Peter's pastries (part 2)

  By Lola

Chapter 4

He had been unsure of how this date would unfold. Now that he was sitting here in such a fine restaurant with this stunning blonde he was completely comfortable. She was unlike any other woman he had ever met in his life. She was beautiful, intelligent, had a great sense of humor and for some strange reason she was attracted to him and his borderline addiction to overindulgence and obesity. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. He couldn’t quite place his finger on it at the moment, but he could feel this strong emotion welling up inside of him that he could only surmise was an essential part of life that had eluded him up until this moment…love. Of course it was too soon for that, but it sure did feel like the right word.

Their next course was a selection of two different soups that were nothing short of divine. They were presented in two large porceline serving bowls adorned with decorative grape vines encircling the rim. The first soup was a spicy yet authentic minestrone, by far the best he had ever tasted. He easily finished the entirety of it by himself. It was that good. By this point, he could feel his belt straining, but he chose to ignore it for the time being. The wine helped him to forget the burden that his constricting clothing was placing on his overly stuffed belly. It was a rich Chianti, a little dry for his taste. He was having such a good time that something so trivial hardly seemed worth mentioning.

He had the majority of the Italian wedding soup that was brought out. The meatballs in it were great. He mentally made a note of how he thought he might recreate them for use later when he entertained guests. Heather had a small bowl of it. She spent most of her time wiping the dribbles of soup that would sporadically drip down his chin in his soup-slurping frenzy. She seemed quite amused by it, smiling at him longily and procaliming what a hungry boy he was. He patted his stomach in agreement and awaited their next course.

When the waiter came to clear the table to make way for their entrees, it was starting to become clear to him what exactly he had gotten himself into. The food was not brought out on a serving tray. It was wheeled out on a cart that was nearly the size of the table they were seated at. Every square inch of it was covered with different Italian delicassies. There was chicken parmesan on a bed of spaghetti with pomodoro sauce, shrimp alfredo, four cheese lasagna, veal piccata with lemon garlic rissoto, seafood diablo and steak florentine with a side of garlic mashed potatoes. It was enough to feed an army. Based on what Heather had eaten so far, he was pretty certain that she wouldn’t be much help in finishing off this unbelievable amount of food.

“What? Was I a little overzealous in ordering all this food? I’m sorry. It’s just…”

“Just what?”

“I’m kind of nervous to tell you. This is our first date. I’m afraid I might make the wrong impression, and that is that last thing I want to do.”

He stared deeply into her azure eyes in a valiant effort to attempt to covey the feelings that he had been developing for her over the course of their evening together. “Sweetie, there is nothing you could say to me that would put me off in any way. I think you are wonderful. Really I do.”

“It’s just always been one of my fantasies to be able to feed a man the way you’ve let me feed you tonight. It’s just so….” her voice trailed off, deserately trying to ascertain the right adjective to describe how he made her feel.

“Exhilerating?” he offered, wanting more than anything for her to feel same way.

“I feel like I am having this incredible dream and I don’t ever want to wake up.”

“Then let’s keep the fun going.”

He smiled in complete and utter joy as she began to spoon a giant mound of chicken parmesan and pasta onto his plate. If she wanted to feed him then he was more than willing to let her do so. It was so sexy that he could hardly contain himself. He shoved the food into his mouth edaciously, cleaning plate after plate of the exquisite cuisine. He could feel his belly continue to swell with the sheer volume of all that he had eaten. It was such an erotic feeling of bliss. He could hardly keep himself from becoming aroused.

When he became too full to continue to feed himself, Heather took over. She ate a little herself, but mostly devoted her attention to his everready mouth. Each bite that he took off of the fork she offered him seemed to turn her on more and more. She was literally squirming in her chair.

He thought for a moment about what the other people in the restaurant were thinking of the spectacle they were making of themselves. Then it dawned on him that he didn’t really care. He was sure that if they could sample heaven in the way that he was able to do tonight, they would gladly eat with reckless abandon in the same fashion. As the entrée course was slowly coming to an end, he stopped her by pulling away from her anxious fork-wielding hand.

“Is something the matter? Don’t tell me that you’re full already.”

“No, it’s not that.”

He struggled while digging his hands under his now much larger abdomen and somehow managed to unbuckle the tight belt that had been digging into the vulnerable flesh beneath his stomach. As his expansive tummy spilled out onto his lap a further six inches than his uncomfortable belt had previously allowed, he uttered a sigh of relief.

“Much better.”

She continued to feed him the rest of the fettucini until it was all gone. She then leaned back in her chair in complete astonishment, closing her eyes as she took in the monumental experience that they had just shared. She then reached over and playfully fondled the hard rock that his stomach had become.

“I’m so proud of you, Peter. Thank you so much.”

He chuckled at her statement. “What are you thanking me for? I should be thanking you. That was the best dinner of my life.”

“I could say the same thing.”

Their waiter arrived once again and appeared to be stifling a state of shock. It was inconceivable that Peter had been able to eat the entire meal. He could hardly believe it himself. It had been enough for many, many people and yet he had gorged himself like the complete glutton that he knew himself to be. He even took pride in the waiter’s reaction. It was quite a feat that he had accomplished. Having someone as special and appreciative as Heather made it all the more substantial. This was probably the best night of his life, and it wasn’t even over yet.
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GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Just discovered this gem. You are a great storyteller! Nicely done.
Littleextra 13 years
Very goood indeed - thanks for posting smiley
Jktab 13 years
Wow What a delightful read. I hope you add some more but if not it's still spectacular
BeSoft 13 years
Excellent job! Totally my dream! Can't wait to see what happens next...
Built4com4t 13 years
wow. fantasy feeder has a new storytelling queen. more please!