Patrick & dylan

Chapter 4

After that night we spent almost every minute we could together. I was so happy and all I could do was pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

We were at his house on a Thursday in late October. He was eating some chips from a large, family sized package. "Do you think you could win in a fight against Ryan Peterson?" I asked.

"Why?" He laughed.

"I don't know. I just feel like something awful is going to happen."

"Why would something awful happen?"

"Because I'm too happy right now" I said.

"That doesn't mean something bad is going to happen."

"I hope you're right." We finished up our European History and he gave me a ride home.

Now, some guys have nice asses and some guys don't, but Dylan had the best ass I had ever seen. It was perfectly shaped and large. It must be a perfect, huge curve. His khakis have been squeezing his meaty cheeks together more and more lately.

I think he had been putting on weight and I liked it. His blazer was no longer the best fit and last week the autumn air was pretty cool so he let me wear it. It was like I was a kid trying on his dad's clothes. But I could tell he was really self-conscious about it. I didn't want to acknowledge it because then he’d know I was thinking about his weight gain.

He told me he planned on quitting football and not even starting wrestling this year. I didn't mind, but I knew his dad was going to freak out. He didn't even know about us. His mom has known for a while. I guess she had that thing where a mother just knows.

Today in Physics, Dylan ripped his white, dress shirt. I heard it rip under his blazer. The tight royal blue jacket hid the rip in his shirt. I don't think he noticed I heard it, but I got an erection. Right as it happened I just stiffened up. It was so embarrassing.

He quit. He quit and told me he was applying to art school. Now I had never been the creative type, I could do math problems and tell you about every element, but I couldn’t draw anything nicer than a stick figure.

"I told my dad." Class just ended and we were going to our lockers. I was so scared. I mean, I really liked Dylan and if his dad hated me I doubted he'd ever like me. "He didn't say anything. He nodded and excused himself to go into his study."

"I don't know if that's good or bad."

“I'm going to take it as good." He leaned over and kissed me before realizing we were at school, everyone who was nearby gaped wide-eyed at us before Dylan gave them a look. I don't think it was a look of anger or anything, but one of shock. We had decided it would be better to not "be" gay at school. "Oh, shit." He opened his locker and threw books into his bag.

"Everyone is going to know."

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Uh, they already knew I was gay."

"Right," he said, remembering I had been out for forever. He slammed his locker closed. "Let's go."

He pulled up to my apartment and we went inside. He had stopped and bought some Chinese food. He thought he was winning my brothers affections, and it was working, but it was not like he was my kid or anything. Plus, I think it was more for him than for Kyle.

Kyle had eaten and left us alone in our bedroom. He sat on my bed and it made a noise and he blushed.

"I guess I should lose weight." He patted his stomach.

"No, it does that for everyone." I sat next to him and that fucking bed didn't make a goddam sound!

"I guess not," he said.

"I think you look fine." I leaned into his body and felt his warmth. I noticed how much he hated his size, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him how much I liked it.

"I don't...I really don't. I started eating more and more and now I seem to eat more than that. I just can't stop and I don't really even want to."

"Then don't. Get fatter. I don't mind at all...I like it." I felt my face burn red.

"You like it?"

"Y...yeah." I was such a creep! I felt his lips on mine and they were soft. His hair brushed against my forehead and I kissed more.

The door slammed and I realized my mother must be home from work. I caught my breath and went to say hello. "Hi mom" I said as I exited my room. She sat at the kitchen table and put her head in her hands.

"I was fired today, by Mr. Rushworth himself. He said I had multiple patient complaints." She started crying. "That was the best job I was ever going to have."

I sent Dylan home. He asked what was wrong, but I couldn't form sentences. I just needed to think about what to do. My mom was a wreck.
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