100 days: a madame bigger tale

Chapter 11 - day 100

Madame Bigger and two of her maids were downstairs setting the table before breakfast one morning when there was a tremendous THUD coming from upstairs. The walls shook and the dishes rattled. The Madame and her maids paused their activities to look to each other, then to the ceiling.

They waited.

Another THUD. Rattle. THUD. Rattle.

A maid put her arms over the plates to keep them from crashing to the floor from the vibrations rocking the foundation.

The Madame smiled. "Someone's hungry."

"Moira?" a concerned voice called from the foyer.

"Coming dear!" The Madame sang. The click of her heels echoed off the vaulted ceilings with every deliberate step. She came to the foot of the stairs and looked up to see Haley.

Haley was enormous. Her belly was wide and hung low, hiding her knees and some of her shins, wrapping around her and merging with her hips, ass, and love handles in a seamless flow of fat. She didn't even look like she should be able to talk at all, yet here she was, standing high above The Madame like the moon itself. She took Haley in, devouring her with her eyes. She thought back to three months and a week ago when Haley was barely 200 pounds and was proud of her accomplishment.

"Haley," The Madame called up to her, feigning a scolding tone. "I thought we agreed a few weeks ago that you would stay upstairs for the remainder of your time here. The climb was getting to be just too much for you. Besides, your bedroom alone is the size of some people's apartments."

"I'm hungry," Haley whined, punctuating her words with a purring release of gas. "Will you help me downstairs so I can eat?" she farted again, rubbing her belly to soothe it.

"If you can make it down here on your own, you can eat all you want," The Madame bargained.

Haley licked her pouty, plump lips, making them slick and glistening for the meal to come. Another fart tore through the air behind her.

"However!" The Madame declared, holding up a finger. "Once you get down here, you will take your seat at the table, have your meal, then you are to never, ever walk again."

The words slammed into Haley's chest and she actually wavered on her feet a bit. Her stomach growled, shouting at Haley to hurry up and fill it. Her ass roared in agreement. She considered The Madame's proposition. Had she really gotten too fat to walk? Had she let it go this far?

She thought back to Ryan, a permanent fixture on his bed, unable to do anything for himself. Then she thought about the Maid that was cooking in his kitchen, and about all the meals provided to him; all the meals that had been provided to her. It was coming true. Haley was growing immensely fat and there were no apparent signs of stopping. She licked her lips again. A lifetime of leisure and an endless parade of feasts lie before her. The excitement fluttered in her belly and stirred up some gas that flowed from her butt.

Haley got a whiff of herself and her hunger intensified. She wanted to surround herself with the aroma of conquered meals. She wanted to take up as much space as possible, filling any room she was in with her flesh and her fragrance. She had come to the final leg of a journey she never fully admitted she was on. Denial and rationalizing had guided her along thus far, keeping her in place, allowing her to gorge to her fill. Another fart rippled from her cheeks, her knees going weak.

"You won't be able to stand there much longer, Stay Puft. I can already see those tree trunks trembling. You're going to have to make a decision," The Madame coaxed.

Haley knew she was right. A thin sheen of perspiration was beginning to coat the surface of her skin. Her lungs were struggling to pull in oxygen. It was now or never.

Time to eat.

Haley's knee pushed against her underbelly, attempting to step forward. She slowly lowered her foot into the next step down. Then she stood there for a moment, hand on the reinforced rail, one foot still on the landing, and puffing air out of both her lips and her cheeks.

A particularly protracted burst of wind eased from her gigantic rear, and she brought her other foot down to the first step.

"Atta girl," The Madame encouraged from below. She delighted in watching Haley's body wobble and flow from beneath her ill-fitting gray sweats, tackling one step at a time, leaning heavily on the steel railing, constant bursts of vibrating gas being loosed by the struggle.

A couple of Maids brought a platform that resembled a mobile version of Haley's large bed on some sort of wheelchair-inspired motorized chassis to the base of the stairs, parking it beside Madame Bigger. Haley kept her eyes on it as her fat oozed down the banister, a flesh blob vaguely resembling the shape of a human practically rolling down the staircase like a slow-motion avalanche of blubber. She couldn't wait to get off her feet, and the oasis of the mobile bed grew closer and closer as she descended lower and lower.

Well before she reached the bottom, the cloud of gas following her, frequently bolstered by a continual flow of wind from her enormous ass, had grown to encompass the Maids and The Madame, causing the former to subtly and daintily cover their noses. The Madame only smiled, breathing deep.

Finally, with tremendous thuds, Haley's feet landed on the ground floor, causing more furnishings to rattle and the floors and walls to quake. Each Maid took an arm, holding Haley by her rounded elbows, guiding her gently to the bed. Her ass lowered into it, the rest of her mass spreading as she eased back against the elevated part of the platform with the help of all three women, including The Madame, obviously determined to take part in this momentous occasion.

After a few wiggles and jiggles and hefting herself into a comfortable position, her fat settled and Haley was officially immobile.

A powerful roar of gas bellowed from beneath Haley, her massive bulk doing surprisingly little to suppress the sound.

The Maids and The Madame gave polite applauses, smiling down at Haley for her impressive achievement. It wasn't until the clapping spread that Haley realized all the Maids of the house had gathered to witness her final steps. They continued to applaud Haley's new immobility as Haley blushed and had trouble keeping eye contact with any one person, her eyes looking around, taking in her audience.

Haley farted again and her stomach roared. "Thank you, but I'm so hungry. Please, I need someone to feed me," Haley begged, looking to anyone to take charge.

"Of course," The Madame cooed, putting her hand on a switch and propelling the bed forward, into the kitchen.

Haley's mass was rolled up to the large dining table, already loaded with pastries and cakes, pies and doughnuts, fruit tarts and scones; the decadent desserts seemed to march upon Haley as she approached the table, which began to sink into her belly before the bed stopped. She realized she couldn't reach the feast, even pressed against the table with her upper stomach bulge rolling onto the surface. She reached forward a couple of times, grunting at the attempt. But her fat arms were too heavy to hold up for very long, so they fell by her side, all the fat crashing into itself, setting off more shockwaves of flesh. She farted in despair.

"Relax now, my dear, sweet Haley," The Madame whispered directly into Haley's ear. "I'm going to feed you every last bite. You will eat everything you see here and even some things you don't."

Haley licked her lips again, another fart groaning from her ass.

"When everything is gone, I'm going to take you to your new room where you will sleep until it is time for your next meal. Do you understand?" The Madame asked.

Haley nodded her head, causing her cheeks and chins to wobble, still facing the impending banquet.

"Say, 'I understand,'" The Madame commanded.

Haley took a deep breath and held it while she pushed out a deep, resonating fart. After it tapered off, she started gasping for air. "I understand," she panted, licking her lips once more. "Just please, feed me."

"'Feed me...' what?" The Madame teased.

"Feed me, Madame," Haley breathed.


"Bigger," Haley exhaled from her lips as a stream of wind flowed out of her ass.

"Good girl," The Madame whispered, plucking a frosted chocolate cake ball from a bowl filled with frosted chocolate cake balls. She brought it to Haley's trembling lips and pushed it in. "You're mine now, Piggy."

Her mouth full, Haley could only fart in response.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Will you ever make another story like this one?
It was absolutely incredible and to this day one of my favorite weight gain stories ever.
Th3f4t5ide 4 years
Thank you so much for the feedback!! Really glad you liked it!
Karenjenk 4 years
i love the line between forced and willingness. wow... beautiful story... not a fan of farting but... the rest realy did it for me
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for the feedback.
RoyalCorpulence 6 years
Fine story. Too much fart play, totally killed any eroticism for me because of it, also just leaving me feeling dirty.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, beatlemasterkingkong!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Bruinsean 6 years
Great story. I just did not like the farting.
Hellofang2000 6 years
I adored this tale
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks for reading though!! Really glad you liked it!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Sorry, big easy, but I specifically deal exclusively in lazy fatties. Fit or strong people do absolutely nothing for me. Hahah
Big Easy 6 years
WOW! This story was AMAZING!!!! You were able to combined two of my favorite fetishes (Feederism and farting) into a magnificent tale. Now if you can somehow combine female muscle growth into one of your stories in the future smiley
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thank you, your highness!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Tommmy 6 years
That’s good to hear.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, sokotron! And don't worry. I doubt we've seen the last of The Madame.
Sokotron 6 years
Was amazing!! Hope you keep this works of Madame Bigger, the best character !!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you like it. Next up in the pipeline: the Return of The Munchies!
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful !!
Girlcrisis 6 years
Good to see the Madame again in all of her diabolical glory. I thought we'd seen the last of her adipose based machinations.
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