Cassandra creosote begins

Chapter 3

"Waitress! I think I need another pitcher soon," say Cassandra, her lips smothered in red cream.

"Yes ma'am," forces the waitress.

"And I'll take a bowl of vanilla ice cream, we'll get your tab going now," says Cassie, smiling.

"Yes ma'am," the waitress forces again.

The waitress goes into the kitchen and prepares a new pitcher of Pabst and a bowl of ice cream....and a couple of scoops and sprinkles of Ultra Gain for our big hungry girl.

"Hey Donna!" yells a cook.

"Yeah?" replies the waitress, Donna.

"I'll have the first batch of food ready...appetizers...get some bus boys and runners to get ready for all of this," says the cook pointing down at the food.

"Wow...okay...I'll get some empty extra tables or something," Donna says,"I'm gonna drop this beer and ice cream off and get to it...see you soon."

Donna walks out to Cassie and replaces her empty pitcher with the new full hyper-calorized pitcher plus the little cup of ice cream containing enough calories for an average lunch.

"Thanks ice cream lady. I'll be seeing a lot of you tonight, honey," Cassie says.

"I see a lot of you right now..." mutters Donna.

"What did you say? That you are getting me a bannana split and slice of ice cream cake right away?" asks Cassie facetiously.

"Yes ma'am," replies Donna.

"That's what I thought."

Donna walks back to the kitchen to get the split and slice of cake with some more Ultra Gain as Cassie blissfully gobbles up her vanilla cup washed down by the cool beer.

"Hey guys," says Donna to the bus boys,"set up three extra tables all together by that fat girl in the corner."

"Okay, will do."

As the bus boys pull the tables together in front of Cassie, she starts to get embarrased and tries to drown that in gulps of cabernet. Her body is starting to feel numb, but her taste buds are exploding, along with that warm wet area under her big soft belly. Before she knows it, the bannana split and slice of ice cream cake are presented infront of her.

"Enjoy!" says Donna.

"Mmmm...I will, ice cream girl...see you soon," replies Cassie,"Mmm Mmmm Mmmmm."

Cassie digs in deep like some kind of queen, spoonfuls of rich ice cream and hearty gulps of cabernet flood her system. She is getting lost in delicious dreams, lost at sea with no sail. Speaking of which, here comes the queen's servants...well, the bus boys and Donna with two trays of food each. Appetizer time.

"We got you some of your appetizers here...salads and soups too," says Donna taking the empty ice cream dishes away.

"Oh good...wonder what was taking so long," says Cassie feeling a little drunk.

"Alrightyyy..." says Donna placing down the food..."we got your jumbo shrimp cocktail here...your curly, disco, AND pizza fries here...onion rings here...buffalo chicken fingers, chicken fingers, fried calamari, buffalo wings, stuffed mushrooms, mozzarella sticks, sliders, chicken and veggie quesadilla. We have your salads too...Cesar, Greek, Calamari, Honey Fried Chicken, Tortilla, Garden, and Buffalo Chicken...oh, and here...your deluxe bowl of cream of chicken soup...with extra cheese," says Donna, winded.

"Good...have my burgers soon, not too much to ask, I am sure," says Cassie.

A feast fit for a queen...and this was only the first of MANY courses. Food piled atop four large dinner tables pushed together. Cassie begins to feel some crazy orgasmic sensation building up inside of her...

Cassie goes bezerk and starts instantly reaching for whatever she can grab. A consistent load of cheese, salads, chicken, sliders, and piles of fries mush around in her mouth. Her pudgy hands are grabbing handfuls of fries, and they are they first to go. Donna is on the case.

"Okay dear, here is your 1/2 pounder sirloin pesto and 1/2 pound smothered burger," says Donna as she replaces the plates.

"We'll have out a fresh pitcher along with the Hercules, Deluxe, and Turkey burger," says Donna.


The appetizers are dying off....the mozz sticks, all the buffalo stuff, the stuffed mushrooms, and the sliders are completely done. Cassie is unstoppable. Whether it is fried chicken or piles of salads, anything and everything is fair game for the hungry young growing Cassie. The way she eats burgers is very remarkable. Up to half a burger is gone in one bite, it is like time lapse.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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NJ1984 10 years
bumpity bump for my best story!
Noarthereonl... 13 years
great start! smiley
NJ1984 13 years
Thanks all...I appreciate it. I appreciate the criticism as well, but I think the spellings are %99 there, and I don't see any bumbling in the perspective. I checked, and I made sure to keep on top of that stuff. Thanks!
Balloon 13 years
An excellent start!