
chapter 4

It took a second to realize we were still in the kitchen area, on tile, hard tile.
He saw the look on my face and got a weird mix of nervousness and fear on his face.
"Ugh did i fuck this up?" He asked covering his face with his hands.
"No no no." I said quickly.
I bit my lip, "I just realized that we're on a cold hard tile floor. And i like cuddling after sex. And i like sex on soft surfaces."
"Well I'm plenty soft." He said giving his gut a rub.
I grinned.
"That you are, but I dont qant either of us leaving with more bruises than anticipated. Here," I offered out my hand and helped hoist him up.
His belly shook with the efforts of getting upright. As he stood for a moment to catch his breath I giggled at the pie filling on his cheek.
He raised an eyebrow at me.
I got on my tiptoes and licked his cheek.
"You had some pie." I explained laughing .
"Cmon, let's get to climbing the mountain. " I said winking and grabbing his hand.
He followed me into the bedroom.
We stood there for a moment looking at each other.
"So, do you want to climb the mountain or do you want to be buried?" He asked.
I blushed deeply.
"Oh God I went too far in there didn't I? Fuck." He said sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Huh?" I asked looking at him.
"I've been wanting a feeder or fat admirer to come my way for a LONG time. And I feel like I scared you off." He said.
"Oh nooo. I'm just nervous. I've only ever had sex with my husband, and I've been wanting to find a feedee and big handsome man for a long time too. And exuberance of meeting one and being able to do anything is exhilarating. I'm just, a little nervous. I feel like a virgin all over again." I said feeling myself blush head to toe.
"You're cute when you're embarrassed. Okay, let's slow it down a smidge. We got a lot out in the kitchen. We'll take it slow in here." He said heaving himself up, his gut sloshing as he did so.
"I gotta say, that belly is impressive, and sexy." I said feeling a tingle between my thighs.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Here, feel it, take it all in. Slowly." He said grabbing my hands and placing them firmly on his belly.
The softness always surprises me. So soft and squishy. I gripped his belly, and felt all around it. Like a blind woman reading a good book. I felt every ounce of that belly, felt every dimple, and traced around his cavernous belly button.
Tentatively I slowly inserted my finger.
He bit his lip as I did so.
"That is one area that's always a turn on when someone plays with it " he said adjusting his stance.
I gripped the bottom curve of his belly and lifted it up and watched it fall, mesmerized by the waves
"Alright beautiful, come to the bed." He said turning to where I could lie down.
I scooted back on the bed and felt myself blushing and then looked up at the ceiling.
"I'm gonna show you how I got to be such a fat hog. I just love to eat." He said grinning.
He pushed my legs apart and heaved himself on the bed I kept my legs apart and watched him, his belly made it difficult for him to get a good angle so i propped myself up a little bit.
Wheezing he was finally able to get a comfortable spot and leaned down to where he could reach me.
I felt his tongue circling, tracing, lapping.
I cried out gripping the sheets and thrusting my hips to where he could keep going.
He gasped for air and then I felt his sausage fingers toying with me.
"Tell me how much of a greedy pig I am." He said his voice husky and his breathing hard.
"God you're such a piggy. All you do is eat." I moaned as his fingers moved like a puppetmasters.
"Tell me how much you want to be buried underneath me."
He said circling my clit.
"Oh God I want you on top of me. Burying me in your blubber. Ugh so fat!" I exclaimed.
"Tell me How I'm a disgrace to man and should just wallow in mud like the hog I am!" He demanded circling harder, pressing me.
I moaned and shook.
He stopped until I said the words.
"God you fat piggy, you need to get your own farm, you're too fat to even join the zoo. Ugh cmon piggy bury me. Fuck me." I pleaded.
He grinned and crawled up to me and looked over me. His belly rubbing against my pussy.
"Ugh your so fat your belly is hanging to my pussy and it feels so good." I said rubbing myself against his fat gut.
Hes getting turned on by me getting off on his huge gut and his breathing deepens.
His gut jiggles around as I thrust.
"Hold still." He orders.
I do as he says.
"If you want to be fucked by this pig you'll have to give me your legs."
I lifted one leg up, uncertain of what me meant.
He hitched both my legs up to his shoulders and then he maneuvered his belly to rest on me, and then he was finally able to put his fat piggy dick in me.
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