
chapter 2

He had a good pile of rib bones next to him and he was working on another one.
He sat with a friend, a smaller, less messy version of himself. He didn't catch my interest as much.
This was the one.
He was pleasantly tall, as well as rotund.
He Had curly brown hair, with a couple of unruly ones falling into his face.
He had light eyes that I couldn't tell if they were blue or green from this spot.
He had a nice fat face, a wobbly second chin that shook with each bite of ribs that he took.
He had a nice beard going, probably to hide the fact that he had no neck,
from there down he blossomed into roll and roll of fat.
He had a flabby chest that his t-shirt clung to, as well as flabby thick arms, hints of tattoos flashed under his shirt sleeves.
His belly was the shining star,
Big and sloping the table cutting it in two, a peek of his lower belly coming from the bottom edge of his shirt, he periodically had to tug at it, getting bbq sauce on it as he did so.
He wore those popular tan shorts that frequented the larger man.
I stared at him intently.
Studied him.
Like a lion does with a warthog they are planning on taking down.
He talked to his friend, but you could tell he was enjoying those ribs.
Enjoying the extra calories he piled in.
The taste of the meat.
The sweetness of the sauce.
The soda he drank frequently to wash it all down.
The empty calories of the soda.
I was enamored.
He made a cute sad face when he realized he was out of soda.
He looked around and saw how much busier it was around him, and his enormous belly wouldn't make it easy for him to get to the soda machine.
He said something to his friend, his friend laughed and agreed to save him some embarassment, and took his soda cup from him.
As he waited for his friend to come back from refilling the cup he took in his surroundings.
Saw the people surrounding him, saw some dirty looks.
He assessed his plate of rib bones that he's annihilated.
Looked at the large plate he still had.
he sat back and slightly rubbed his belly, like he realized he was getting full but that he still wanted to pig out.
i looked around him and saw the people staring at the show he was putting on, giving him grossed out looks at how utterly gluttonous he was, immediately i felt a twinge of protectiveness. this was my fatty they were looking down on, let them look down on him, but watch as he gets some ass.
I stood up, without much of a plan, but stood and started over to him.
I saw the look on his face as he noticed me.
Not to be conceited but I am attractive, and today i put in extra effort so i was smoking hot, makeup to the nine, clinging dress, bra that made my breasts say hello, bouncing curls.
I gave him a coy smile as I approached.
His friend arrived back at the table at the same time I did.
His jaw dropped when he saw me coming to their table.
"hi, I'm Lexi, I uh, actually I don't have much of a plan here, but you are exactly my type of man that I've been desiring deeply and carnally, and I wanted to know if you wanted to get out of here? Or, if I could buy you some dessert, and then we could get out of here?"
His jaw dropped, and he looked at his friend, but I was looking right at him.
"I'm talking to you big boy, what do you say, dessert then we get out of here? ."
he snapped his gaze back to me, still shocked.
"um, sure" he said in a deep timbre voice.
"Excellent." I said,
I went to the counter and ordered a couple pies and then headed back to the table.
As I sat back at their table I noticed a few looks of surprise from other patrons, but I smirked at them, they had no idea that I was getting into exactly what I wanted to get into.
I placed each pie in front of my handplucked hoglet, and he looked up at me, still an inquisitive look on his face.
I sat across from him and smiled.
"Dessert is here whenever you're ready. But we don't want to waste food do we? You still have some ribs to spare. Unless your friend was planning on eating them?"
I looked over at his smaller friend, who's jaw was still gaping open.
"Uh no I'm good, gotta watch the belt line, I guess for, whatever reasons. Uh Justin, I'm gonna, head home to shiela if you're good here with, uh lexi." His friend said, his gaze flitting between me and Justin.
"Sure man, see you later." Justin said sending him off, but with a somewhat concerned look on his face when glancing at me.
"Dude, text me later." his friend said in a loud whisper as he walked off.

We watched his friend leave and then I turned my attention to Justin.
"So, the faster you eat, the faster we can, get to know each other." I said in a low hopefully seductive voice.
Justin raised an eyebrow at me and looked around.
"Don't pay these fools any attention." I said,
"No I'm just looking for whatever body builder you're with and trying to pull off this prank with." he said in a low voice. a slight blush creeping on his face.
"Hey, no, no. I promise, this isn't anything like that." I said earnestly trying to reverse whatever thought process he was working on.
He looked up at me, his fat face wobbled with the slight movement.
"then why are you here talking to me? encouraging me to eat more?" He asked confused.
"Because I like big men, I like big appetites, I like big eaters, and I like big bellies." I said with a shrug.
He looked at me with a furrowed brow, then shrugged himself, and began working on the remaining ribs on his plate.
I watched as his carnivorous nature was showing. Like a starving wild cat on the savannah, tearing into the ribs like it was the first meal he had had in ages, though clearly it wasn't.
The juices were dripping from his lips, his cheeks, his chins.
I had to squirm in my seat a little watching the show he was putting on.
He finished a rib and took a swig of soda and wiped his hands on a napkin.
"Like that? You like big eaters like that?" He asked, in a flirtatious tone.
"Oh, yes." I said smiling. "Keep going, faster." I encouraged.
He grinned and grabbed another rib and began tearing into it with more gusto than before. Stripping the bone of all meat and gristle. Chewing and swallowing as fast as he could, chugging soda as he did so, as fast as he finished one rib he would pick up a second, third, fourth one and finish it just as fast.
I was in awe. He ate like he was in a contest. Wolfing it down hungrily.
I watched with amazement, shifting in my seat more and more often realizing how hot I was getting.
Finally all the remaining ribs were eaten. All that was left was the pie I had brought over.
He let out a big sigh and a belch and leaned back and groaned slightly, giving his belly a rub.
"Everyone is staring." He said blushing slightly after looking around the joint.
"Who cares?" I asked staring at him, looking at the ripple effect going down his belly as he rubbed it.
"Tell you what, eat one of those pies here, and the second one we take with us." I suggested.
He grinned and grabbed one of the pies and a fork.
He dug in with unabashed greed, peaches and filling getting into his beard and on his shirt. The more sloppy he was the hotter i got.
As soon as the last bite went to his lips I grabbed the second pie and grabbed his hand. "Let's go. Now." I said.
He struggled to stand at first, taking in several deep breaths. Then waddled after me. I walked ahead and unlocked my car.
I waited at the car and watched him struggle to catch up with me. His shirt was riding up and his belly was peeking out of the bottom, rippling with each step he took, big belly bouncing as he tried to hurry after me. His arms so fat that he couldn't put them against his sides flat without some effort, which was cute. His extra chins, cheeks, and legs jiggling with each step.
He finally arrived at my car.
"Hop in, and we'll go to a hotel?" I asked.
He grinned, "sounds good." He said out of breath.
I hopped in the car and cleared the passenger seat for him.
He opened the door and looked at the car calculating for a moment.
I realized I was bringing a man, almost as big as the car, into the car.
I laughed to myself as he struggled to get into the car. ducking his chin to his flabby chest and trying to duck in the regular way. He had to lean far onto my side of the car to get in that way and shut the door.
His soft flesh touching me, felt so erotic I almost groaned.
He finally shut the door, then adjusted the seat as far back as it would go.
"Got enough room big man?" I asked grinning.
"Barely." He said with a wheeze and a chuckle.
"Are you ready?" I asked him.
He nodded eagerly, making his flab jiggle.
I couldn't help myself, he was leaned back so far in the seat that his belly was on full display, his shirt riding up exposing his hog flesh.
"God you are so, fat." I said in awe and reached over and patted his belly. Reaching down and grabbing a handful of belly flab and giving it a shake,
He looked at me with a weird look, but grinned and lifted his shirt up a little more, giving me a tease.
"Oh fuck." I breathed.
"You'll have to wait for this fatness til we get to the hotel." He said grinning and pulling his shirt back over his belly.
"Tease." I said with a laugh.
I put the car in gear and headed to the nearest hotel that wasn't a shithole.
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