100 days: a madame bigger tale

Chapter 12 - day 372 (epilogue)

"Where are you taking me, Kate?" asked the 384 pound woman breathlessly as she tried to keep up with the lithe woman before her walking with a purpose.

"I want you to meet someone," The Madame replied with a smile as they came upon a door at the end of the hallway.

The fat woman had never been to this part of the mansion, though to be fair, she didn't even know the mansion existed until quite recently. The fat woman was still processing the fact that she had been dating a serial feeder this entire time, only revealed to her quite recently, despite the signs, like her swelling waistline, increasing appetite, and uncontrollable gas.

The Madame knocked before entering the dark room and the fat woman followed her. She was immediately hit with a smell she had come to recognize as the aftermath of extreme gorging. It was the smell of pure gluttony. Her suspicions were confirmed when a tremendous fart echoed throughout the room, shaking the walls, and vibrating the floor beneath the fat lady's feet.

A light flicked on an the fat woman gasped.

In the center of the room was an enormous dome of fat. It began to rise as its bed elevated, revealing itself to indeed be a person, just the fattest human being she had ever seen.

It was a woman with full, fleshy cheeks squishing pouty lips and squinting her eyes. Her face was nestled in pillows of fat, resting in the middle of her wide shoulders. Her breasts were almost like fat bellies themselves, her body really more like a collection of sacks of blubber cobbled together to vaguely resemble a human being.

But the thing that most struck the standing fat lady about this immobile behemoth was the fact that a near steady stream of gas had been flowing from somewhere beneath her the entire time. There would be brief silences but it was like a gradience of sound between the internal belly rumbles and the external blasts of wind. For all the standing fat lady knew, she was even releasing gas in those brief, silent moments.

The Madame extended her arms towards the immobile blob like a game show assistant presenting a new car. "Ophelia, meet Haley," she said with a smile.

"Hello," Haley grunted, more farts flowing from her.

"Hi," Ophelia said, awkwardly raising a hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, though I can't imagine Kate's purpose for this introduction."

"Isn't it obvious?" Haley asked, another explosion of gas rumbling from under her.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Sokotron 6 years
Thanks for this! Madame Bigger is the best. Hope to see the next days very soon!
Shammyboy 6 years
I eagerly await the next 69 days.
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