The recordbreaker

Chapter 8 - 8. dream come true

Jim explained that once he had had Patrick moved into place, he installed the intubation hose, turned on the pump and Patrick had not stopped eating the same continuous meal for more than 5 months since. A mixture of pure fat, powdered nutritional supplements and sugar blended into a paste that was pumped directly into his gut for maximum fat gain. The results spoke for themselves, Pat was so enormous he no longer resembled a human shape. An inhuman blob spreading outward in every direction and even in his enlarged space his multi-ton rear end was close to rubbing up on the walls on opposite sides of what was his living room. Patrick's overloaded digestive tract was happy to have his months-long meal at an end. As far as he and Jim could tell they had not just claimed the record for a 1-year gain but for the world's fattest man as well. Most Corpulex customers were fairly cagey with their individual results but the biggest they could find was a corporate security guard for a donut factory who maintained a weight of about 7,500 with the help and sponsorship of his employer who still had him monitoring cameras in limited shifts which being stuffed with donuts. Jim went over what had happened while Patrick was under; the bed he had taken up collapsed just after 2 tons and Jim hired contractors to blow out the walls in the kitchen, living room, and garage to make the largest unimpeded area for Patrick to grow into possible. Resurfacing the floors and integrating a truck scale underneath to keep track of their accomplishments at the same time. He had installed a commercial refrigerated storage tank in the backyard with a built-in mixer to keep Pat fed with the volume he needed and a tube ran through the wall and up to his mouth. His gains jumped dramatically month after month his unconscious body seemed to absorb weight like a sponge and stay hungry for more. The last two months he pumped hundreds of thousands of calories a day into Pat. Showing a time-lapse Pat watched as he gained more than a ton of new fat the first, 2,700 the next and he was on track to put on more than 3,000 this final month too. The effect of watching every fold on his body double over in size and grow another smaller roll in minutes was euphoric as Pat saw his belly crest take shape on top of a stomach with the capacity of an industrial truck's fuel tank. Jim had been tracking his daily intake and made sure every day was more than the last causing his belly to keep stretching larger thanks to the effects of Corpulex 7.

The remaining two weeks were spent less focused on gaining and more enjoying the mountain of fat Pat had become. Jim would stuff Pat senseless with his first solid food in months and then fall asleep every night settled between some of his husband's enormous fat rolls. They switched him back to drinking rich chocolate gainer shakes rather than the concentrated feeding paste since the intubation was rather uncomfortable while conscious and the taste was unpalatable slowing Pat down to slower but incredible gains. Thanks to what felt like a bottomless pit of an engorged stomach Pat could greedily guzzle 180 gallons a day to feel sated on top of what Jim fed him his favorite approach being a torrential rate resembling his dream. Patrick increasingly enjoyed leaving the flow running even in his sleep, reoccurring dreams of outgrowing the house and even the neighborhood fueled by the hundreds of thousands of calories he was taking in. On the 365th day the Corpulex regional representative arrived to check out what they had managed. Though a handful of people stepped up and rapidly sat down a ton heavier than before no one else had managed to beat Pagie's record. Corpulex marketing was trying to find ways to salvage the promotional effort but Patrick was one of the very last ones on their list. Jim was cagey with the employee saying they had made the best effort they could leading him to diminished expectations until Jim opened the double-garage door revealing Patrick's multi-ton gut filling the space that once fit their two cars with a belly button crease 6 feet across. Over the course of a year and confirmed via the truck scale Fat Pat as he would be known had packed on over 7 tons of blubber, the company rep had never seen such a pile of human flesh and knew he had to be every ounce of the 14,240 pounds the scale showed after adjusting for the last few hours of binging, smashing Pagie's record by a modest 11,000 pounds. He called into the Corpulex corporate office and relayed the news to the companies' delight. Agreeing to be a paid spokesblob for Corpulex and license photos and videos of his gaining journey recorded by Jim they received a lucrative offer on top of their $10,765,000 reward for each pound gained past Pagie's record and compensation for their ludicrous food bill for the year. The ensuing media blitz on the couple was like living a dream; getting to show off how fat Patrick had gotten worldwide, Jim's book on his practices and a recounting of the years events was an instant bestseller and became the quintessential guide to getting fat with Corpulex. Demand for the drug skyrocketed as new couples wanted to emulate Fat Pat and see what multi-ton living was like. Pat had planned to cut back and maintain the weight he'd worked so hard to pack on but found anything less than being pumped full of gainer shakes or having Jim on top of him shoveling an endless feast down his gullet was just not for him, after all he did have a house to outgrow.

The End.
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Kiara 3 years
A mí generalmente no me gusta las historias con engordado tan extremo, pero la tuya como la sacaban me gustó mucho
Wooper 6 years
This is so awesome! I love your stuff on and hope to see more from you in the future!
Feedfig 6 years
This is literally the greatest story I've ever read and I'm so envious of Patrick! I want to be the 13,500 lbs blob! Then aim for 15,000.