100 days: a madame bigger tale

Chapter 4 - day 2

Sunlight pushed against Haley's eyelids, cutting into her sleep and pulling her into the world. But what world? The bed felt strange, softer and fluffier than her bed at home; Where was she?

She swept back the blankets and leapt out of bed. She stumbled back at both the opulence of the bedroom she found herself in, as well as the still-dissipating fogginess of sleep. Gathering herself, she walked over to a large set of doors that appeared to open onto a balcony. Hoping to get her bearings, she clutched the knobs, twisted them, and swung the doors open, stepping outside into the day.

The horizon was a vibrant green sea of grass lapping up to the shore of a dense forest. A lone, wide, winding cobblestone trail snaked towards her from the distance, a lone van driving up it. She watched with wonder as the van pulled into the roundabout driveway, stopping just below her, in front of what Haley assumed was the front door.

The driver hopped out and moved to the rear of the van to open its doors. Haley then noticed two lithe women pushing an enormous fat man in a wheelchair to the back of the van.

A knock at the bedroom door caused Haley to gasp and rush back to the bed. She leapt onto the sheets and pulled them over her body, pretending to be asleep.

She could hear the knob turn and the latch release as the hinges of the door creaked and it swung open.

"Rise and shine, Sleepy Head!" the Madame sang.

Haley peeked with one eye and saw a tray of breakfast held before Moira's midsection. She opened her eyes fully to see that gorgeous, yet sinister smile looming over the morning feast, heavy in her arms.

The Madame leaned over Haley, resting the tray across her lap, securing her in place like the a lap harness on a roller coaster. The warm, buttery scent of batter of both the waffle and pancake variety; a strawberry aroma mixed with Nutella and crepes; and a blueberry fragrance from a cake-sized muffin all washed over Haley's nose before she even processed it all with her eyes. Without thinking, she licked her lips. But an urgent question was on her mind.

"Where are we?" she asked, concerned, as she watched Moira use an ice cream scoop to extract a clump of butter from a half-gallon tub and drop it on the three-layer stack of waffles.

"You are in my home. Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold!" The Madame explained, pouring a steady stream of maple syrup atop the butter as it melted from the heat radiating off the waffle stack, all of it soaking into the fried dough.

"This is your apartment?" Haley asked, looking around the ornate room, knowing the answer but trying to get The Madame to open up and admit as much of the truth as possible.

"No, silly," The Madame smiled. "I had to burn that place when you discovered who I really was," she said, coldly,

Haley froze. She wasn't expecting her to be so up front. And now she wasn't sure what her next move should be. She also wasn't clear as to whether she literally burned her apartment or just removed all evidence of her ever being there.

The Madame seized on the opening Haley left and filled the silence with a single word: "Eat."

Haley picked up a fork on the side of the tray and used its edge to cut into the waffle. The viscous coating of syrup and butter poured into the cut, spreading an untold number of calories across an already decadent feast. The sweet, savory flavor coated her tongue and sent a buzz of pleasure into the deepest parts of her soul. She barely hesitated before going for her next bite, happy that it hardly looked as though she had even made the first dent.

The Madame smiled, assured now that she could freely explain herself to Haley without much recourse.

"You've had your eye on me for quite some time," Moira began, slowly walking around the bed as Haley devoured her decadent breakfast. "But I've had my eye on you for just as long. You like to think of yourself as a lurker in the feeder scene. Maybe you forget your reblogs and comments immediately after you've cum, but I don't. I noticed you. And you have made quite the impression on me."

Haley swallowed another wad of batter and sugar with a nervous gulp.

"I have a problem I was hoping you could help me with. There's this private detective on my ass. Ophelia Dandridge. And she doesn't seem to approve of my...extracurricular activities.

"But no matter. See, I've been keeping tabs on Ophelia as well. And it turns out, Little Miss Gumshoe has a thing for the ladies."

Haley had no idea where this was going, but was barely paying attention as she continued to gobble and slurp.

"So I had an idea!" The Madame proclaimed. "What if I seduced Ophelia and convinced her to see things my way? Put some meat on her bones and let her try it on; get her to waddle around in heavy footsteps and show her that it isn't all bad. Then I could operate freely without concern of being shut down by some overzealous goody-goody."

Haley took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled from her nostrils. She had forgotten to breathe amidst her feast. She resumed eating.

"The only problem is," Moira continued, "I've spent my relatively short career learning to seduce and fatten men. And while I've gotten quite good at it, convincing a woman to thicken up, even the slightest, is a much bigger challenge."

As she spoke, Moira was getting closer to Haley, her voice steadily getting deeper and quieter. By the time she had reached this point in her monologue, she was leaning towards Haley, her lips tickling Haley's ears as she whispered her plans.

"So I thought I'd start with you, my sweet, little guinea pig," Moira said softly.

Haley swallowed in another large gulp and looked up to the Madame with concern.

"B-but..." Haley began, already wanting to kick herself for stuttering. "But you just played your hand. I know who you are and what you plan to do. It's already over. You can't fatten me up if I don't want it," Haley challenged, unaware of the syrup sticking to the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, Haley," the Madame began, wiping off the syrup with her index finger and licking it from the tip. "But you do want it. And even if you didn't..." the Madame paused as she scooped up a bite of crepe and brought it to Haley's mouth. "...you will."

Haley wrapped her lips around the bite and pulled it from the fork. She savored the taste despite herself and even let out a quiet moan.

The rest of the day was a spectrum of consumption for Haley; a gradual transition between nibbles, munches, and back again. After breakfast, Haley was brought to the kitchen before being moved to the couch in the den and finally back to the bed in the evening. Pastas, sandwiches, snacks, smoothies, tens of thousands of calories diving into Haley's mouth, pouring into her belly, settling in places all around her body, subtly swelling her throughout the day.

Haley was panting by the time she laid back into her bed, The Madame pulling the sheets over her chest and sitting on the bed's edge, stroking Haley's hair.

"I hope you had a wonderful day, my dear. Tomorrow, we start again."

"How long?" Haley asked. "How long do you plan on keeping me here?"

"Oh Haley, no one's 'keeping' you here," The Madame said, feigning offense. "If you want to go, the door is open." She stood and turned to exit.

The fullness from the day, every morsel Haley had swallowed since morning, was angrily eager to escape back into the world after having thickened her form ever so slightly. It felt to Haley as though her belly was inflating, then her butt was inflating as the pressure moved downward before there was no more room and her ass exhaled in a loud but brief squeak of gas.

Haley's heart sank and she looked up to see Moira stop in place. Her head slowly turned and she grinned. "Though, if you want to walk out the door, you better do it soon..." The Madame began as she continued exiting the room. She spoke again without looking back: "Sounds like it won't be too long before you're unable to fit through it."

And with that, she was gone, leaving a tired and stuffed Haley to contemplate her fate.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Will you ever make another story like this one?
It was absolutely incredible and to this day one of my favorite weight gain stories ever.
Th3f4t5ide 4 years
Thank you so much for the feedback!! Really glad you liked it!
Karenjenk 4 years
i love the line between forced and willingness. wow... beautiful story... not a fan of farting but... the rest realy did it for me
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for the feedback.
RoyalCorpulence 6 years
Fine story. Too much fart play, totally killed any eroticism for me because of it, also just leaving me feeling dirty.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, beatlemasterkingkong!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Bruinsean 6 years
Great story. I just did not like the farting.
Hellofang2000 6 years
I adored this tale
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks for reading though!! Really glad you liked it!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Sorry, big easy, but I specifically deal exclusively in lazy fatties. Fit or strong people do absolutely nothing for me. Hahah
Big Easy 6 years
WOW! This story was AMAZING!!!! You were able to combined two of my favorite fetishes (Feederism and farting) into a magnificent tale. Now if you can somehow combine female muscle growth into one of your stories in the future smiley
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thank you, your highness!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Tommmy 6 years
That’s good to hear.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, sokotron! And don't worry. I doubt we've seen the last of The Madame.
Sokotron 6 years
Was amazing!! Hope you keep this works of Madame Bigger, the best character !!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you like it. Next up in the pipeline: the Return of The Munchies!
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful !!
Girlcrisis 6 years
Good to see the Madame again in all of her diabolical glory. I thought we'd seen the last of her adipose based machinations.
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