The recordbreaker

Chapter 4 - 4. bed-bound and swelling fast

Patrick took to immobility with a newfound resolve, being physically unable to stand would be little more than an early milestone for the journey he was on. He admired his legs while propped up in bed knowing soon they'd be permanently out of his view thanks to his stomach and good for little other than storing pounds. Jim knew that Pat could still gain faster and identified that he could get more calories out of his meals by drinking them to more evenly fill his stomach, but to help keep his intake balanced nutritionally they should find something to supplement it with. Jim was happy to discover a popular brand of meal replacement shakes had a spinoff with a very high calorie content meant to help boost people's weights who might get limited nutrition. Ordering a few cases Jim started mixing milkshakes out of two serving boxes, a few ounces of peanut butter and a quart of ice cream. The concoction resulted in tens of thousands of additional calories going into Patrick with every meal. Not moving an inch on his own combined with an enhanced diet allowed his growth to take off and by the end of month he was filling half of their Cal-king bed with his 1,033 pounds of blubber. Pat had rapidly lost almost all of his remaining mobility in what had felt like only days. Moving his legs was out of the question, his calves were more than a yard around where they met his knee, now only visible by the crease where the parts of his leg were divided. His thighs by comparison had really started to take on a lot of the new weight. On the inner side it was a series of buttery soft folds and on the outer side formed a blanketing cascade of fat that hung over one side of the bed.

After such a successful month of testing Patrick elected to cut out solid food almost entirely from his intake. They'd empty the house of anything left and switch over to chugging gainer shakes full time. His last few feasts were laborious, Pat found he could barely raise his arms and with every passing day felt more buried in his luscious fat. Jim rigged their funnel up to a larger 5-gallon jug mount and let gravity fill his man with a tidal wave of calories. Pat loved the experience, all he had to do was bite down on the end of the clamp feeling himself steadily fill with the heavy fluid. His meals were now more fattening and less effort than ever before. After a month on the all liquid diet, bloated to capacity at every meal and feeling fatter by the hour Pat was still shocked to find out he'd put on exactly 600 pounds of new man-fat. He was completely immobile besides being able to feebly grab objects when in his immediate grasp and use them but found his upper arms were little more than bags of soft new blubber. Pat watched the readout climb all the way up to 1,633 pounds and loved every pound on his body. His backside had taken much of the new weight and was the size of a couch, even propping his head up higher in a sitting position than before, now rubbing on the top of the headboard. Still Pat felt the need for more weight and begged Jim to figure out what they could do to get him over a ton and then some by next month's end.
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Kiara 3 years
A mí generalmente no me gusta las historias con engordado tan extremo, pero la tuya como la sacaban me gustó mucho
Wooper 6 years
This is so awesome! I love your stuff on and hope to see more from you in the future!
Feedfig 6 years
This is literally the greatest story I've ever read and I'm so envious of Patrick! I want to be the 13,500 lbs blob! Then aim for 15,000.