I am saying. Either you do as I say or you can come with me up to the security office and we can tell them that you have been stealing my food. I am sure that they will love that. They don't look kindly on thieves.

Panic spread across his chest and a jumble of thoughts rushed through Lewis's mind. He couldn't lose this job, first there was all the perks, the unlimited food, seeing Jess, the guys.

He knew he didn't want to stop growing either and there was no way he could afford to buy the food himself. He had always dreamed of having a big belly. He didn't know why but there was always this desire inside of him to get really big.

On top of this - how would he pay his rent? It had been a misunderstanding, he would never steal; his bosses would see that wouldn't they?

But it really didn't look good for him, there was no way he could disguise the evidence against him - his belly was particularly full today. He imagined his boss’s eyes on him and the shame that he would feel as she explained how she had found him, stuffing his face. This was all getting out of control. He felt a little faint.

What would his friends and family say when they found out why he got the sack? He already got a number of disapproving looks about his recent weight gain, whispered comments about him never being able to find a wife with a gut like that. He was going to be the centre of all of the gossip, people judging him, jumping to conclusions. His body seized with terror.

Well? she pushed.

’Please, don't report me’ he begged. ‘I'll do it. I need this job’.

Lewis's belly groaned in protest, 8 more. Seriously, this was impossible. But he had no choice. He had to give it a go.

'Enjoy' she said sarcastically, leaning back against the counter, arms crossed, her eyes fixed on him.

Each burger was a big struggle. He paused after five - he was so, so, so full. It was no good. His belly was packed solid, and straining against his shirt. He had never been this full before.

Laura really enjoyed watching him struggle and swell up before her eyes. 'So full' he moaned leaning back in the chair. She looked at him with a devilish glint in her eye.

'Open your mouth' she ordered. He looked up at her, unable to move, trying to comprehend what she was saying.

'Do you want to lose your job??!' she shouted.

All he could do was chew and swallow as she pushed the remaining burgers into his mouth. He was powerless. There was nothing that he could do, other than eat and clutch his tortured belly.

After what seemed like ages, finally all of the burgers, a massive 15 in total were gone. He groaned and let out a few deep burps.

Laura surveyed the empty wrappers and his massive stuffed belly. What a greedy pig! She hadn't thought that he would have been able to eat them all. She had estimated that there had been over 13 burgers, on top of what he had eaten during the day. This guy was clearly a complete glutton.

She shouldn't have been surprised. Whenever she saw the security hogs they were always stuffing their fat faces. Over the months she had watched their bellies balloon. He looked very uncomfortable now though, hopefully he would think twice before stuffing his face in her burger bar in the future.

'Now fat boy ... don't let me see you in here again' she said coming up really close to him and putting her hands firmly on his rotund gut. He gulped. He was so bloated the pressure of her hands really hurt 'This was a warning. Next time I won't be so lenient. Now get your FAT ass out of here ... NOW!' she barked.

He felt a thrill of fear go through him. He knew that she was serious. Somehow he stood up and hurried, as best he could, out of the restaurant - slamming the door behind him.

The adrenaline was pounding through his veins. When he was a safe distance away he leaned against the wall. His belly felt uncomfortably full. He looked down, he was so, so, bloated he looked like he was going to burst. He was finding it difficult to breathe. The relief that he felt from his lucky escape was soon replaced by pain. His head swam. What the hell had just happened?
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Littleextra 11 years
Thanks! smiley
FrecherTyp 13 years
hehe that was brilliant i lked the naughty burger girl very much ^^
Ffancy 13 years
Nice! I like the contrast of the loving, nurturing feeder and the slightly kinky forced stuffing.

Although- and please don't take this on the nose - is there a reason you always use the same character names? Is it like alternate universes?