Hazard of the job

Chapter 5

’Hey you' a friendly voice said. 'I wondered where you had got to ...’

Jess had been walking to her car when she spotted Lewis. Her eyes were immediately drawn to his bulging belly.

Jess's mind raced as she looked at him. She was disappointed that he hadn't come by today and she wanted to be angry with him. However he looked huge ... and she was instantly turned on.

She had seen him full, and she had seen him stuffed, but she had never seen him this big before. Her whole body tingled with excitement.

Normally she was able to control herself, but seeing him like this was just too much. She was glad that it was the end of the day and that the complex was almost empty. She walked over to him.

Her mind wandered to one of her recurring day dreams - them cuddled up on her sofa, his trousers undone, plates scattered around them, his t-shirt ridden up exposing his vast belly. Her hands slowly massaging his full and heavy gut.

'Sorry Jess I got ... held up' his voice brought her back to reality.

’Are you o.k?’ she said concerned noticing the pain in his voice.

'So F-u-l-l' he groaned closing his eyes and putting his head back. As the adrenaline was wearing off he was realising just how full he was. His belly felt so solid, he almost wanted to slice it open to let all the food spill out to relieve some of the pressure. He couldn't believe how much he had eaten. His trousers were digging into him and his tight shirt was restricting his breathing.

Jess felt weak at the knees. She moved even closer to him, and gently started brushing her fingers over his belly, slowly at first. It felt so heavy and full - she wondered just what he had eaten today.

His uniform was pulled taut - the buttons straining to withhold his belly. She was so nervous, worried what he was thinking, but she just couldn't stop herself. She couldn't keep her hands off him.

She slowly undid the button on his uniform shirt with some difficulty. It had been so tight that it had been holding his belly in like a corset - no wonder his voice sounded pained.

He breathed a sigh of relief as his belly expanded. The release in pressure felt so good, as did the sensation of her undressing him.

’Is that better?’ she said shyly looking into his eyes. She wanted to pounce on him there and then. Her heart was racing. He didn't need to respond, the answer was written all over his face. He let out another long relieved sigh.

'Look at you' Jess said feeling light headed. She slipped her hand under his open shirt. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt underneath which exposed just the right amount of his domed flesh. She started gently massaging his hard belly, her breathing increasing.

He was so swollen. Her mind wandered to where he had been that evening and how much he must have eaten to get that big. Touching him felt better than she had imagined. She had been thinking about it for so long … and now she was actually doing it. She felt a surge of emotion.

He smiled at her- her hand moving lightly on his packed gut was instantly making him feel better. His mind was distracted from his extremely full belly and a different set of emotions came to the forefront of his mind.

He put his arm around her and pulled her closer. He felt her firm body pressing against his side and her heart pounding through her shirt. Her body was clearly reacting to the physical contact.

’Did you eat too much today?’ she whispered into his ear breathlessly.

He giggled and looked down at his belly. Normally he would have felt embarrassed, but she looked so attractive and, there he was belly sticking out, shirt open having gorged himself. He could tell however from the way that she was looking at him, and touching him that she didn't mind. He got a funny feeling that she wouldn't have minded him even bigger. 'Hazard of the job' he said with a grin.

She giggled. She had never wanted to kiss him so much in her life but she was worried that she would get too carried away and not be able to stop. Even though the mall was empty, it was still a public place.

She felt his body weight shift - clearly he was thinking exactly the same thing.

Jess smiled, 'Come on you, let's get you home and out of these tight clothes’ ... ...
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Littleextra 11 years
Thanks! smiley
FrecherTyp 13 years
hehe that was brilliant i lked the naughty burger girl very much ^^
Ffancy 13 years
Nice! I like the contrast of the loving, nurturing feeder and the slightly kinky forced stuffing.

Although- and please don't take this on the nose - is there a reason you always use the same character names? Is it like alternate universes?