
chapter 3

As we drove he looked me over, I could feel his gaze on me like a deer being hunted by a panther.
"So what's your deal? married? single? Got a fat complex? Fetish? Or just like to fuck with strangers?" He asked. Not in a rude way, but kind of a quizzical way.
"Always have dug fatties, but never got the chance to be with one. Married, but we have an arrangement. And he gave me a hall pass for awhile while he recovers from surgery. We're poly, so maybe you can join our sexcapades if you have a fun time today."
"So I'm basically a big fat piece of meat play toy?" he asked.
"You make it sound so bad, But I mean. You don't have to do anything with me you don't want to. Or anything. I don't want to make you feel like shit or use you." I said suddenly ashamed of myself.
"Oh I want to do alot trust me, somethings I probably can't do because I"m such a porker, but don't think I don't want to fuck, and be fucked by you. But I'm glad you told me upfront. But if you're poly and I have a chance I better make your first fatty experience one you won't forget." He said with a smirk.
I was gob smacked, but pleased.
And my panties were getting more and more soaked,
"Well let's see what you got big boy.Do everything you want to me, whether you think you can or not. I want to be fucked by you, I want to ride you like the hog you are, I want to embarrass you in the most pleasurable way with what we find out you can't do. And I want to feel every pound of your quivering flesh against mine. Show me what you got. We're at the hotel." I said eagerly parking the car.
We checked in and went up to the room quickly.
The elevator had a 1000 pound limit, and an indicator bar at how much room it had left before hitting the limit. I was proud to see it a little over the halfway mark when we got on it. I am only 125 pounds so that must make him...
"I"m 485 if you're trying to calculate he said with a chuckle."
I laughed and looked at him, he was just so large.
I turned to him and gripped a fat roll at his each side and pulled myself into him.
"I want to see each of those 485 pounds, got that porky?" I asked in a low tone.
He looked at me with a gleam in his eye.
"Got it." He said.
we hit our floor and hurriedly got into our room.

"What would you like to do first?" He asked me after the door was closed behind us.
"I want you to take your clothes off, while I watch, make comments, and touch you." I said.
He grinned.
He led me to the bedroom, and he had to sidestep to get through the doorway.
"Wait, come back here piggy." I said pulling his hand.
He came back to the doorway.
"Walk through, without going sideways." I said.
He grinned and with pleasure showed me how he had to squeeze through, pulling his arms in tightly.
"My god you're so fat you can't even get through doorways," I giggled.
"Well then you should see this." He said, then he turned sideways, and not at an angle.
"Look at your belly. God it's so huge." I said coming closer to admire it.
The doorframe pushed into his belly, making him stuck from the sideways position also.
His belly bulged from each side of where the doorframe was pushing into his flab.
"Bedroom." I said.
He squeezed through the door frame and stood by the bed.
"Strip fatty." I said.
He grinned and started with his shirt.
His belly was better than I imagined. Seeing it hang so low, to his thighs, drooping down, belly button wide like a cave.
His chest was so flabby it could practically outshine mine. His upper arms were so soft and jiggly.
"Let me look at you before you continue." I said.
"Yes ma'm" He said.
I walked closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders. Feeling his thickness, his flabiness, his jiggling flesh.
His thick neck, and third chins soft to the touch, his shoulders thick and soft.
I gripped his upper arms, feeling the pudge there.
I let my hands rove over his chest, cupping his man breasts in my hands and giving them a squeeze, with a grunt of delight from him.
Lower I went, gripping each side roll he had and giving them a shake and watching his poundage jiggle.
I ran my hands over his belly, the biggest part of him, the engulfment of the greed, the fatness, the utter corpulence of all the weight amassed on his enormous frame.
"God, you are so, fat." I said in awe of his size.
He put his hands over mine and guided my hands to the bottom of his belly, guiding me in jiggling his bounding belly. Feeling the ripples of the jiggling flesh.
I groaned audibly.
"You are so fucking fat, so fucking hot." I said with a moan.
"Pace yourself, you're going to come before we even get to the bed." He said in a low deep voice and a smile.
"wait till you see me struggle with my pants button." He said chuckling.
"Show me." I ordered taking a step back.
With a grin he leaned back, and worked a hand under his belly, deep under his belly hang was a jean button, he grunted as he worked it, trying to get it to unsnap.
He stopped and panted for a moment.
"fuck." he said.
My panties were getting more damp by the struggle he was showing me, that he must go through every time he wore jeans. The mere gluttony that lead him to that moment.
I moaned again pressing my legs together.
"Take them off." I said with a moan.
He grinned and leaned back again, this time his sausage fingers working faster and his jeans button popping.
He sighed happily, and yanked the pants down, struggling again when he got to his thick thighs and legs. He struggled to balance and kick the pants to the other side of the room, standing in too small boxer shorts, the promise of an erection budding, seemingly, his gut was hanging in the way so it was hard to tell. His shorts looked like they were going to split at the seams at any moment, his big gut hanging to his thighs,
"God you are just so fucking fat." i said with a content sigh, gripping his big thick love handles again and a smiling like the cat that ate the canary.
"Pace yourself, I still have that second pie to eat, and you to fuck." He said gripping my hips.
"I love how your greedy self puts eating the pie over fucking me. You must still be hungry, is that it fatty?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
His stomach growled as an answer.
"Come on piggy, let's have you finish the pie, and then we fuck." I said pulling him by the rolls to where we had placed the pie.
"Take off your boxers." I said.
he did so, struggling as he did with the jeans.
He stood upright once they were off, His belly handing so low I couldn't even see his dick.
"get down on all fours." I ordered.
He grinned again.
I watched as he huffed and puffed as he lowered himself to his hands and knees.
"Alright piggy, you have to eat the pie, like a hog would, like the fat hog you are, no hands, all snout and greedy greedy mouth." I said with a grin.
"Oink." He said with a smile.
"fuck, eat it fast before I take you now on top of the pie." I ordered.
I placed the pie on the floor in front of him and watched as he went face first to eat it.
His belly was scraping the floor, his fatness in his back jiggled with each movement of his head, his emassed rear end up in the air dimpled and jiggling and wide.
I came up behind and gripped his love handles from each side, grinding on his plump ass.
"You are so fat, you have several handles for me to grip while i do this. You are utterly the fattest hog I have ever laid eyes on."
He turned his head to me and grinned, pie filling all over his face.
"oink oink." he said in a deep voice.
"finish the pie piggy." I ordered.
He turned his head back to the pie and continued to hog out.
I came from behind him to beside him and crouched to the floor, watching his belly wobble from side to side as he snarfed down the pie.
It wobbled and scraped against the floor with each slight movement he made.
In awe I reached out and jiggled it.
"Oink oink oink, touch my fat, touch my greedy gluttonous gut as I finish this pie> My greed and hunger come before fucking the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. I'm such a fucking fat pig I put pie first. Jiggle my belly and you'll see the proof in how fucking fat and greedy I am." He said panting through pie bites.
I wobbled his belly side to side, pressing my hand into it like a tempur pedic mattress. sloshing it side to side.
"Done!" He said with a grunt and sat up and flopped over onto his back.
"oink for me piggy, tell me how fat you are." I said standing over him unbuttoning my top.
"I am so fat I can't even stand if I wanted to to tear your clothes off. I'm so fat I haven't been able to reach my dick to jerk off in three years, I know its still there because It's poking into my belly. I am SO FAT that I'll have to pull my big FUCKING GUT back for you to ride my dick."
He shouted and panted trying to struggle and reach for his dick, but as he said, he couldn't reach it past his huge mountain gut.
I moaned and hurriedly tore my clothes off.
"Are you sure you can fuck me with that massive gut piggy?" I asked taking my bra off.
"I sure hope so, I am so fucking fat who knows, I may just have to eat out your pussy like I eat everything else." He said with a moan.
I dropped to him with a moan and grabbed his hand.
"Feel how wet you're making me piggy. If you can lift your big fat arm." I said widening my stance so he can get to my pussy,
I felt his chubby hand and sausage fingers caress my lips and saw his grin as he felt the dampness there.
"You're so damn wet, this jiggling gut must really get you going.' he said giving his belly a slap.
I clenched my thighs together and bit my lip and he grinned.
"You're so fucking fat." I said looking him over.
"You can't even see your dick, and I bet it's ready now isn't it? When was the last time this was even touched huh shamu" I asked reaching under his gut.
I gripped his thick quivering member after searching under his blubber.
"I can't even reach it so years."
i giggled, "so fat you can't even reach your own cock."
"Climb the mountai
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