The recordbreaker

Chapter 6 - 6. the dream

Patrick was lying in bed but something felt different... he was thin again! But he had his feeding tube installed and though his arms were no longer overstuffed sausages of fat he couldn't seem to remove it. After a second the tubing began to fill with a pasty white substance... not his favorite chocolate shakes or vanilla either. As it hit his mouth Pat could guess what it was... pure fat! He began swelling fatter instantly. His 200 pounds softened to 300... 400... 500 within just minutes. Patrick remembered when even this felt unattainable and Pagie's size an impossibility. The taste in his mouth was awful but he swallowed dutifully. He crested a half ton and seemed to be packing pounds on faster as he reached a ton in a minute after that. Now he felt a little better, still small but improving... it was then he felt the flow go from manageable to a torrent, he gurgled and groaned now trying to keep up with being pumped full of fat. His body began growing and swelling faster, hitting 4,000 and rapidly leaving it in the dust. Moaning Patrick looked up at the ceiling which had turned into liquid silver mirror, giving him a view of his body as it spilled off the bed now and across the floor in every direction. Patrick became increasingly shapeless, as his weight started climbing several tons a minute. Pat felt his immense hips hitting the walls to his sides and his rear do the same behind as he filled the bedroom with his fat. Moaning excitedly the flow cranked up so hard liquid fat dribbled out of his bloated cheeks as he struggled to relax his throat enough to guzzle faster. Pat's belly, the size of a Range Rover slammed the wall in front of him. Pat needed more space to fill *WHAM!* he watched as a wrecking ball sized belly roll smashed through drywall as it added to his corpulence. Freed slightly in the front Pat could feel himself spilling into the hall and bathroom since he'd knocked out the shared wall between both spaces. The heavy flaccid fat felt great against the cool tile of the bathroom floor and as he continued to swell knocking out the framing and walls became increasingly satisfying as he felt his belly smash its way into more rooms. Patrick's leviathan size filled his view with rippling strechmarked flesh, looking up at his reflection he couldn't find his hands or feet under beanbag sized rolls of indistinguishable origin. His backside with nowhere else to go had started to push him upwards, as he got closer to the shimmering liquid mirror he couldn't recognize his own face for how bloated and inhuman he looked. Pat wished he knew how much he weighed while knocking apart the house growing more massive he filled the remaining rooms with fat just seconds after smashing into them. Massive rolls of blubber now pressed on the exterior walls of the house and started popping out of windows. his bellybutton could fit a car in it, helpful as that part of his gut had started to entirely fill the two-car garage with lard. Pat moaned as he exploded the house and his face hit the liquid silver which felt like a bucket of ice water being poured over him.
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Kiara 3 years
A mí generalmente no me gusta las historias con engordado tan extremo, pero la tuya como la sacaban me gustó mucho
Wooper 6 years
This is so awesome! I love your stuff on and hope to see more from you in the future!
Feedfig 6 years
This is literally the greatest story I've ever read and I'm so envious of Patrick! I want to be the 13,500 lbs blob! Then aim for 15,000.