Peter's pastries (part 2)

  By Lola

Chapter 5

“Would you care for dessert?” the waiter propositioned.

Heather gave him a befuddled look. “It is part of what I ordered, isn’t it?”

The waiter gulped back his chagrin and nodded.

“Ok, then. We’ll take the tiramasu and the chocolate spumoni.”

Heather moved her chair closer to his as they awaited the arrival of their desserts. She began to slowly rub her hand across the portion of his flabby midsection which hung down between his legs. Then she reached down even further between his legs and began to tease him with her fingertips. He was on the brink of totally losing himself in the pleasure of her touch when their desserts arrived.

Peter polished them both off in no time. While the spumoni was excellent, he fancied his own tiramasu to be a little better. He used less expresso and more chocolate, but that was how he liked it. At this point, he was concentrating less and less on the tastes that he had been bombarded with over the past two hours and more and more on what he thought Heather’s supple lips would feel like when pressed against his own. He wasn’t completely sure that this night would end in the pasionate kiss that he envisioned, but he felt that things were most assuredly headed in that direction.

While finishing their second bottle of Chianti, Heather suggested that they go down to the boardwalk after dinner and take a stroll by the water to enjoy the moonlight. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to make it considering the massive quantity of food that his body was currently straining to digest. He figured he would at least try for the sake of continuing their enchanting evening together.

After the last drop of wine had disappeared, Peter prepared himself to get back on his feet. It was not an easy thing to do. He gripped the table and heaved his vast bulk upward as strongly as he could. He wavered a little until he finally got his footing, feeling his bursting belly weighing him down as it spread out in front of him. He felt so enormously fat. Normally he only became this full when he was curled up in bed alone seeking the solace that only came from an empty box of cookies or the bottom of a pie tin. This was different.

He could sense the staring eyes of the other people in the restaurant who were silently scrutinizing his great size and appetite, but he didn’t feel the same shame that usually ensued one of his binges committed in solitude. He was proud of his body and how much he could consume and he was ecstatic to have such a pretty lady as his companion who fully appreciated him for everything that he was. He looked at Heather who gleefully smiled back and took his arm as they made their way over to the elevator.

She slightly brushed his bulging stomach again as she pressed the button on the elevator in the same way she had on their way down. He couldn’t help but ask this time.

“Was that on purpose?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, smiling coyly.

“You like touching my stomach, don’t you?”

Heather stepped closer to him and grabbed one of his generously ample love handles, caressing his soft, fat body with her own and working her fingers down the curve of his belly in one continuous, sensual motion.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” she mused, standing on her tiptoes and planting a kiss on his lips just as the elevator doors slammed open, exposing them both to the chilly night air.

“Was that a….” Peter trailed off, left utterly speechless by the burst of passion that had erupted within that fleeting moment.

“A kiss?”

“Uh-huh,” Peter nodded, still trying to catch his breath.

“Of course it was. And you were right.”


“I do enjoy touching your body. In fact, I think I could grow to love it. It is so sexy. It was all I could do to keep my hands off of you in there. I can’t wait until we get down by the water where it is a little more private.”

He grinned contentedly from ear-to-ear at the thought of what she had just shared with him.

“It’s so strange that you say that.”


He remained silent for a moment as they stepped out of the elevator. He wasn’t sure exactly how to explain himself to her, so he just went ahead and said what popped into his mind.

“I’ve always enjoyed the way my body feels…I guess it is a hard thing to explain. It’s so soft and there is so much of me. I…I’ve never told anyone this before because I never had a reason to…but the way you said it made me feel like…I don’t know…you’re the same as me maybe…”

He looked at her as he was speaking to gauge her reaction. She looked mesmerized by his words, and although it might have been wishful thinking on his part, it provided him with enough encouragement to continue.

“As I’ve gotten bigger I…Jees, I can’t believe I am saying this out loud…But as I’ve gotten bigger I’ve realized that I like it. I do, I like it. I love my body. I love to eat…” He trailed off in a clumsy attempt to gather his thoughts.

“And?” Heather offered intuitively.

“I love being fat.”

“Really?” she exclaimed, seeming pleased with his revelation.

“I guess I do. I mean, I’ve been eating and eating since I got out of college, getting bigger and bigger. Part of me has always known that it was intentional, but it just always seemed so weird that I never could bring myself to come to terms with it. I thought maybe I’m crazy or something. It hardly makes any sense, and yet it…”

She stopped him in mid-sentence by grabbing his hand and clasping it between her breasts. She stared at him in the pale evening light and said with her eyes what a thousand words could never begin to surmise. “I know.”
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Just discovered this gem. You are a great storyteller! Nicely done.
Littleextra 13 years
Very goood indeed - thanks for posting smiley
Jktab 13 years
Wow What a delightful read. I hope you add some more but if not it's still spectacular
BeSoft 13 years
Excellent job! Totally my dream! Can't wait to see what happens next...
Built4com4t 13 years
wow. fantasy feeder has a new storytelling queen. more please!