The recordbreaker

Chapter 7 - 7. fat pat

Patrick jumped awake... well he would have jumped a year ago but now it was a different story. The combined sum of his strength resulted in a few weak ripples he felt travel across his form. Pat tried to rub the bleariness from his eyes and again came to realize that wouldn't be possible, he lost the ability to move his arms at a ton and a half before going under and felt them now outstretched and utterly buried. Out of curiosity he tried to make a fist; something he was rapidly losing the capacity for as he approached two tons but now Patrick could feel his Twinkie-thick fingers pressed together into a fattened baseball glove of a hand and the roll of fat that must have been the back of his hand swallowing them up to the last joints. His appendages were just smaller mounds and cascades of pile of fat you'd never guess had a skeleton in it for how shapeless Pat had become. Looking around Patrick couldn't see much, a tube of thick grey paste coming from over his head and down his forced-open mouth thanks to a rubber bit was what took up most of his view, below that was a large set of three curves stretching out a few feet- he thought it might have been his chest before yawning and realizing it was his jowls! He could look down at his fattened face before going under loving how round his reflection had gotten but how fat had he gotten that he'd grown a third chin now several feet away from his nearly buried features? Beyond that was a large fleshy wall stacked several feet higher than his head, a small gurgle emanating from it confirmed it was his massive gut. Patrick's senses returning let him know he wasn't just full he was close to bursting! The flow must have been relentless and it didn't take long for Pat to find the feeling of the tube running down his throat discomforting and wanted it removed. Unfortunately, in his current predicament that was going to be impossible for the immovable blob. Instead he tried to relax and take in his surroundings ignoring the feeding tube. Patrick knew looking at the ceiling that it wasn't his bedroom, by the cold smoothness of the surface his belly covered it wasn't any part of their house he recognized either, every room but the bathrooms were carpeted. Pat did know for certain though that he had to be elephantine; every part of his body was expanded and buried under hundreds or even thousands of pounds of fat. He could feel his legs were practically doing the splits but all the same his thighs were pressed together several feet across until where his belly started it's wrap around his middle to where it met the piles of ass fat stacked behind him which rolled over in his endless conquest for more growth. He remembered loving the immense seat his backside had felt like before but now could feel a gentle breeze running across so much more area it was like they had formed a small hill behind him in twin peaks that must have weighed more than a ton apiece. After an imagined eternity but was really closer to ten minutes Jim walked in to check his vitals noticing Pat blinking to get his attention after a moment. After giving a full bear hug Patrick realized was his partner had climbed onto the left side of his chest. Jim removed the tube and Pat breathed a sigh of relief, his gut had never felt so full and having his husband on top his rolls was Patrick's dream finally come true. He managed to utter a few disjoined syllables before Jim knew what he wanted. Pulling out his phone Jim showed a live feed of Patrick from a camera set up on the wall giving them a full view of what he had become. He was larger than a pair of tour buses with a belly stacked in three cresting shelves almost eight feet high at the peak and about twenty past his long-lost feet spreading wider as it got away from his middle like a puddle of human flesh, no longer having its shape dictated it filled every inch it could. The two-car garage door by the end of his gut helped to visually confirm his belly was a 20+ foot sheet of blubber since he was nearly as wide as the space in the garage. His backside now that he could see it and not just feel was true to expectation and each cheek was now a ten foot wide pile of wiggling lard, a ton apiece would have to be a fairly conservative guess at how much was packed in his backside. Behind him Pat could fully appreciate the immense hills of fat his back had turned into towering above his head and almost as high as his belly in front of him it made a wonderful rim around his head. His many folds of jowls now wider across than Jim was tall Patrick fell in love with how recessed his eyes, mouth and nose were in the hundreds of pounds of fat on his face. Though he was in a heavily reclined position Pat's head rested nearly ten feet off the ground pressed between the tons on his front and the the tons of fat that resided in his backside and legs which forced his buried skeleton upwards. After a moment Jim pushed a button and the phone changed to a numerical readout which he congratulated Pat for, his mountain of a tubby hubby now weighed 13,500 pounds.
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Kiara 3 years
A mí generalmente no me gusta las historias con engordado tan extremo, pero la tuya como la sacaban me gustó mucho
Wooper 6 years
This is so awesome! I love your stuff on and hope to see more from you in the future!
Feedfig 6 years
This is literally the greatest story I've ever read and I'm so envious of Patrick! I want to be the 13,500 lbs blob! Then aim for 15,000.