Office crush

Chapter 4

Adam. He was all I could think about. I had never felt so happy before. I've always been so awkward, so most of my relationship hadn't lasted very long.

Adam, as I found out after our date, weighed 232 pounds. That was great. I really wanted to ask him if he wanted to, maybe “bulk up” a little, but he already questioned why I was okay with him being husky. I didn't want to scare him away.

Maybe I could do something that would push it show him weight gain didn’t bother me. But what could I do? I sure couldn’t just state it outright. I mean, maybe, I could just bring him a few snacks here and there, typical lovey-dovey boyfriend stuff.

He seemed to lack self-control around sweets. That way I wouldn't have to ask him to gain weight; he’d see I was okay with whatever weight he would put on and I could ease into telling him. It had to be the perfect plan.

It had been a week and with all my hard work Adam had gained 12 massive pounds. I didn’t think he had NO self-control. I’d buy him donuts in the mornings, brownies and cookies at lunch and lots of ice cream, cheesecakes, and pies at dinner. I couldn't believe it to be honest. For someone who didn't want to get too fat, he sure ate as much as he wanted to.

Lately, however, something had really been on his mind. I decided to get a pizza. He loved pizza almost as much as he loved donuts. I knew it would cheer him up.

It arrived in less than thirty minutes and I sat it on the kitchen table. He began to eat slice after slice, not realizing he ate twelve out of the thirteen slices. God, he was an eating machine. "Oh shit! I'm sorry. You only got one slice." He was really embarrassed.

"Don't be!” I said. “You’re way bigger than I am, by like seventy pounds." He turned red.

"Fuck! I hate this!" He stood up quickly knocking over the table and breaking my least favorite glasses.

"Adam, what do you...?" He cut me off.

"This fucking fat," he said. I didn't hate it. "It’s going to drive you away! I just know it will. You can do so much better. I'm so... unattractive. I'm a slob, a fat disgusting slob." I begin to cry and laugh at the same time. To think he felt like the unworthy member of our relationship.

"You, unattractive?” I said, voice shaking. “That's a riot. I have NEVER thought you were unattractive. When I first met you I thought you would never notice me as anything more than a co-worker." I stopped laughing; it was just tears now."I...I have purposely been bringing you all the food and snacks. I love how big you've gotten. I loved you before; it's just that I wanted you to be bigger. I thought if I told you, you would call me a freak and leave me..." I don't think he heard that last part.

"I love you so much." He sat back down. "I have been scared you would find me... repulsive because I‘ve liked gaining this weight. Having this bulk all over my body makes me feel so... incredible." He stood up in front of me.

"I love you too." He grabbed me into a tight hug, but it didn't seem tight enough.

"Do you want me to get bigger?"

"Yes" I said truthfully. I liked being able to be honest with him. I liked not having to feel like a freak. He understood me and even didn’t mind the idea of getting bigger.

"How much bigger?" he asked.

"As big as you want to be."

"I want to be huge."

"Really?" I asked.


Another month had gone by since our confessions to one another and it was great that Adam was no longer mopey. I loved the changes in his body. His face was round and full; his dimpled cheeks (on his face) were adorable. Whenever he smiled at me, I could feel my heart race. His square jaw was now backed with a nice layer of fat, which made his face even better to look at, which you would think to be impossible.

His chest had begun to soften up, but is still firm. His nipples seemed to be growing as well. His belly now hung over his pants, as did his love handles, which were always nice to squeeze. But what was the best to squeeze was his butt. It had gotten so huge and meaty. God! I loved how it moved more and more when he walked. I was so lucky to have such an outstanding boyfriend. My life was currently problem free.
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