Office crush

Chapter 7

We pulled up to a large house and walked up to the door. It was time to meet this Pierre Cartwell. We rung the doorbell and waited thirty seconds for the door to be answered by a short man that was about 5'6.

He was gorgeous. Not my type, but still very attractive. He was really fit looking and was very lean. He had red hair, but it was an almost brown color. His eyes were a hazel shade, with freckles on his nose and cheeks. "Hello," he said. "Can I help you guys?" He was checking me out, not even glancing at Adam.

"Pierre Cartwell?" asked Adam.

"Yeah? What do you want big guy?" He had an arrogant smirk on his thin lips. He was cute but a total jerk.

"I need to talk with you. May we come in?"

"Yeah…” He stepped back so we could enter. “Who are you anyway?" He asked leading us to a couch, he sat in a chair.

"I'm...Adam Lobel."


" ;From high school…I wanted to apolog...." He was cut off by laughter. Pierre laughed for quite some time, not remorseful for his sudden outburst.

"I need to say that..." Adam tried to continue.

"You are such a fat ass! I don't believe it, Mr. Sexy is now a fat pig. This is too much!"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm..."

"Who is he?" He gestured towards me.

"My boyfriend," Adam said seriously. Once again he had that smirk. Pierre was greatly enjoying Adam’s discomfort.

"Fat AND gay!?” he exclaimed. “You are hysterical. My boyfriend is way hotter than yours. But that's what you can expect to get when you’re a slob like you." Ouch. Double insult.

"Listen. You don't have to be a dick to my boyfriend!"

"Yeah I do. I mean, come on. When you’re better than someone, you should let them know. You let me know and now I'm hot. I'm only trying to do you two a favor. A blimp and a stick figure, match made in heaven."

"All I wanted to do was apologize to you. I'm sorry. Let's go Jack." We got up, as did Pierre.

"I accept your apology. I want to apologize too. I'm sorry you’re so fat and unattractive now. But, I'm even sorrier that your boyfriend is so beneath you. I still think you can do better. Maybe someone not so plain if you lose that weight, huh piggy?"

I went to punch him in the face when I got a painful blow to the chest, then three hard kicks to the stomach. Was he a fucking taekwondo expert or something? Even when I try to stick up for myself I lose.

As I lay dying on his ugly orange carpet, okay I wasn't dying, but it left me needing air, I heard a fight. Glass breaking, fist hitting body, grunting. It was over in about two and a half minutes. I got scooped up off the ground.

"I can walk" I said.

"But, I like holding you." He smiled at me.


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine” I said. “Are you okay?"

"No." I jumped from his arms, scanning him for wounds. The only bloody part I could see was his knuckles.

"What hurts? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No. I'm fine. It's just I really wanted to apologize."

"He was a total bitch."

"Yeah," he agreed with a sigh.

"I could have taken him, but you seem to love a good fight, so, I let you have this one." He laughed for five minutes. Five minutes. It wasn't that funny.

"You were on the ground."

"Shut up" I said. I was embarrassed that he thought I couldn’t handle myself.

"Gasping for air, like fish outta water!"

"Can we just drop it?"

"You were," he protested. We'd been driving and I pulled over to get us something to eat.

"Do you not want food?"

"Sorry, but he totally kicked your ass."

"Why do you like BULLYING me?" Low blow, I know. He got out and slammed the door. "I'm sorry. Please." I got out too.

"Can we just get some food and go home? I'm starving."

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