The Happy Valley Set

  By Aquarius64

Chapter 1 - introduction

The so-called happy valley set was a group of hedonistic British and Anglo-Irish aristocrats and adventurers who settled in the Wanjohi Valley near the Aberdare mountain range, in colonial Kenya and Uganda between the 1920's and 1940's. In the 1930's, the group became infamous for it's decadent lifestyles and exploits, following reports of drug use and sexual promiscuity.
The area around Naivasha was one of the first to be settled in Kenya by white people and was one of the main hunting grounds of the 'set'. The colonial town of Nyeri, Kenya to the east of the Aberdare Range, was the centre of happy valley settlers.
Antics have been highlighted in the film 'white mischief'. There is a book 'the bolter' by Frances Osborne which includes stories of the happy valley set. The book and film 'out of africa' also depicts characters and events from this scene.
(Taken from Wikipedia)
The group is known to have been visited by Prince George, duke of Kent and the future king Edward VIII in their younger days. Allegedly George became addicted to heroin there. His brother apparently looked after him in a hotel room while George went 'cold turkey'.
My story is heavily influenced by the real characters that lived there, although I am going to change their names and include some things that did not happen, for instance, despite their decadence, there is no documentation that mentions any stuffing sessions or weight gain. The lack of which would mean this story would have no place on this site. I may well touch on real events, which I am not going to go into detail here, but they will include feathers, wife swapping, jealousy and murder.

Please be patient, I'm having to do a bit of research before I write this story. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .............................................In fact, sod the research! I'm going to use a fantasy island with fictional people, set in the era of British colonialism, ŵith a few similarities with the happy valley set in Kenya! I'll probably start tomorrow! ... ish
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12 chapters, created 6 years , updated 6 years
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