A post easter treat

chapter 2

It's funny what can happen in a year isn't it? Just a year ago I wouldn't have dreamed about standing outside Tesco on a Bank Holiday morning at 8:45, waiting for it to open. I'd feel a little self-conscious if there were anyone else around - I must look a bit strange, but there's no-one else here, just me and my girlfriend Ivy.

Yes, what a difference a year makes. It had been a year to the day that I had found out about Ivy's secret, her fetish if you will. Her need to get fat. What had started out as a secret love affair with food and gaining weight had been thrust out into the open through my catching her in the act of gorging herself and challenging her.

It seemed that now that her secret was out, she could relax more, several takeaways a week had become the norm at our house, there was no attempt to pretend that she ate healthily anymore when I was around, often eating to the point of discomfort and relying on me to soothe her aching with a tender belly rub.

I'd quite often come home to find her in a state of semi undress, chocolate smeared over her face and painfully swollen stomach.

"There was a sale on Cadbury's" she'd offer

"Which ones?" I'd reply

"All of them" she'd smile

Of course, her secret wasn't really out, not to everyone's knowledge anyway. She'd keep up the pretences of finding it hard to diet while with family and friends knowing full well that once she was behind closed doors, she'd be stuffing herself with whatever salty snack she could get her hands on. No longer taking Pringles by the stack, she'd think nothing of downing the whole tube as an after-work snack. She'd grown quite fond of pork crunch, something she'd never tasted during her days of strict dieting and fitness, I'd once made the joke that surely she'd be accused of cannibalism as she was getting quite porky herself, that one earned me a playful jab in the arm.

Yes, there's no way that you can eat the way that Ivy had been doing and not gain weight and through her efforts she had managed to add 62lbs to her frame in the last year. She really had given in to her gluttony and the effects were evident on her body. If she had been soft last year, she was downright chubby this. That slight belly bulge from last year's Easter was no more, in its place sat a plump pot that hung over her panties. Her arse must have doubled in size too, ridiculously round and it juts out like a girl from a rap video. Her thighs are so soft and fun to touch, a sentiment shared by our cat who likes to come and knead at her legs whenever she's relaxing and watching television, which is an awful lot seeing as she's given up going to the gym for anything but a light swim or to use the sauna.

Her arms have grown plump and now that she has foregone exercise that doesn't take place in the bedroom, she doesn't exactly have a lot of muscle tone. Her bras no longer cut into her thankfully, we had to upgrade those again last month. Her breasts are significantly bigger, even if they aren't as firm or perky, she seems very happy with their growth, I know I am! It's a joy to watch them rest on top of that upper belly roll when she slouches and I've got to tell you, helping her lotion her growing body is one of the highlights of my day. She's not fond of stretchmarks and she's doing her best to keep them at bay but when you indulge that much, there's no denying them. Her face remains relatively slim, save for when she tilts her head down or when she's laughing, then it's evident that there's a small amount of pudge that has grown there. I can't wait for it to get bigger; she won't be able to hide that she's a fat girl then.

That's what she's doing at work, her attire that had consisted of tight jeans and strappy tops have been replaced with flowing dresses and kaftan tops. She's hiding her gain so that she doesn't have to deal with prying questions. She dreads getting the old "When's it due?" question but I think that's only because she won't be able to hide her arousal at the faux pas.

I don't afford her the same luxuries when it's just the two of us though. She delights in me mentioning how hefty she's looking or having her try on clothes that no longer fit. The jeans she's wearing now are meant for a girl at least a size smaller, a fact made evident by how her belly oozes over the waistband and her arse strains the seams.

She catches me eying her plump belly roll and her eyes sparkle, she can't help but grin. I give her a wink to let her know that's exactly what I was appreciating.

It may be before 9 on my bank holiday but I don't mind being stood waiting for Tesco to open because I know why we're here. She's been planning for this for weeks, there's no chancing it this time, we have multiple shopping bags and even a list, she'd befriended someone who worked on confectionary, she knew all the prices before the shop even opened and has allocated her money accordingly.

No longer than 30 minutes later then we're back home, she's shed her ill-fitting garments and lies naked surrounded by the brightly coloured packages.

"Happy with you haul?" I ask her

She simply nods her response as her mouth is already full of chocolate. I place my hand on her lower belly roll and give it a little jiggle.

"You know, you'll get fat if you carry on eating like this?"

"That's the plan" she smiled, already unwrapping her next egg

I do likewise, I've really come to enjoy feeding her, fattening her, I never knew about this part of myself either. I thank her for introducing me to this walk of life by forcing more between her lips. She moans her approval as she closes her eyes.

I can't wait to see what she looks like by next Easter.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SomeGiraffez 6 years
More more more 😍
Theswordsman 6 years
I can just picture her making it to where they're both fat
PrincessBlurmy 6 years
Nothing planned at the moment as I've got a lot on but i'm sure I could be persuaded if there's enough interest.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Well-written and provocative story! It's fine as is, but is there more?