A post easter treat

chapter 3

What a strange Easter weekend!

Though every year seems to bring something different nowadays, this one has been especially bizarre. Last year had me queueing to buy cut price Easter eggs, this year I’d have to queue whenever I went to the supermarket. The virus has made being a consumer rather difficult but it’s something that we’ve adapted to quite well I’d say.

I’m certainly glad of a contact of mine in the restaurant business, his company had used to supply local restaurants but seeing as they were all closed at the moment he had to adapt and offer his resources to a wider audience. I helped him out with his website and he made sure that I was always well stocked. It was a good job really.

Ivy has become quite the foodie over the past year, there’s rarely a time when she’s not eating, packing on a whopping 105lbs in the process. If she was chubby last Easter, she’s downright fat this one and she couldn’t be happier about it. She can no longer hide behind flowing dresses and baggy tops because if she did that, they’d be bloody huge! No, she’s had to embrace the very obvious fact that she’s a fat girl now and boy, that has been fun to witness.

Her Mother and Sister are always harking on at her to come to their slimming classes and join them on their latest fad diets and she has to rebuff them, saying things like “I’ll think about it” or “I’ll see what it has to offer”. We both know there’s only one way her weight is going and it’s certainly not down.

The delivery drivers have just dropped off our groceries, there’s absolutely loads here, anyone would think we’re hoarding but none of it goes to waste. I’ve become quite the chef in the last twelve months. Ivy would watch programmes on the Food Network and start to fantasise about eating the meals being presented, before long she’d be begging me to make her the dishes.

You might ask why she doesn’t make them herself but she’s as lazy as she is fat now, she doesn’t have to pretend about going to the gym so all semblance of exercise has gone out the window. Her gym gear got donated months ago and the only exercise she gets now is her frequent trips to the kitchen and our time in the bedroom and wow, what a time that is!

She may be well over twice the woman she was just two short years ago but my god she still oozes sex appeal, she’s lazy as all hell but still makes the effort to keep her hair and makeup looking perfect and god knows where she finds it but she manages to find the hottest lingerie to keep pace with her ever-growing figure.

That’s all window dressing of course, it’s what’s underneath that’s the real deal. Her belly is eye-catching to say the least, no longer a plump pot this massive, double rolled beauty now sags down over her pussy and rests on her thighs while she’s seated. Did I mention thighs? Damn, those things are immense! To think they used to have a gap is kinda mind-blowing, now they mash into each other when she walks and what a walk it is! She’s like a catwalk model that got filled up with marshmallow fluff. That sexy strut that chances the fine line between confidence and arrogance. She’s a goddess and she knows it.

She knows that whenever she goes by, my eyes will be following her and turns just to check she was right, she’s always right. How can I not?! That massive ass has made her three times the width she used to be and to see it in motion is a thing of beauty, swaying and jiggling with each step. What used to be toned and tight is now flabby and filled with cellulite and she couldn’t be more attractive if she tried. When she turns to peek back you can see how big the fat rolls on her back really are as they crease and deepen.

“Pervert” she’ll laugh as she carries on her way to get her latest snack, her fat face will be beaming when she returns, knowing she’ll always have my eye. I never knew I had a thing for fat girls until I willingly helped to create one.

She’ll often return with things tucked under her tits now that they’re so big that it makes it a possibility. “My arms were full” is a funny excuse because it’s often true but we both know she gets off on being able to do it. I absolutely love it when I can’t find the remote only to find a sheepish look on her face, I know exactly where it’s been tucked away and the wrestle to retrieve it normally leads to me forgetting what it was that I wanted to watch anyway.

There’s been a lot of that going on lately, what with me working from home and her being let go just before things got crazy, she’s certainly enjoying her little vacation and her gain seems to have ramped up even further. She’s been going without clothes most of the time, opting for increasingly bigger robes and sexy undies, she’s distracting to say the least. It’s a wonder I get any work done at all!

There goes the doorbell again, I’m glad this delivery didn’t run into the driver that works for my friend, god knows what the gossip would have been like.

Because we knew that hitting the stores for discount eggs this year wouldn’t be feasible Ivy has gone to great lengths to find a discount retailer who buys back the vast majority of eggs that aren’t sold by websites for a low cost and then sells them on at a small profit. That was the first pallet just now, I daren’t think how many she actually purchased, still, it saves me queueing and possibly getting the virus.

As if on cue I hear the floorboards on our stairs creaking, “Is that my delivery?” she calls down.

“You must be able to smell chocolate eggs by now” I shout back as I make my way to the bottom of the stairs, she’s stood at the top wearing nothing but a massive grin.

“Grab as many as you can carry and meet me in the bedroom, I’m not leaving that bed until I’m more chocolate than woman!”

I dropped whatever it was I was doing and tore into the boxes, thinking about what she would look like next Easter.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SomeGiraffez 6 years
More more more 😍
Theswordsman 6 years
I can just picture her making it to where they're both fat
PrincessBlurmy 6 years
Nothing planned at the moment as I've got a lot on but i'm sure I could be persuaded if there's enough interest.
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
Well-written and provocative story! It's fine as is, but is there more?