Filling out

chapter 6

As the weekend day was starting, Rory got up, eager to raid the fridge. The whole weight gain thing had started to grow on her, and it was showing, with her shorts creating a slight muffin top and her shirt was hugging her new curves tightly.
The double doored fridge never disappointed, stocked with sandwich meats, leftover dinners and ice cream.
With no one else up, she dug in, chomping down some Ben & Jerry's. It was only early in the morning, so she had hours of stuffing herself before someone came down.
At 11:00, Ruby decided to get come down for breakfast, with Rory still eating stuffing herself.
Ruby herself had packed on some extra weight, as she helped Rory on her quest to get fatter. Her pajama top barely covered her gut and her ass and thighs threatened to rip the heavily stretched pajama bottoms. Taking out a bowl from the cupboard, she prepared a bowl of Reese's Puffs.
"You seem hungry." Ruby said, as Rory was now attacking the family sized box of ice cream sandwiches.
"I...just...cant...stop," she panted, exhausted but the amount of food she ingested, "I think...I think I'll go have some cereal."
"You looking for a balanced diet, huh?" joked Ruby as she dug into her own bowl.
"Maybe I'll, I can do this." she panted, massaging her slightly swollen belly.
Rory and Rory finished a box of Reese's each and Rory, now full, decided to go and read in bed.
Ruby on the other hand decided to do something new today. She took out a pair of jeans and a crop top which were almost painful to put on. Going to the kitchen and taking a giant tub of ice cream, she began to eat, immediately feeling her stomach grow.
After finishing the tub she could feel her denim shorts about to rip. Carefully reaching down into the freezer, she drew out another tub. Every scoop brought her top and shorts closer to their certain doom. After finishing half the tub, her shorts ripped down the sides, and her top started to split in the middle, showing her expanding gut.
Not wanting to stop, she continued eating from the tub, with her sorts now torn by her thighs and her crop top no more than a strip of fabric, leaving her in her burgundy underwear. By now she was panting, with how turned on she was. Wanting more, she got dressed into some sweat pants and a hoodie and went out in search of some more food.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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