Filling out

chapter 7

Rose began her weekend by looking for a new swimsuit. Her old swimsuit had unsurprisingly stopped fitting several pounds ago, and she was having difficulty finding a style she liked at the plus size boutique downtown.
Eventually she decided to buy a stripped grey swimsuit, thinking the horizontal stripes really brought out her girth.
Heading out for a meal at the local diner, she noticed a man looking at her. Of course people always looked at her; she was generally considered a deviant and weird, but this guy wasn't looking disdainfully at her; it was lust.
"Hey there, cutie," he said, approaching, "You look hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat someplace?"
Rose was impressed by his gall, but decided to deny him. "Not today, but I will take your number. What's your name?" she said, running her hands through her hair.
"Brian." he replied, handing her a slip of paper. "See you 'round then!"
"You will," Rose thought to herself, "Round as a barrel."


Rose caught up to the diner, which was busy as usual. As she waited for her food, she noticed Ruby in a booth. Coming over with her tray she saw her sister digging into an enormous feast. The entire table was laid with grease flooded morsels and full fat milkshakes.
"You gonna have a heart attack on your own, or can I have some?" Rose asked sarcastically.
Ruby swallowed and laughed in a similar tone.
"Very funny. I've taken the necessary measures to prevent my heart turning into a beating lump of lard so I can essentially become a lump of lard, so I can eat all this happily on my own."
Rose rolled her eyes and cleared some hamburgers out of the way to put down her tray. Compared to Ruby's feast, her order of three fillet supremes and extra large brownie milkshake seemed meagre to the literal heaps of burgers and shakes that were laid on the table.
"Gosh, Ruby, you sure you can tank all this?" asked Rose, taking a hearty bite out of one of her burgers.
"Could probably eat more, if I really wanted to waste my last 50 dollars."
Rose looked surprised. Ruby seemed to know what she was doing, but she was still unsure. She knew that she herself got really hungry back when she was going through with the death of her parents, but this seemed ridiculous.
Finishing off her meal she left the diner, leaving Ruby to get herself stuck in the booth.
Downtown was unusually quiet, with little to no traffic on the main road.
As she walked up to the video game store, her phone buzzed, with a text from Sapphire.
"Hey, if u want, you can bring your sisters. wouldn't want them to miss out 😉"
Rose laughed. The twins would certainly like that.


Ruby walked out of the diner, her sweatpants feeling like they would burst. As she rubbed her swollen belly, her phone chimed with a message from Rose.
"wanna come to sapphire hawk's pool party? free food, lol"
Ruby smiled. All she needed was something to wear. Her bikini was flexible enough to give her some decency, but she obviously didn't have any formal outfit. Heading over to the plus size boutique, she found herself panting after walking two blocks. "Need...nourishment," she thought desperately, sweating like a pig.
Heading into a newsagent, she went in and bought two ice creams and a litre of coke.
"A girls gotta eat," she thought to herself as she at her meal, feeling her ass sway from side to side as she got walked.
The staff at the boutique were friendly and helped choose a nice dress for her. The burgundy dress she settled for was described by the clerk as 'fattening', highlighting her rolls, which of course was fine with Ruby.
Taking the bus home, she got into bed for a quick nap. Her stomach right now prevented her from seeing her feet, and her hoodie had started to rip.
"God this feels good," she said as she jiggled her boobs and grabbed her ass.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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