
  By Bon

chapter 13

When Brandon woke up in his own bed, he was relieved. Everything had just been the worst nightmare of his life. That was, until he tried to get out of bed. Just from the effort it took him, he knew it hadn't been a dream. He felt heavy and sluggish and his belly pressed into his thighs when he sat up too quickly.

He blinked to clear the sleep from his eyes and looked down at himself.

Everything he saw was soft. His belly covered a good portion of his lap and his chest was larger than any of his ex-girlfriends'. He staggered to his feet. At least he could still stand.

He took a few steps over to his closet, hoping that Meadow had been kind enough to leave him something that he could fit into.

Of course, she hadn't. His old clothes hung there, completely useless. Underneath, sat several dozen boxes of food. Meadow's last gift to him. Brandon's stomach rumbled with hunger but he tried to ignore it.

He glanced at his old clothes. He doubted he'd even be able to get his shirts over his fat neck; they definitely wouldn't cover more than his chest.

Then he noticed something in a clothing bag next to all of the food. He pulled out some sweatpants and a tshirt. They were both in XXL but even as he looked at them, Brandon knew they were useless.

He'd never dreamed that he would need clothes larger than a medium but now XXLs weren't even worth looking at. Still, he had to try.

The sweatpants weren't the worst. Sure, the waistband was a few inches down his hips but they covered his dick. The fabric was so stretched that it was hard to sit down but it would have to do.

The tshirt was another story, however. It came down to just below his belly button, leaving a huge, wobbly section of his belly and love handles on display.

He didn't know what to do. He was hungry.

Brandon started eating before he could really stop himself. By the time he had the self control to stop eating, he was covered in crumbs, there were food wrappers all over his bed and floor and he could barely stand.

He was full again, painfully so but it was calming. His bloated belly just hung there, resting on his lap and forcing his tshirt to roll up even more.

Then he heard a sound he hadn't expected to hear.

His phone buzzed.

He looked and saw it on his bedside table. It was too far to reach so he shuffled along the bed, hearing the furniture creak underneath him. By the time he got his fingers on his phone, he was panting with his spare hand holding onto his belly, gently cradling it from the movement.

He opened the message. It was Harvey.

Harvey: nearly there, dude

Brandon panicked. Nearly where? He scrolled up to see a message that he hadn't heard when he'd been too lost in stuffing his face.

Harvey: Okay, I'll be there at 2.

He looked at his clock. It was 1:57.

He scrolled up further and saw two other messages that were obviously sent by Meadow. The first was on the day she'd taken him.

Brandon: hey, I'm visiting home for a bit, family emergency, i'll catch you when i'm back in town

and then this morning, when he'd been passed out in bed:

Brandon: i'm back! Come over when you can bro

Brandon's eyes widened. Harvey was coming over. He struggled to his feet, winding himself as he stumbled across his room. What could he do? He couldn't leave and he definitely couldn't hide. Why did Harvey have to have a key?

Brandon panicked and stumbled. He tried to save himself, grabbing onto his desk chair and positioning it behind him. He heard a loud crack from the plastic wheels as he fell into it.

His fat legs barely squeezed into it. Brandon was sure that if it wasn't for the force, he wouldn't have fit at all. He could feel the arms of the chair squeezing at his sides.

He struggled to try to stand but he was stuck.

Just then, Brandon heard the worst thing he could imagine: a key turning in his lock.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Southernfatboy 1 year
Amazing story! Any chance of continuing it?
Growingsofter 4 years
Love this story.
FrecherTyp 5 years
hehe very cute ^^ ;-) and sexy ^^
MangaBL 5 years
This has been all hot!! Too me, it would be better if Brandon's friends were affected by the spell and they always wanted to fatten him up, every time they saw him!!! ;-)
GummieTummy 5 years
That is so hot! Please write more.
Megadave 6 years
I adore your stories! Please keep writing. Is there anywhere else I can read them?
Littleextra 6 years
Love the update! Great writing and exciting little plot twists. Bravo!
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Whoah! This is wonderfully written and deliciously dark! Thanks for sharing this tale and your talents.
Dallions 6 years
This is one of the greats smiley
GummieTummy 6 years
Oh my gawd! So good!! You gotta’ keep it going, I’m beggin’ you!
Littleextra 6 years
This is delightful! Great work, thanks for posting! 😊
Mrsuperghandy 6 years
Really looking forward to how this story is going to progress. Keep up the good work!