
chapter 6

Pre-cast Cham weighed 200 pounds, but when we made it back to the doctor to have it removed the scale said he was now 247 pounds. He didn't freak out or do anything violent. I feared my storybook life with Cham would come to a grinding halt. He asked me if I would make dinner as we got into my car.

I had been ignoring the topic of his weight gain because I very much liked it. But I couldn't just ignore it. I had to talk about it with him.

I honestly liked Cham again. I couldn't stop thinking about sex and his body. Brady never even crossed my mind anymore, unless I saw him around the building, which was always painful and awkward.

I made Cham a hamburger and fries. He ate it all and was a bit disappointed there wasn't more. I couldn't help laughing a bit. He stood up and walked in a circle. "God, it's great to be outta that thing."

"I know." I smiled again. He walked over to me.

"I got a bit out of shape though," he said with no malice in his voice. This was the starting point. This was the opener to a conversation I didn't want to have.

"I don't mind it," I said. I was so afraid of the things he'd call me or the fact he'd have been right about me wanting him to get fatter. I hadn't been sure that was even something I actually wanted. It was nice now that I had it, and I wouldn't be opposed to more of him, but it wasn't just about me.

"I know," he said. "That's why I ate so much." Why did I want to cry? My stomach was doing somersaults.

"I--I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" I was against the counter and his body was pressed against mine so I couldn't move. I wanted to look away, but I kept staring straight into his blue eyes. "I think I like it too." He kissed me hard again, and this time I wanted it that way.

My hands found themselves roaming up his sides. He was so sturdy. His body was warm and slightly soft. I was enjoying this so much. He kissed my neck and then began to bite it slightly. I let out a moan and he laughed. I found myself laughing too.

It was a day two weeks later and I was in exceptionally high spirits. Jeff had been calling to see if Cham was up to a workout and Cham kept saying he was busy or didn't plan on working out for a while. Maybe Jeff was the reason Cham was always so mean.

We had just gotten in from dinner and were in the lobby of our building. I saw Brady tinkering with something by the front desk. Jeff walked in without having to buzz in because what Brady was tinkering with was the buzzer system. "Hey 'Li, what's up?" asked Jeff.

"Uh, hi Je..."

"Where's Cham?" he said, cutting me off. Jeff rarely ever tried to actually talk to me.

"He's right he..."

"How's it going Jeff?" Cham chimed in. Jeff had such a look of shock on his face it was almost comical.

"Cham, what the *** happened to you?" Cham had an embarrassed grin on his face. "Cham, dude, I figured you'd put on a few, and it'd probably have looked good as extra muscle, but that's a gut."

"So what," he said.

"Eli's probably going to leave you."

"No I'm not!" I said hastily. Jeff saying that made me incredibly nervous. There was no way I wanted to get Cham all riled up when we were in such a good place.

"You don't have to lie, he can't do anything." He poked Cham in his gut. I wondered if this was how they acted around each other. No wonder Cham was such a jerk.

Cham went in for a punch and a fight ensued. With my luck I ended up getting socked in the face. I remember Cham swearing at Jeff...Jeff leaving...Brady yelling at Cham...Brady picking me up...Cham telling him to put me down...Brady ignoring him and taking me into his apartment.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 9 years
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Enoshima Sama 10 years
Hm.. I do like your stories. The issue is that all of the character seem to be the same! A jealous, somewhat violent feedee, and a submissive feeder.
Just a small pattern I've noticed.
Fatfiction 13 years
@new_pot_belly Thank you for such a great comment!!! I really like Cham, lol.
Fatfiction 13 years
MrCharles and Core, I think a personal baker could get very expensive XD
Core 13 years
me, too^^